I was thinking some about the Saberon and Botani appearance in the Mag’har unlock scenario, and had an interesting thought about it.
Originally, I believe there was going to be a warfront set in the Barrens. I wondered if at the time, Saberon and Botani would’ve played a role in there. Likely, in such a case, they would’ve been jobbers meant for us to kill during said warfront and nothing more, never to appear or be mentioned on Azeroth afterwards. Fast forward to today, we learned that warfronts were dropped and abandoned.
The interesting thought I had is that since warfronts were abandoned, this opens up more of an opportunity to do more with the Saberon and Botani in Azeroth.
With regards to the Botani, my own personal opinion is that it is hard to see them becoming a playable race. Not impossible, I’m sure, but given how they were on Draenor, I have a hard time imagining seeing them being friendly at all. If anyway, I’m more concerned of leaving them unchecked, as who knows what they’re up to. It’s kinda terrifying when you think about it.
However, for the Saberon, the abandonment of warfronts opens a pretty good opportunity to do something with them that is more than just making them glorified quest jobbers. They’re a race that, if given some love and creativity, would make for a pretty cool playable race with more fleshed out lore and personality, regardless of what faction they would go to.
If such a thing does occur, it’s interesting to see how a failed system opened the doors for more playable race opportunities. As such, I feel that it’s important to share some ideas, fan works, and such for Saberon to show off how they could work as a playable race. You never know what will come of it as a result.
Look at it with an open mind, and you’ll see there could be some awesome potential for playable Saberon!