Unoffical Playable Ethereal Discussion Thread

One is draenei with yellow tattoos and the other is a blood elf with weird hair. Both suck.

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To be fair, almost all of the allied races are just a copy of an existing race with minor visual differences. The main differences, and the primary reason for why I at least like them over the others, is their story.

Aside from Vulpera and Kul’tirans all AR are reskins and modifications.

All were wonderful.

Even if you do not like the aesthetics of KT and MGs they are also still neat in their own ways.

Ethereal’s will no doubt be as well.

Plus I want that Camel ethereal mount thing…

The camel mount is definitely epic.

I don’t really like it when people say that just because something is popular that means it has more reason to be an allied race. As long as some people enjoy it, I would call it a success. Although I will say that sometimes I think there are certain races or designs that may be better based on certain factors.


I find too many base whether something in WoW has succeeded or not on their viewpoint on it alone. Overall success of a race or class would be more difficult to nail down.

I think MGs and KT did well for instance. But thats because I have friends in those circles.

its clear other circles didn’t enjoy them.

Ethereal’s I think will be the same. Some will enjoy them immensely others will not.

Yea. I will say Etherials have been long requested. To me they would make a good addition.

Now this is a race that we NEED!!

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Absolutely agree, and the wait is brutal.

Heh. Its right up there with ogre and naga fans. Both races that have been requested since classic yet still not playable.

Just checked the character creation screen, still missing ethereals.

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Looking forward to leveling my next alt, and my Classic character eventually, through TBC to see all the ethereals.

Seems everyone is focused on torghast and SLs in general, rather than AR threads.


I do hope that you and those others get their desired race one day.

Yeah, it certainly is a shame. Also doesn’t help that people make a bunch of duplicate threads which drives these sorts of threads down the list.

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You earn 1 Ethereal Credit for everything that you kill that rewards XP/Honor.
(2,300 for full set)

Eh. I can’t see ethereals as a fully playable race mainly because… well, they’re not mortals. That’s something that the other playable races all have in common and seems to be an unwritten rule, which is why I also can’t see any Shadowlands races becoming playable. They don’t leave behind a proper corpse when they “die”. I imagine they don’t even eat or drink.

They’re also not a race native to Azeroth or in the same situation as the orcs and draenei (living there because their old home planet was rendered uninhabitable) and, as Rhielle pointed out, have no love for anyone but themselves. They wouldn’t have any interest in fighting for Azeroth and wouldn’t exactly make for good allies if they could just pack up and go back to the Nether, the Void, or wherever they came from at any time.

Also, a lesser nitpick, but most of their notable aspects are already covered by other races: blood elves and nightborne have their arcane schtick, void elves have their Void schtick, and goblins and vulpera are already the merchant races.

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I spent most of my time today afking inside the eco-domes of Netherstorm. Even though we can’t play ethereals yet, it’s at least nice that I can be around them and pretend.

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Of note for those mentioning goblin and vulpera already fill the merchant role, understand that BOTH of those races were given to the Horde. The Alliance has zero race that fills the merchant role.

+1 for Ethereals, especially for Alliance.

This morning I woke up from a dream where ethereals were added as a playable race. It turned into a nightmare though after seeing the models were changed into mummies instead of what they’re supposed to be. It ended on a good note though after walking up to Ion and telling him to fix it.

What racials do you see them having?

Oh wait I see em. Missed it when I looked the first time.

I rather like your phase shift idea.

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