Unoffical Playable Saberon Discussion Thread

With Shadowlands ending, the next expansion’s announcement will likely come at some point after that, which will be interesting to see what direction the game goes.

The biggest rumors going around seem to involve the Dragon Isles and also an old world revamp, which I assume will consist of Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms. I don’t know if Saberon would have a role in a Dragon Isles expansion, assuming it would be based on the whole expansion as opposed to being part of an expansion, but the old world revamp has a lot of possibilities.

Kalimdor getting revamped would mean that the Barrens would be updated, which potentially would have the Botani and Saberon that came with us from Draenor in the Mag’har Orc unlock scenario. There is some neat potential to flesh out Saberon as a playable race for either faction, along with hopefully other races people have been requesting for awhile, and some interesting storylines with the Botani, likely in an antagonistic role I assume.

Of course, both of those expansion themes are just rumors. It’s up in the air where we go from the afterlife, though I’m personally hoping to be back on Azeroth again at the very least. I’m hoping we see something come of the Saberon and Botani in Azeroth plot point, preferably with Saberon at least getting upgraded to playable race, though I will temper any expectations when we do get actual information on the next expansion.

I’ll keep an eye out for anything of Saberon interest in the future and report it here. In the meantime, I’ll continue to support playable Saberon as best as I can! :cut_of_meat::tiger2:

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I sincerely hope the next expansion sees us return to Azeroth and all the remaining races people have been requesting are added.


So according to this article, WoD launched on November 13th, 2014:

This makes it 7 years since that expansion launched…where does the time go?

Since Saberon made their debut in this expansion, I wanted to share it as a sort of Saberon birthday/anniversary thing. I remember during WoD, it was cool to see a Catmen race in WoW finally, though there wasn’t much to them since they were designed as enemy mooks. Since we left AU Draenor, I didn’t have a lot of hope at the time of them becoming playable, sadly.

Of course, fast forward to BfA, and we see the whole Yrel and the Lightbound storyline, along with some Saberon escaping to Azeroth with us in the Mag’har unlock scenario. A bit of hope grew in me that something could be done with them, such as fleshing them out and maybe having them become playable someday. Granted, it’s hard to know what the chances we’ll even see them or the Botani that came with us in the future, but you never know.

And of course, we have a megathread now to help support them into becoming a playable race for either faction, which I plan to keep supporting them as a playable race at least as long as I play the game. You never know if such an idea will be considered for the future.

I really wasn’t a huge fan of WoD at all, but Saberon were one of a few good things that came out of it. I’ll still hope for the best for them, but we’ll see what direction the game takes us in the future. Maybe if the rumors of an old world revamp are true, we could see Saberon appear somewhere…preferably on that character creation screen as opposed to being jobbers for us to slaughter for quests.

At any rate, I’ll continue to help support them as a playable race and make sure they aren’t forgotten. In the meantime, happy anniversary to the Saberon! :cut_of_meat::tiger2:

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Very true. I’d like to see a world revamp for many reasons, however the potential for new stories and the continuation of unfinished stories/plots is at the top of the list. We could have a questline that leads us to attempt an alliance with the new Saberon tribe by aiding them against threats and helping them fortify their new village. I could see the botani being a major problem for everyone because unless these are different, botani hate animal life and hold plant life above all. After we go through the entire questline, Saberon become playable.

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I feel like regardless of what faction Saberon would go to, Botani would be involved in their storyline in some way.

The Botani are going to be a huge problem on Kalimdor in general for several reasons. I see them more as antagonists than a potential playable race, though I’m sure it could be written that way, and if Saberon are in the area, they’re going to be affected by them much how the Horde will be. Possibly any Alliance forces in Ashenvale will be also if Botani sphere of influence reaches that far.

I think it ties nicely into a recruitment questline. The Botani are good antagonists, Saberon are suddenly in a new world trying to survive likely after being hunted by Yrel and her forces, who could invade our world (of Warcraft!) at any point and time, so it seems like a neat little scenario that would wrap up the storyline of the extra passengers that came with us from AU DRaenor and give us a pretty neat playable race.

Obviously, a lot would need fleshing out, but there is some neat potential there. :cut_of_meat::tiger2:

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That would be a neat way to wrap things up.

I’m hoping they keep the Botani around as a major threat on Kalimdor whatever happens. The opportunity alone for the Wailing Caverns to be revamped again and made into a better dungeon cannot be ignored. The botani going in there and maybe succeeding in rebirthing a Genesaur? That could be a major story point affecting things for years to come!

I like the idea of them heading into Kalimdor’s northern forests too, or even Desolace, Stonetalon and Feralas.

Have them become this major issue.

Also it would be an entertaining show of Overgrowth compared to Regrowth that the Cenarion Circle is trying to do in many of the more barren landscapes of Kalimdor.


Years ago I’d played Ultima Online. At one point, they had a game in development that was much more visually similar to Warcraft that I was quite looking forward to. It ended up getting canceled, but I always loved the concept work for the gargoyles and wanted to play one. I got nostalgic one night and was looking the images up around the end of Legion and had the realization that I sorta got my wish in WoW. Their gargoyles (there’s even a wingless variety) were pretty similar to Draenei and the Lightforged even had the metallic tattoos.
Just claws for feet instead of hooves.
lol, looking the images up again, the male reminds me of Kil’jaeden.
This has the images.

