Revert Unholy Nerf in PVP, or rethink options, buff claw, frost, or pets, from a 2400 player

First my credentials: 2380 RBG, 2444 Blitz, and 2k+ arena exp, with 16 years + on and off of playing wow.

I love this game, especially pvp, well… certain iterations of it. I play DK, War, Rogue, Mage, Sham, but I have main’d my DK most expac’s, including this one, ever since RBG’s were introduced.

I want to
(1) Assess this nerf,
(2) assess previous nerf’s,
(3) Give the possible reason for this nerf.
(4) give feedback and offer alternative options,
(5) predict the future.

It should be noted I am speaking strickly from a pvp point of view but will use PVE as an example at some points; I pvp ALOT, I prefer it over PVE, i’m not amazing, but I have played at higher than average ratings in most formats.

Was the unholy deathknight damage ‘OuT oF cOnTrol?’ not according to the data. There was 1 deathnight in the recent AWC, mesx, and he diddn’t even do well. Why? Becasue unholy dmg is not the problem.

Is unholy the best class by damage in pvp? No. It’s outclassed by mage’s, feral’s, devo evoker, and hunter, just to name a few.

Is it over represented in the 2400 bracket where players whom are the best skilled at making the most out of classes exist? No.

So what was the reason for this nerf?

Assessing this nerf:
To truly comprehend this nerf we have to understand HOW many talents buff deathcoil and disease’s and how much of the kit was nerfed.
So lets list the things that buff Death Coil, and diseases.

a) Mastery: Increase’s shadow damage.
b) Haste: increase dot ticks, and rune regen.
c) Strength: increases dmg

d) Deathcoil related talents:

  1. Sudden Doom, procs deathcoils
  2. Runic Mastery, increased runic power for coils
  3. Reaping, increases deathcoil dmg
  4. Defile, (adds wounds, wounds are popped from deathcoil)
  5. Harbringer of doom (Deathcoil procs and dmg)
  6. Improved Deathcoil, more deathcoil dmg and cleave on coil
  7. Gholish Frezey (increase attack speed, effects Sudden Doom proc chance)
  8. Bursting Sores (Bursting wounds with deathcoil
  9. Coil of devastation = more dmg
  10. Infected Claws (Applies wounds that are then burst with coil)
  11. Pestilence (Casues dnd to apply wounds, that can then be burst with deathcoil)
  12. Deathrot (increses dmg)
  13. Raise abomination (applies wounds, that are then burst with coil’s)
  14. Unholy Assault = increase’s dmg.
  15. Runic Attenuation = more rune power more deathcoils
  16. Unholy Ground = more haste
  17. Brittle = more dmg
  18. Unholy Bond= MOre runeforge effects increase’s dmg to Coil’s
  19. Mograins might = more dmg in dnd
  20. Mawsworn menance = more dnd more wounds
  21. A feast of Souls = Deathcoil dmg %20+
  22. Hungering thirst = more deathcoil and damage)

c) Dot related talents:
23) Plague Bringer = speeds up dot ticks.
24) Foul infections = increased dmg
25) Improved festering strike = increased dmg on plaguebringer
26) Unholy Blight = applies dieses
27) Ebon fever = increase diesies haste
28) Morbidity = increase strength
29) Superstrain = applies the 3 dieses.

d) Rune force = effects increase st and dmg.

So bliz just hit 3 main stats, and 29 talents and our runeforge enchants… um, why?

Improved deathcoil literally add’s %15 to deathcoil dmg. Just nerf that 1 talent. Simple. Or just keep the dmg and nerf the cleave effect. No one needs it. No one wants it, no one cares, it will achieve less overall dmg that you want, and deathknights in pve and pvp will be fine, no one is looking at the off target thinking ‘I cant wait to see how much dmg I do to that off target!’ They just want to do the rotation and kill things, it’s out of sight out of mind, and not good gameplay design, you may as well just remove an add from each pack and remove the cleave. It’s mindless fluff. to prove this, think about the opposite, would it be better to add 3 plus mobs to each pack and then add an effect that hits 3 plus more mobs to every ability, if its not, then the opposite is also true.

“Yeah, hit this thing and passively do dmg to that other thing, isnt passive dmg fun?”

We can assume it’s due to data gathered at the end of bg’s, rbgs, blitz, shuffle etc, showing dots doing heavy dmg, hence why aff locks were nerfed too, the 3 dots, plus the dot from Deathcoil all cleave, and all tick on multiple characters.

Deathcoil hits 2x characters, can crit, and applies a ‘bleed effect’, AND burst’s wounds on every target hit, so if you drop dnd, and it stacks wounds and you ‘death coil’ with a ‘doom burst’ up, you can crit, and burst the wounds, on x2 targets, effectively doubling the dmg and applying the bleed effect, this is then increased when the target is below 35% hp. And remember all this ‘cleaves’ its doing x2 the dmg, but nothing is added to my target.

It seems like a lot, and it’s easy to accidentally do in a blitz, or a bg, with multiple targets around, but it’s essentially meaningless, RNG based, and a lot of it is not actively thought out by the player. It’s simply not dmg done to the kill target, it’s randomly and mindlessly hitting something you’re not targeting.

Aka, fluff.

x2 of that dmg needed the stars to align,
(a) the target needs to be next to the off target,
(b) I have to ‘fish’ for a doomburst proc’,
(c) a wound has to be RNG applied to the off target with dnd,
(d) and I have to face my character at both of them.
Again while in a blitz, or RBG this randomly occur’s often, never in my life have I ever counted that as good reliable dmg that required a nerf, nor have I been the victim of it and thought it was powerful. Nor have I read anyone ever say they were killed by dk dots while he killed someone else. BUT, again as mentioned, at the end of the BG, when looking strickly at ‘data’, aka ‘dmg done’, this seems big as its always ‘doubled on off targets’, aka fluff, x2 the dmg of anything else.

Do you think that bliz is looking at a sheet of data that says 'Damage from Deathcoil to main target hit 3638137 and off target hit 236823, or do you think the data simply says ‘damage done by deathcoil = xxxxxx’ … exactly.

This is the same as our ‘dots’, as it’s applied to multiple targets as an aoe when you
(a) ‘outbreak’, and then again when we
(b) ‘transform’ our pet (i) ‘if talented’,
and then again when we call
(c) ‘abomination’, (ii) ‘if talented’, and they spread ‘3’ dots to everything, (iii) ‘if talented’.
But this has nothing to do with my target, and it’s only applied ‘if talented’ to everything, that was never intentional by me. If I run into 1 player I do 100% of my dmg, however, if there is 10 players all stacked up, I just did 10x that dmg, this is why blizz nerfed this, they are looking at ‘data’ not gameplay, so the nerf makes sense ‘strickly’ from the eyes of the data gatherer. This is the reason for these nerfs.

(2) Previous nerfs are the same when it came to obliterate as frost. Why did they nerf Frost dmg? Because it ‘cleave’s’, when it hit for 75k it didn’t need a nerf, but if it his ‘2x’ targets, its now DOUBLING its damage on paper, when I read the dmg at the end of the arena, is says, ‘150k obliterate!’ WOW NERF THAT!!! and its nerfed, stricky from a ‘data gather’ point of view and not a gameplay one. Hence why bliz can’t explain the reasons for the nerf’s, the only reason being is ‘damage seems high’…

(3) Essentially the reason for the nerf’s are,… “CLEAVE IS THE ISSUE - NOT DAMAGE”:

If coil and obliterate did not cleave… they would have NEVER been nerfed. We simply dont do that much damage to single targets, never have I run down a healer solo and killed him, without extreme RNG and him misplaying.

(4) Feedback and possible solutions are: The damage from the dot based build seems high, only because it’s the only ‘viable spec’ and ‘cleaves’, and people have poured countless hours and gold making it so, even skipping tier pieces to ensure high haste and mastery, because its currently the ONLY VIABLE SPEC, Frost just can’t get to the target to do that dmg and has to wait for ‘windowns’ of 45’s a piece to do its burst rotation, and pet’s just dont hit hard enough to be viable or reliable. SO everyone built haste and dot builds and when it comes to pvp, we can’t sit on one target. as we cant kill it. so we apply spread pressure, and here we are. Reduce the ‘cleave’ potential, not the damage. As mentioned about ‘improved death coil’ adds 15% and allowing the coil to cleave… just hit that. Either remove the %15, which then nets you what you wanted, or hit the cleave effect, because its not fun or necessary. IMO just wait until everyone is fully geared, wars and rogues haven’t even got enough crit from items yet to REALLY see them shine, and hunter and devo evokers are not even fully flushed out in full epics, yet just wait until they are kek.

What was the point of improved deathcoil exactly? You made a talent to increase its dmg by 15% then nerf coil by 15%, are you even reading your own talent tree’s? Remove the talent, and we can place a point elsewhere, Whats next?

Veteran of the third war increase’s stam by 20%…
“We have decreased Deathknight Stamina by 20%”
Blood Scent increases’s leech by 3%…
“We have decreased leech by 3%”
Who is on the balance team?
At least wait until everyone is fully pvp geared in 1-2 weeks, once everyone has more ‘vers’ form gear the dmg will shrink by 15% anyway.

  1. Predict the future:
    Everyone is going to reroll or talent out of anything to do with disease, it will be be gutted, and underrepresented, and eventually blizzard will revert this nerf.

Embarrassing. You wrote a novel because of some reduced disease and death cool damage?

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Haste doesn’t affect our diseases though. Wish it did.


It’s very interesting that it doesn’t. Gives nodes like Wither Away and Plaguebringer quite the value.

I think it’s one of the reason why Deathbringer is so strong compared to RotA for Frost Dks.

The disease-focused setup is the closest Unholy has been its original, and in my opinion best, iteration in a very long time. To see it destroyed so soon is certainly obnoxious, particularly when every available metric indicates it was not even remotely close to overperforming.


What’s embarrassing is having peaked at 1800, reaching 1139 with a 40% win rate in 2’s after 30 games, then having the audacity to come into every post about the topic acting like you know anything about a spec you don’t even play, and I’m pretty damn sure you bought your 1800. Its obvious.
Too bad you can’t buy intelligence.


Oh no, don’t make fun of my rating. Lmao.

Bro youre 1600 in shuffle and 2100 in blitz and you have the balls to make fun of other peoples ratings? Hahah cmon man now youre just embarrassing yourself.

its *coil, and you diddnt repute one fact.

13k posts 13IQ. You are whats wrong with warcraft.

Your just crapping up threads, you have little to no exp, and are to scared to post on your main, take your drolling trolling elsewhere child, and after 16 years of playing on or off and seeing it all who do you think holds more weight here, myself with 16years and 2400 exp posting 30 times, or you, who cant break 1900 with 10k+ posts. Its insane you think we are in the same league. Go to bed loser.


I wish they would have leaned into it more.

Instead we still have the outdated wound system.

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Festering Wounds = cokefiend combo points.


correct, just give us 50% and nerf our dmg, at least we can pressure a healer thats all the spec has, we cant spam cc, cant spam heal, we only do dmg, then they take dmg KEK!

I think I’m starting to understand what it felt like to play a ret paladin in vanilla WoW.

Yes, for two reasons.

  1. I’m not insulting people for valid concerns.
  2. I’ve broken 2k every season I’ve participated in whereas you’ve never broken 1800 (that’s the bare minimum imo).

I don’t think 2k is something to brag about either, but I also don’t go into the forums acting like I know how to balance the game let alone against players way above my skill level.


Omg death knight I think you’re dead…
…Its over dude.

youtu. be/QuwFWGmND3o?si=Y314BytZhz_vErIc&t=809


Personally I feel like this is unnecessary. At a high level I do not think DKs need these nerfs. I think these are nerfs that are specifically targeted to average/below average players.

youtu. be/NQ2PJmnoCmk?si=AT5ZUHQ_S_ZqFDYh&t=709


It’s happening, the dk nerf will be reverted, I can feel it.

Yeah they’re not getting nerfs reverted. They’re still incredibly strong, wouldn’t be surprised to see them nerfed more in the future.

Fatback sitting on forums just to troll dk nerf posts, no lifer


Sure DKs do a lot of damage if you sit in the middle of all the pets. any pvp player that’s been remotely close to 1800 can avoid a large part of the burst. Plus Many other classes can easily shut DK down. Ferals nuke death knight and have an even stronger cleave, warriors, rogues, hell even monks. My warlock and monk in less gear pre UDK nerf was not only holding higher damage, but also bursting for substantially more. If you think unholy deserved the nerf, I can’t wait until you get matched against a feral right now because they are leaving DK in the dust

It wasnt even that Aero, its that the talent ‘improved deathcoil’ made us cleave so on data dmg charts at the end of bg’s it looked like we are pumping, when in reality this is all just fluff dmg to things we are not trying to kill for the sake of PVE cleave. gg.

When the top players are saying the DC nerf is the only thing that is relevant then these outrage farmers are doing absolutely nothing.

Blizzard isn’t going to revert these nerfs. It’s rare that they do revert nerfs and they 100% aren’t going to listen to people insulting others.

Virulent Plague is really the only disease that ticks hard.

And the people complaining can’t even keep their information straight. First it was about disease pad damage, then when Petkick was talking to me talked about DC cleave and now they are parroting that when he was talking about arena. Even in ST it’s the 3rd most damaging source.

These are entirely directed towards pvp and pve has no impact on it. Blizzard is looking at more data than just the top 3 people. The top DK players are still going to be high up because they are good players and they look for other ways to win instead of acting like unholy is just dead.

Outrage posting doesn’t work.