Unnerf dk ! nerf feral nerf ww nerf mm nerf war nerf frost mage

clearly the devs have no idea on what they are doing they are so incompetent why nerf dk damage just look at the awc all dks underperformed big time we are being out dps bye ferals mm ww locks wars … but noo nerf dks the people that complain dont know how to press a defensive … or sit there in cleave and complain … every expac the devs fail dks and listen to majority of sooks who dont know how actually play beside smash key board and complain when they lose dk isnt honestly that great before nerfs … please replace the devs with a competent team that knows what they are doing !


Unholy did way too much damage and needed to be toned down. Good changes.

lol okay then what about other classes ?
we were not at top thats for sure …bad changes


The other over performing classes were nerfed as well.

Revert coil nerf

Nerf feral bleeds

Nerf fmage ice lance to oblivion

Put blind and sap on the same dr chain and nerf cloak for rogues

And buff most tanks so they can actually carry flags again instead of mistweaver monks cheesing with exploits


I go over this in detail here,

Wait, what??? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

What exactly were we on top of?

Go ahead and find a list, ill wait.

Every single log show you guys were at least in the top 5. You’re delusional if you think otherwise.

Every single log of WHAT? and at WHAT rating?

And top 5? Oh now so your saying as 5th on the leaderboard this is a bad thing? Thats delusion at its peak.

What about the top 4? nerf them too kek? Or bring up the bottom bunch?

Do you not know what unholy does, its DOT DMG its not single target, fluff spead over a bunch of people is not good dmg, its FLUFF kek.

And im still waiting for you to post EVIDENCE, post these logs please.

“HoW DaRe Dk’S gEt 5tH oN dmG, DeF neeDs a nerf Durrr” listern to yourself.


Here is the 3v3 rankings.

the top dk is 51st.

There is only 6 in the top 100, and 2 are one guys alts, thats 5 players in top 100…
Yeah topping those meters bro, kek

and a total of 12 in the top 200… wow, really thinking a nerf is nessessary…

and only 8 in the top 100 Rated Bg’s… christ ill wait to see your link.

and only 5 in the top 100 in 2v2, wow looks like you are delusional.


You’re talking PvP. I’m talking PvE. A totally different animal.

The whole post, and reason, and changes…

Were PVP based:

Player versus Player Changes

  • Death Knight
    • Unholy
      • Death Coil damage reduced by 15% in PvP combat.

Go to bed kek. 1365 posts and never read the topic, or understood it, you are what is wrong with warcraft.


That’s not in the title. Nothing there says PvP. And the OP’ initial statement…

…mentions nothing of PvP.

Stop with the copium.

I dont think you know what copium means. If I was saying ‘It’s fine’ thats coping.

You are truly delusional. I see it now.

And if you actually read his post that YOU quoted, it states: ‘look at the awc’ in the first paragraph, thats pvp. The title mention’s the quote about dk nerf’s in realtion to… pvp. He mentioned people not knowing how to press a defenseive, thats not pve its pvp. And sitting in cleave, thats not pve its also… pvp.

Stay delusional bro <3 im not going to reply to you anymore unless you can state a fact, its clear your 14 years old with nothing better to do with 13k+ posts kek just admit you made a mistake and diddnt read his post, its how to grow, stay humble.


Read my post below about the top 100 in each pvp bracket, and explain yourself.


Ah, yes, the arena world championship event that is pve


To be fair, not everyone watches or knows about AWC. Which I think is what the Paladin is confused about.

Heck, I don’t even PvP as a DK and I know what AWC is. It’s quite sweaty.


Nobody cares about awc and the game isn’t balanced around it.

Anybody with a pair of working eyeballs could see unholy needed to be nerfed. If you truly think they were balanced then you are a fotm reroller and it’s time to switch to the next meta spec.

Get wrecked unholy. Maybe I’ll be able to play some blitz without seeing five unholy dks in every game.

I just looked at the representation and unholy has more representation than many specs COMBINED. Good riddance.