I’m glad you like it, I thought it was a good idea. Those were just my first thoughts, and of course they’d be able to add more since the average amount of racials are like 5. I very much would want them to keep the translocator racial, as I think the Alliance deserve something similar to the Camp racial Vulpera have and it also fits with their technological side.
Another idea a friend of mine had was giving ethereals a summonable void storage with no fee to deposits and withdraws
Given the ending of BfA and the handful of hints sprinkled in Shadowlands thus far, the next expansion going down those lines is a very likely possibility.
Feel free to ask about playable Ethereals, or whatever else you’d like. Try not to spam it with questions, as it would be disrespectful to others hoping for their own question to get answered.
I completely agree, personally I think this would make for a great option if they went with a feline and we ignore the druid idea since it doesn’t fit with the race. https://i.postimg.cc/2yv8pT0d/140508-01.jpg