Unoffical Playable Ethereal Discussion Thread

I’ve been dreaming of playable ethereals since TBC. Almost all the new races added since have been disappointments, and all are huge disappointments when compared to the missed opportunity of playable ethereals.

My dream expansion would be a return to a revamped (partially restored?) Outland, a void-based story with a possible trip to Ka’resh (like Argus in Legion). Probably too much to ask but if they managed to do that and also threw in playable naga… well it would probably be the best WoW expansion of all time!

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With the whole armistice thing between the Horde and Alliance and the ability to group and guild with each other, I feel like neutral playable Ethereals would make the most sense and be more likely than just being on one faction.

Of the races that I feel would be best as neutral, Ethereals to me make the most sense. Not only are they opportunistic, but the Horde and Alliance both work with them to maintain some of the portals in the portal rooms. Sure, this is likely just a business transactions as opposed to sworn loyalty, though at once point in Orgrimmar, an Orc NPC mentioned Ethereal “allies” with one of the portals was broken and under construction when talking to them. Not sure if you would call a business partner an ally, but still something of interest.

Sure, if they were only one faction, I would lean them towards Alliance, but I’m honestly feeling like neutral would be the best fit for them. Especially since they would be a race that would need a lot of work in giving them playable models, so I could see that as another reason to make them neutral.

And if they did become a neutral playable race, I would go Horde with my Ethereal character of course. I’d always do that for any neutral race, regardless how I felt before, since Horde is my preferred and favorite of the factions. In some cases, I’d also make Alliance characters in addition to Horde characters of the same race, but Horde would always be my go-to for neutral races for first pick.

Just a thought I had that I wanted to share. :moneybag::ghost:





Oh that’s amazing! Wonderful to see this brought to game mock up life!


Ethereal could play a role for our fight against the Void in the Midnight expansion. Neutral race seems to be the best option for them.


Midnight having a void theme would be a pretty big opportunity to have Ethereals involved, granted it sounds like there will be an elf focus around it. Still, the Horde and Alliance have Ethereal allies, so maybe we could see something from them.

And I agree with neutral being best for them. It makes the most sense to me and Ethereals are one of the top races I think of as neutral. Ethereals, Sethrak, and Tuskarr make for great and reasonable neutral races, in my own personal opinion.

While it’ll be awhile before we get details on Midnight, I’ll keep my eyes peeled for anything to report back here. It’ll be interesting to see if they play any role in the future.



(Ethereal - by DemonicSerpent101)


Ethereals would be an amazing race to play as! Also their cultures could be really neat to see expanded.


I think about this since several days but if Midnight expansion is about the Void, we could get the Ethereal in the story and even maybe as neutral race. Ethereal have connections with the Void so I wouldn’t surprise to see some Ethereal stuffs in Midnight.


Maybe into the Void Expansion could be that for Midnight.


Ethereals would make a wonderful race in Midnight.


Due to Locus Walker I would give Void Etherals to the Alliance and normal Etherals to the Horde for obvious reasons.

Not unreasonable for sure.

I wonder if we all won’t just get them as a neutral thing with all types included though.


MMO-Champion had an article on datamined models from TWW and among them was what looked like an Ethereal model:

I don’t know the context of this model and we likely won’t know until TWW comes out. Maybe it’s from the Void Elf racial hub? Or maybe enemy mooks we have to beat up? Hard to know really.

If I see anything else of Ethereal interest, I’ll be sure to help report on it! :moneybag::ghost:


Yesss. Curious to see where that will pop up.

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Ethernal could work with us to avoid the same fate for Azeroth like their old homeland. BC and void Ethernal unit as one to fight the void with the both factions.

And of course to get them as neutral race. :dracthyr_yay_animated:


Did you all hear that-


K’aresh was a world soul as well?

I really want to know whats going on there now so bad!


I can get behind this. I’ve always thought they were super cool looking :smiley:


Spoiler: K’aresh HAD a World Soul :open_mouth:
The Ethereals heard the Radiant Song warning of Dimensius’ arrival but didn’t take it seriously.


Please…I want to play one in Midnight