Really should drop class restrictions and just give visuals to make each class work for races that need it, and allow them to be chooseable options for others to pick from.

Leaving them unchecked would give the Cenarion Circle very good reason to approach them. Perhaps they could come to terms and recruit them into helping regrow various areas but not overly so. Whether playable or not…could be interesting if they were. I don’t mind additional options.

I’d wanted to see an expansion where the Legion took over and we had to come back and fight them off and reclaim zones, restoring them along the way, perhaps even rebuilding them, as we quested to fight back the Legion.
Something like that could work well for the Scourge as well. Doubt we’d see it though.

Another good reason to make it so you can hide your weapons in Transmog. I know worgen have been asking for that for a while now. Saberon would be another good reason!

It’s not mutually exclusive.
Both would be good =]

Pattern it a bit after Purgatory that Death Knights have.

Lore can be tweaked to make pretty much anything possible.
Maybe just have Shirvalla be all “OMG I CAN HAZ CAT PEOPLES” and approach them…they’re all excited and adopt him as their patron loa…boom. Druids. lol.

I’ve been wanting Night Elven Worgen for a while now with all wolf based druid forms…poking around in the wow model viewer I noticed the big eel boss from The Eternal Palace was labeled as a wolf eel. Previously I’d been thinking of a shark or something similar.

A catfish or tigershark would be a cool one for Saberon :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Is there a tigershark model?

An unlikely but fun version would be a nightborne making a transformation spell…Nightborne WereManaSaberon!


Good question…


I’m curious if there might be a tiger shark skin for a shark mob somewhere. Especially since there is a tiger shark belt item in the game:

I’m assuming this is from an actual tiger shark as opposed to “tiger shark” being a brand name for something in the game.

Can’t really find anything about tiger shark mobs in-game. Wowpedia does have a list of sharks, but nothing noticeable that I saw:

I’ll try to look more closely at the types of shark mobs later, but if Saberon could become Druids, then a tiger shark aquatic form would be very fitting! :cut_of_meat::tiger2:


True! Though I’d like to see a variation in seal fur color for all druids. The Saberon druid cat form could be similar to Kimbul’s model.


How about a sea lion form for Saberon Druids?

Would potentially work for male Saberon Druids at least.

I’m not really sure what the chances are of Saberon being able to be druids, but it is a fun thing to think about regardless. :cut_of_meat::tiger2:


Leopard seal!


Yes! They’re spotted and perfect for Saberon.


On the subject of Druid forms, a new cheetah travel form was datamined from patch 9.2, shown here:

I imagine something similar would go very well for Saberon Druids if they could become that class. Again, not sure if they would, but I’m speculating for fun on if they could. :cut_of_meat::tiger2:


Made the very upsetting discovery today that the Rogue pickpocket glyph does not work on any of the Saberon NPCs in WoD. If you want the appearance of a Saberon, you have to get a very difficult to obtain toy. This really blows :confused:


Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize that it was so hard to get. I guess I’m lucky to have it.


I didn’t really have any difficulty getting the toy, myself. Getting the Smuggler’s Den is easy, though getting the summoned vendor to have the item for sale can be tedious if the RNG gods don’t favor you. Moreso when the vendor has a 10 minute cooldown. I recommend loading up some YouTube videos or something as you attempt getting it in case you have a bit of a wait.

Also, with Turkey Massacre Day (U.S. Thanksgiving) coming up, I wanted to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday. I found this neat video of some tigers and lions being fed some turkey to celebrate the occasion.

Please note that these are trained professionals who have worked with these animals, so do not attempt doing such things yourself. Also, turkeys used were frozen turkeys bought at Walmart and not the turkeys shown in the video.

Hoping that Saberon will be able to celebrate Pilgrim’s Bounty someday with lots of delicious food! :cut_of_meat::tiger2:


Aw! What a happy lion!


When we get new expansions, something I like to do is to take models of races I want playable and have them go through some of the intro segments and cinematics to show off what it could look like if those races were playable through screenshots. This is all done either with my Rogues, via Glyph of Disguise, or a toy when applicable.

For the following screenshots, I used the Saberon toy to turn into one. Here is what I came up with:

A Saberon champion arrives at the top of Icecrown Citadel!

He stands among the heroes of the Horde and Alliance to see what the situation is.

He then proceeds to help open the way the the Maw!

-As you can see, despite using the male Worgen model, the Saberon doesn’t have an animation for pulling the beam thing to the shiny parts for this segment.

The Saberon Champion then proceeds to open the way to the Maw!

-The animation here was pretty neat. The cycle for it lasts for a few seconds and looks like the Saberon is conjuring some major magical spell or something. A shame I couldn’t catch it on video.

The Saberon champion arrives in the Maw!

-Cinematics are random whether they use the illusion model you have on or not. This one worked, but the ending one where you go into Oribos does not, for example. It depends how the cinematics are coded, I assume.

The Saberon champion surveys the area, ready to hunt!

That is all I took for now. I’ll be taking more screenshots in the future with this toy! :cut_of_meat::tiger2:


that would be awesome, omg

I’ve always wanted centaur because I’m Sagittarius, but if we had a Saberon like these in the pictures it would be really cool in game.