Unoffical Playable Saberon Discussion Thread

The Ethereal Discord Server has been updated.

Instead of it being focused on Ethereals as a playable race, I have included my other two suggested races: Arakkoa and Saberon.

If you’re interested in joining the server, the invite link is:

By default, you only have the generalized channels available to you. You can select which of the three you wish to have access to view the channels of. It’s in early stages, and I’m open to any and all suggestions to help improve it.

I’ll be sure to include the link at the bottom of OP as well.


Boy would I love to see Saberon playable. I don’t even care which faction gets them so long as they’re playable.

I have suggestions for Saberon customization.

Cheetah Pattern
Leopard Pattern
Snow Leopard Pattern
Clouded Leopard Pattern
Tiger Pattern (White and Orange)
Jaguar Pattern
Lion Pattern
Cougar Pattern
Ocelot Pattern
Onyx fur
White fur
Grey Fur

Eye Colors:
Glowing options

Eye Type:
Small Cat
Big Cat

Ear types:
Big cat (Lions, Tigers, and Jaguars)
Torn ear options
Notched ear options
Missing ear option


“Hair Styles” Or Fur Options:

Regal Mane
Scruffy Mane
Cheetah Mane
Face Tufts

Cheetah shape
Lion Shape
House Cat Shape
Smilodon Shape

Monstrous claws
Short claws
Small claws
Blunt claws
Broken Fang
Standard Feline Teeth

Eye Scar
Claw Marks Face

Any more suggestions?


Wonderful! Hope to see others there!

All of it.

Just all of it.


Glad you liked my suggestions.


When it comes to character customization options, I’m interested in having an orange tiger fur pattern for my male Saberon character I had in mind. I might consider a female Saberon character also, in which I imagine a white tiger fur color pattern for them.

Outside of that, I’d love to see what other fur patterns would be given to them. There are all kinds of IRL felines that would really make a good variety for customization options. It’d be cool to see which ones players would create and really make some good variety among Saberon players.

I’ll have to ponder some to see what other customization options you could add to Saberon. Balesong had a pretty great list that would make for some great customization options. :cut_of_meat::tiger2:


I love all of those! You should be in charge of developing them xD


Still not sure what I’d do for a Saberon character… probably use a cheetah look myself.


Thank you! I just happen to really love cats of all types. It’s my passion.


Support for Saberon! I was kinda sad when they removed the saberon cat form for druids. But… well now they can put it to use and make them a full race, I would say.


I was thinking some about the Saberon and Botani appearance in the Mag’har unlock scenario, and had an interesting thought about it.

Originally, I believe there was going to be a warfront set in the Barrens. I wondered if at the time, Saberon and Botani would’ve played a role in there. Likely, in such a case, they would’ve been jobbers meant for us to kill during said warfront and nothing more, never to appear or be mentioned on Azeroth afterwards. Fast forward to today, we learned that warfronts were dropped and abandoned.

The interesting thought I had is that since warfronts were abandoned, this opens up more of an opportunity to do more with the Saberon and Botani in Azeroth.

With regards to the Botani, my own personal opinion is that it is hard to see them becoming a playable race. Not impossible, I’m sure, but given how they were on Draenor, I have a hard time imagining seeing them being friendly at all. If anyway, I’m more concerned of leaving them unchecked, as who knows what they’re up to. It’s kinda terrifying when you think about it.

However, for the Saberon, the abandonment of warfronts opens a pretty good opportunity to do something with them that is more than just making them glorified quest jobbers. They’re a race that, if given some love and creativity, would make for a pretty cool playable race with more fleshed out lore and personality, regardless of what faction they would go to.

If such a thing does occur, it’s interesting to see how a failed system opened the doors for more playable race opportunities. As such, I feel that it’s important to share some ideas, fan works, and such for Saberon to show off how they could work as a playable race. You never know what will come of it as a result.

Look at it with an open mind, and you’ll see there could be some awesome potential for playable Saberon! :cut_of_meat::tiger2:



add them to my new spec concept, where every class gets a new spec that includes a shapshift into a related class. preset armor. example:

new spec: necromancer
shapeshift: lich/banshee alliance, san’layn horde
pets: undead alliance, bats horde

new spec: bard (plays war drums)
shapeshift: saberon lion/leopard alliance, saberon panther/tiger horde
pets: floating musical instruments

other possibility:

customization for worgen (doesnt make sense but easy to add)

Horde needs the Alliance have the wolves ~

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Wailing. Caverns.

They headed into the Barrens and that place is twisted beyond repair. Imagine if just one of those Botani had a Genesaur Seed with them and got their roots deep into that place?

Blizzard needs to let me write that story!

I wonder what they could do with the ruins of that Dwarven Fortress out in the Southern Barrens?


You know, I always wondered why legion mage tower gave us were-bear but didn’t give us back Saberon-cat form.

I wonder if there was some way they could bring back mage tower and give us a new color for were-bear, along with saberon-cat form? :thinking: :thinking:

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That sounds like a good way to revamp some of the Barrens story in general and also remake that dungeon as a result. I can see some big potential there.

Maybe hold the biggest BBQ party ever! I mean, there is a lot to hunt in the Barrens. :cut_of_meat::tiger2:

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Azeroth is going to seem like paradise to the saberon with all of it’s varied environments and plentiful food to hunt. That is, until they live through their first apocalypse which technically is already happening in regards to the Scourge rampage. I wonder if Saberon can be raised into undeath.


Yep .

I’m with you wondering why it was retired also. I like the fact that it’s somewhat similar the the AQ mounts that no one can ride outside of AQ. (BLIZZARD, PLEASE LET US RIDE OUR AW MOUNTS OUTSIDE OF AQ)

If you look at the store, you’ll notice they also retired the Bat mount. Luckily, you can still get a Bat from Islands, but it is a head scratcher why those were both retired.

I’m lucky in the aspect that I bought them both when they were active, but I have no Epeen about them and would have 0 problem with both being brought back.

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If I were to guess, I’d say they would survive it just fine.

Seeing as Azeroth is suppose to be getting swarmed with undead while we’re in the Shadowlands, I wonder if we’ll see anything of that or if the world (of Warcraft!) will get by with minimal (if any) damage outside of flavor text.

Maybe if the rumors of an old world revamp come, that could come into play, although I would think such a revamp would be more about rebuilding as opposed to another cataclysmic event. Regardless, I imagine all the races, playable and NPC, will get out of it just fine.

I don’t see why they wouldn’t be able to. Not to mention that Death Knights would be a likely class for them if they became playable. I will say that fighting undead cat men does sound pretty terrifying, considering the claws and teeth.

Whether living or undead, Saberon are tough regardless of their living state, I’d say! :cut_of_meat::tiger2:


I’d really like to see the Scourge concluded in a respectful and meaningful way. Damage and deaths should be reflected in game, if not I’m going to be disappointed.

Just imagining undeath enhanced saberon gives me the chills. It’d be awessome.


I would definitely roll one, especially if they where Horde. I didn’t bother to look at the entire thread but do you think they would get Running Wild or would that be exclusive to Worgen? :thinking:

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