Unlock Mage Tower

Things in WoW I dont loose sleep over…

Not having the AQ gates mount.
Not having Corrupted Ashbringer.
Not having WoD and MoP CM gear.
Not having the scourge invasion tabard.
Not having Elite PvP sets.
Not having the Core Hound mount.
Not having the Haunted Memento.
The Mage Tower staying closed.


Are there ones I didnt get that I wanted, yes but at the same time that’s my own fault. And I got over half of them anyhow. So no keep it locked.


All mage tower forms should stay unobtainable even the druid ones…they were rewards and are special to those who worked hard and earned them in the time they were givin. And i have also read where people are wanting a skin similer to might of the grizzlemaw released in bfa. This should also never happen for it would take the uniqueness and specialness away from the werebear form for the druids that worked hard to earn it. Keep them all locked.

And i think it should stay right this way.

If the Mage Tower is reopened … i would want to also have a way to get my hands on the Class Sets that where obtainable through Mists of Pandaria Challenge Mode Dungeons … and the Weapons you could gain in Warlords of Draenor for doing Challenge Mode Dungeons too!

But as for the Mage Tower, the only way i see them made accessible again would be if your Character would be scaled down to the level, with the Artifact Weapon setup like back then … Just like you said in a Timewalking Event … but as bonehard as it was back then.

I would be super dissapointed if every schmuck can get his/her grubby little hands on those looks too easily …

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I hope that also the mop challenges and wod challenges also stay unobtainable so the players who earned them have something special from that xpac…i also dont think it would be possible to scale down players to a mage tower level cause skills and talents have changes so much sense then…keep challenges locked

I see this topic pop up from time to time, and I like to put my two cents in every now and again.

For me Personally as someone who has the Challenge mode set from Mists, the Challenge mode weapons from WoD (in fact sold carries for these too and helped mates get them) the Mage Tower unlock on Ret, Prot and holy…I couldn’t care less about people being given a chance, even if it is once a year or so to attempt to get the skins. with all the Mage Tower skins the 1 and only 1 that I think 100% shouldn’t have ever been tied to the Mage Tower is the Guardian Druid Skin. Now the reason for this is, the Ashbringer is just a different skinned Ashbringer, it doesn’t change it to a Mace or Axe, it doesn’t chance the animation, it doesn’t change the feel of it, it’s just a skin.

The Guardian Druid Mage Tower however is a whole new model, it changes the animation it changes the feel of the spec there is nothing like it in the game. I 100% believe that the appearance should have been a class quest like Warlock Green Fire, or Rogue Daggers and not tied into a timed event.

But that’s just my two cents.


100% agree with this post.


Some of you people are insufferable.
All items in game no matter time or place should be available one way or another. Opportunity and time matter.
Those of you(and me) who have the skins from mage tower are not THAT special. It wasnt THAT hard back in its time that anyone with just a pinch of dedication couldnt do, minus those that were connectivity challenged.
Everyone should have an opportunity to still get them. Why? In my opinion Legion was the most aesthetically pleasing expansion. Skins and models were pretty friggin cool. Why deny that to someone who recently came back or is a new player?


It would be cool to time walk back to the content but you would need the abilities from back then as well and it should only be the case for a limited time.

Which is it? The opportunity and the time taken matter, or they should be available all the time?

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Why is this forum still alive, these appearances should never be made available again, move on get something special in the game right now. There are plenty of items that are constantly being made unavailable in future expansions, you are just lazy and instead choose to sit and inspect people in org who actually went and did something special. Not being toxic, just tired of seeing posts from bots with no idea how mmos work, if everyone gets everything then no one is special and the mentality to work for anything disappears that’s why classic is so popular rn, that’s why you want these appearances, that’s why you should go do something special now and stop complaining about the past. Even though bfa sucks and there isn’t really anything as cool as the mage tower appearances there are still plenty of mounts, mogs, and achievements to earn before shadowlands

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36/36 on mage tower and got all the rbg skins :wink:
no problem at all with them being made obtainable, content shouldn’t be removed from this game


Yea mage tower skins should deffinatly stay locked…they should not bring back challenges cause people were to lazy to do it. If u didnt play wow at all in that time frame you definitely dont deserve them. They were for people playing during legion. If they were brought back they wouldnt be unique anymore wich isnt fair to the ones who grinded nether shards and played there butts off to get them. Keep them unobtainable.


I really dont care about anything about it would lose the meaning of someone that got it at legion , in reality nobody really cares about that , and everyone knows the mage tower was only diffcult for the fist month or even less anyway , just give me the apperence or give a change to get it


If this was actually true, there’d be less to no threads of people complaining that they’re gone because they didn’t get them or didn’t have time to get them. And yet here we are.

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Just because u dont care doesnt mean noone else does… there are alot of people that want challenges to stay locked because they were challenge. I hope they make more challenges in the future which are time gated and un obtainable after an xpac ends. It is fun to have collectables that no1 can get anymore. It makes them special

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The mage tower appearances were a prize rewarded for completing a difficult challenge. If you made the achieve open again it would be trivial and then the prize for those that earned it would be as well.

I don’t have any High warlord transmogs from vanilla because I never bothered nor was I capped back then but i understand keeping it locked for those that did.

Now should we have other come up at time goes on should blizzar re-open the mage tower with all new appearances. Yes absolutely but the old one should remain locked.

I only have prot/ret pally/ prot warrior all rogue and marks hunter unlocked. I don’t have them all even though i would like to but i would still e disapointed if the brought it back.

I personally wouldn’t mind if they brought it back, I like keeping things “special” to that time as much as the next person but, when MoP came out I had a lot of commitments that kept me from playing this game for many years. Didn’t get to get Legendary Cloack or the PvP armor sets, I came back in WoD, played into mid Legion, and I didn’t get to do Mage Tower due to getting occupied again with commitments that absorbed pretty much every aspect of my life at the time, and I did not get to earn those rewards that I EASILY would’ve put the time in for if I could.

I like the idea a lot, people can get held up with that idea with whatever reasons they have all they want, I’d love to see a time walking option come out for old PvE/PvP content so people can earn things they literally just could not do no matter how badly they wanted to due to very important commitments IRL that they just can’t get now. And, I’d argue MORE people would come back to play this game if a choice like that was made then not.

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Pretty sure he’s meaning that some people didn’t have the opportunity nor time, their time and opportunities were being taken up by other things, where if they did have that time and the opportunity, they’d have taken it to get these appearances that quite frankly as he states it are so cool, wouldn’t have been that hard for someone who if they DID have that time, have gotten them in a heartbeat with the little dedication it would’ve taken.

I can literally see them locked for me in the game lol, as if Blizzard is just taunting me about the things I couldn’t get at the time. I’d really like to have that chance to do MT and get them too.

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No, it was part of Legion and should stay there. Same as how MoP/WoD’s challenge mode mogs/mounts are forever gone. If you didn’t do it when it was out, then you don’t have it.

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