Unoffical Playable Sethrak Discussion Thread

This makes me wonder how a Sethrak would look in the Sprite Darter tmog.

I bought it for my worgen druid, don’t kill me.

A hood over a hood. It’s doable.

I imagine they might look hilarious.

Playable Sethrak please, Blizzard. :snake: :crossed_fingers:


Me and my sister escaped the boundaries of the Temple of Sethraliss again to get into some cool new spots to take pictures! It’s crazy how big this dungeon really is! It would be an awesome major city if Sethrak were to ever become playable.

I love this last picture because you can see a Sethrak glitched into the rocks in the background taking a peep. :smile:


I’ve been wondering about this. If there is a reason why this dungeon is so large and why there are out of bounds areas that are mostly fleshed out.

It reminds me a lot of Suramar City to be honest.
The theme is obviously different but big city full of baddies. We help a sect of rebels. There’s a dungeon/raid within part of the city.
You help the rebels take out the bad and reunite the people as one.

Hm. :thinking: Lots of parallels here. Or am I crazy?

(Playable Sethrak, please Blizzard. :snake::pray:)

Also, I forget who asked but here’s an example of one of my snakes coming to beg when called.

I’ll take a vid sometime.


If Sethrak ever become playable, i hope they get an instanced version of the dungeon that they can hang in. Kind of like how Dark Iron Dwarves get an instanced section of Shadowforge city.

That’s adorable!

I’ve always wanted a pet snake, since they’re one of my most favorite animals, and ARE my favorite reptiles. But the thing is, i also love the animals that snakes eat lol.


This is a great idea! Why not throw it in as a suggestion in the in game suggestion box? Once we can log back in that is, lol.

Get a Garter Snake. :rofl:

They’re pretty much the dogs of the snake world. They love food and eat just about everything. I feed mine earth worms, fish, mice, frog legs and chicken hearts.

Mine love to come to the edge of the glass and beg.



I also asked for Worgen tails again lol.

I love Garter Snakes. Anytime i see one outside i rush over to pick it up and hold it for a bit before letting it go. My mom used to get so mad at me when i picked up snakes when i was younger lol.

If i ever do get a pet snake, it most likely would be a Garter Snake.


Unrelated, but related

I’m not sure why, but the article heading was somewhat hilarious


Id just pick up the snakes and relocate them back outside lol.


This whole article is asinine fear mongering. First a video of a venomous coral snake eating another snake and then a picture of a pile of Western Diamondback Rattlesnakes.

The snakes are just trying to help. xD With rodent control. Or looking for a place to take a winter nap.

This would be my reaction:

Ditto. I have a whole colony. Most of them were relocated off a coworker’s property. They have such great personalities. I’m raising some babies as well. One of the females had a small litter. I’m raising them up and letting them go in the spring.

Reminds me that we STILL haven’t seen a single child Sethrak. xD Even naga have some evidence of their kids.

Where are the baby danger noodles?

We also don’t know if the Sethrak women lay eggs or bear live children.


This is exactly how I feel about spiders and bugs. Where I’m from there’s pretty much no spider that’s dangerous so I don’t have to worry about being bit, they just control mosquitos and flies for me.

In my foray into NA I encountered tons of actually dangerous spiders and I found a giant one yesterday, I hate having to be careful of spiders here.

I tried exploring that on one, it was a bit disappointing tbh.

I hope they make it a fully fledged capital, the potential for that place is amazing.



Pest control people come around my home often and are always confused when I ask them why I’d want their services…

I know how to keep the pests out of my stuff without having to kill them, and otherwise don’t see why I’d kill off spiders or snakes…

I have a small family of wild bunnies in my backyard too…

If you go to the mountains in CA be careful of millipedes. Some of them produce cyanide.


It never made sense to me for worgen to have tails. They are under the curse lycanthrope which causes them to have a wolf like appearance but not grow a tail. Just my useless two cents :laughing:

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That’s fine. Most just want the option.

Growing up werewolves always had tails in our stories so Worgen look odd to me without em.

Plus the rig is there already, (side effect of Saberon, Saurok, and Sethrak).


Probably a good thing. Most children models in this game are creepy looking lol.

Yeah, they shouldn’t have blocked half of the city off.

They did the exact same thing with Mechagnomes and Mechagon city. The only place you can hang out in is the area where you fight King Mechagon. :confused:

There’s so many cool places that could become awesome capital cities.
Like Shadowforge, Mechagon, Suramar, Kezan.


Well you know what blizzard always does…

Minimum effort.



This is why we ended up with the crappy Nightborne player models that we have now rather than an updated version of the NPC ones. :frowning:

So hoping Blizzard fixes Nightborne in the future. I love mine, but i just wish i could make her look more like the NPC’s.

Also, so i don’t get too off topic… Give us playable Sethrak please, Blizzard!


Hopefully with their new direction in trying to be more player friendly they’ll put in lots of effort for Sethrak.

Sethrak for the Alliance! (but playable is fine blizz seriously please.)



Sethrak for the Alliance!
Sethrak for the Alliance!
Sethrak for the Alliance!


I mean. My ape butt looks out of place. So I would like the option at least. I think a quest with Goldrinn could open up the option for a tail. Optional tail. Not mandatory tail. I would atleast like it for my Worgen Druid.

And well you’re right about the kids. If Sethrak children look anything like the Vulpera children, I’ll be scared. If they’re more akin to troll children, or human, etc. It might not be so bad.

I submitted a few in game requests around what we’ve recently talked about. (No not Sethrak kids, lol)

But give us playable Sethrak blizzard!

And I just want Shadowlands to come out soonish. Mostly to see if all the Sethrak npcs have remained.

I also want to know where the heck they are. As the only one with a current location is the Soulbind. Obviously.

Also, this is highly entertaining.


Awhile ago, I linked the Stormbreaker achievement, stating that it would make for a great title for Sethrak characters. I’m mentioning it again because after a few weeks of working towards it, I finally got it.

It’s pretty much an achievement consisting of several achievements on the Isle of Thunder:

The one that took the longest to accomplish was this one:

Mostly because the item you need to summon the boss mobs are time gated. You can get one a week via a weekly quest that can be from any random location in the area:

The rest either drop once from a rare mob spawn (only one a week from any rare mob, not per rare mob from my understanding), or you get lucky from a loot box you can get from the quarter master of your respective faction in the area.

Since I know some are working towards this achievement for if we get Sethrak playable, feel free to ask me any questions. I’ll do my best to try to answer them.

Let’s get some reptiles on that character creation screen! :snake: :crocodile: :turtle: