Unoffical Playable Saberon Discussion Thread

Happy Near Year! :fireworks:

Just wanted to reaffirm my support for playable Saberon for this year and beyond. The whole Botani in Barrens scenario is just ripe of potential (and likely some horrific and not so nice things from the Botani’s work). I’m hoping we’ll get to deal with that sooner than later. And with any luck, we’ll be able to get playable Saberon out of it.

So here is to a new year and more playable Saberon support! Cheers! :lion:

–Playable Saberon would be grrrrrrrreat! Always! :cut_of_meat::tiger2:


I agree.

But its just the same thing as the Druid Saberon form from Warlords of Draenor.
People have been BEGGING for it to come back, and Bizzard just pretends they can’t see it. Seriously, we have been asking for it to just be another form like the Giant Werebear form for Guardian Druids. But nothing. Absolutely nothing for like what? 8 years?

I want this so hard, but so do the Druids.
But but, Blizzard doesn’t want it…

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A small group of mag’har have been cursed with a draenic form of lycanthropy. They now struggle to contain the primal saberon spirit within them.

Edit: wow and look at that, they aren’t overly skinny and pathetic looking like the dracthyr!

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Female Saberon dance can be the sad cat dance lol

I misread the title of this thread as “Unofficial playable Suburban discussion thread.”

And I was like, Suburban?? This is taking mounts too dang far in this game. I came in here to argue. Now that I see it’s not what I thought I am in full support.

Nice bait and switch OP. Very nice.


I had no idea what this was but after I looked it up I’m going to say I hope they pick any other dance but that one. For one thing, it’s not really a dance, it’s just anime girls bouncing their boobs.

My vote is for this:

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it’ll cost a raid tier you’ll just get 3 sets of motions on loop like the rest of us and WoDs and many other missing raid tiers are there to bear witness of what we’ve been robbed of

IDK, there are parts with a smooth, catlike quality, but it keeps going back to the fast shake part. Maybe if they just picked out a short section of it.

and tbfh panda girls do caramelldansen so i wouldn’t be surprised if we see it

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They made Beyonce’s and Lady Gaga’s dances work. I have faith they could make a good shortened version of this dance.

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can’t be any worse than kul tiran females wannabe ballerina dance, atleast male kul tiran has the dad bod swagger


I thought human females had the worst dance and then they released female KT.

i think the real reason we never got the dance studio is because everyone would use the same dance similar to how everyone ran belf pre BFA for the extra silence

The Saberon aren’t a curse though…


Blizz created an entire expansion around time travel solely because they thought it would be cool. Lore takes a backseat to Rule of Cool and gameplay mechanics

Also, worgen were retconned pretty hard. Their original lore implied they were being ripped from another planet every time a major magical event took place on Azeroth (something along those lines). They were their own people and had their own culture in vanilla. All of that was tossed to justify worgen on alliance

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They weren’t retconned… Well not like that anyways.

Their vanilla lore had them being ripped from another realm, not world, and was always tied to the Scythe of Elune.

You could even follow their path in vanilla from Ashenvale to Duskwood to Silverpine.

Which is still in place for their lore, and their old lore reads much more like their origin is unknown beyond being pulled from another realm as though the ‘narrator’ doesn’t know.

I think blizzard always intended them to be linked to Druidism. I doubt they had the full story solidified until Cata though.

Saberon on the other hand are pretty heavily set in their lore even noted in Chronicle pretty well for a side race.


In recent FFXIV news, playable female Hrothgar were announced to finally be coming out in the near future:

I’ll keep an eye out for videos showing off their customization whenever they’re available to share here for Saberon customization idea inspiration. Maybe it would inspire Blizzard to consider adding playable Saberon if we’re lucky. :lion:

–Playable Saberon would be grrrrrrrreat! Always! :cut_of_meat::tiger2:


this is Mercenary from grimoire of Zero i kinda expect the playable saberon to be kinda like this build in a way as how they’re shown to be bulkier than worgen ingame idk bout the females though, if you’ve ever watched the show you know how big this guy is


WoW Chronicle Volume 4 is in the works, which will cover several expansions including WoD and BfA:

I’m curious if there is going to be any mention of the Saberon and Botani that came with us from the Mag’har unlock scenario. Not that I expect anything new about it, but a mention so that it isn’t a forgotten plot point would be nice. There is also WoD, so maybe there could be some Saberon stuff mentioned there.

Of course, the series was suppose to be a definitive lore source, but has been retconned several times. So it’s hard to know if anything in this book will stick or just be changed on a whim in the future.

It’s something I’m going to add to my wishlist for now. Whenever I do get it, I’ll be sure to report on if anything Saberon related is mentioned in there. Not expecting much, if anything if I’m honest, but you never know.

–Playable Saberon would be grrrrrrrreat! Always! :cut_of_meat::tiger2:


(Wandering Isle Saberon - by Liem Nguyen)