Unlock Mage Tower

So is every Mythic difficulty dungeon and raid. And they all become trivial once the expansion ends.

In a game with thousands and thousands of…“things to accomplish”, the Mage Tower is one of, like, 3 things(Mage Tower, MoP challenge sets, and high rating arena sets) that doesn’t operate that way. And there’s no reason for it.

Yeah, and most people(except, you know, the elitists that already have it), hate it every time the game does that. And even then, you can usually still get a recolor of those things from somewhere else in the game.

The Mage Tower weapon models are still completely unique, and you can’t even get any of the recolors unless you got the base model first.

For example, the Outlaw Rogue model is, like, the only rapier model in the game that doesn’t look like ****. So even if all you want too do is make a cool looking fencer character, you’re SOL because you didn’t do a thing 3 years ago.

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Right not all things operate in this way, but it does exist and it continuously happens throughout multiple expansions in one form or another. Elite pvp sets, MoP/WoD challenge dungeon gear. Blizzard gave a ton of communication on how the mage tower would work and how long it would exist. Of course there’s reason for it, people worked hard to complete the content when it was current and have something to show for their effort. If other people get it later (the same model and everything) then what was the point in putting in all the hard work when they did? Especially when blizzard said the whole time that these mage towers wouldn’t be around forever. Having achievements is okay but something more tangible, like an item or title is awesome.

Another great example is the warlock green fire encounter that happened in MoP. You can still get green fire but there is a title from it that you could only get when it was current. Oh and another is a specific title you get for doing the current tier mythic raid in the 1st 100. So there’s tons of examples from the past and present, you just choose to not acknowledge any of them.

Obviously that isn’t the case because there’s just as many people who post and defend that the items are no longer obtainable. This is the whole basis of your argument, elitist this and elitist that. Tons of people who don’t mythic raid etc. got the appearances too. You try to make it sound like the only people who got them were in the top 100 or something.

As has been pointed out multiple times, they may bring back the base model in a reduced form. Like they did for the MoP challenge mode gear. And yea they’re unique because again that is the whole point that you just keep flying past.

The content was difficult to complete, people got a tangible reward for doing it when it was current - this scenario has happened multiple times throughout blizzards lifetime.

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And when they do, I’ll stop complaining about it.


Person A: “Hey guys, I just picked up WoW at the launch of BfA and I am really enjoying the game! But I found out recently that there are some really awesome looking transmogs from Legion in the Mage Tower, but I can’t get them. Maybe it’d be cool if Blizzard implemented a way to get them again?”

You: “No, nerd. You didn’t play the game? Too bad, l2play the game when content is current!”

Awful attitude. Everything should be obtainable. The Mage Tower stuff should be locked behind a grind, not locked away forever because some folks on the internet want to maintain some pathetic ego at the expense of newer players.

Not to mention too, with this type of mentality: transmog as it is should barely even exist then. Why be so picky here? Just lock away all old content from everyone. If you never cleared ICC back during WotLK, then you should not be able to use the loot there for transmog, or even be eligible for the titles and mounts. Only the few thousand players who raided MC and the other vanilla raids back in 2004/05 and still play should be able to transmog those sets.

Hell, why even keep this solely to transmog? Just lock the Legion Allied races, because thats old content and only the people who played should have the privilege of using those races.

I hate this elitism within the WoW community.


Stop crying, if you’re new too bad, its gone.


I have the WoD weapons and T3 etc.

I don’t find any devalue from my work if they made these items re-obtainable.

I think it’s elitism and people on a high horse that follow this line of thinking.


I will never understand how wanting things to stay exclusive is seen as ‘Elitist’. There are several things I would love to come back but understand why they won’t/shouldn’t. Would I love the MoP set on my lock/pally/dk? Of course I would…but I skipped MoP. Would I love a corrupted ashbringer? Bet your backside, but I never made it into naxx. AQ gates mount and title? Still mad that I didn’t know you could get it up through WotLK. These things are cool and I would love to have them…and part of what makes them so cool is that they are rare to see in game and can’t be recieved anymore.


Ultimately an “Elitist” attitude would show if something were re-implemented and the person was fiercely against it, IMO. Blizzard did remove content and people no longer have access to it. The fact is the fact, so agreeing with Blizzard doesn’t necessarily make you an elitist. Going crazy people new people have access to things you want to keep exclusively to yourself is.

I don’t think Blizzard should remove content. Artifact Tints were a major part of legion. Paying a monthly sub is paying for Legion so removing any part of the paid content seems a bit odd to me.

If we do see any part of the removed Transmog items added back in, I personally would be perfectly fine. Everyone will have a equal chance to get them a second time around.


I Agree. I played during legion, but was fairly new to the game and only played hunter. I wish i played druid back than and could obtain the transmogs. They should most certainly reopen the mage tower! Its only for the mogs anyway!!!


Weird not everyone has the same opinion as me and not everyone has the same opinion as you. It’s almost like we all can have different opinions.

Blizzard has stated that mage tower was a limited event and wouldn’t be obtainable after the expansion ended. Like with tons of other things in this game.

It’s not at all, no one is being elitist about it. If blizz says something won’t be around forever and people put in the work to obtain it when it’s current, then the player that did that content has something cool to show for it. It’s respecting the players investment into the game, if they brought it back after saying you wouldn’t be able to get it anymore than it’s disrespecting the players that put the time in with the understanding that the content wouldn’t be around forever. Also you can get T3 from the black market auction house, so that doesn’t count at all lol. And blizz never said that T3 would never return like they did with WoD/MoP challenge dungeons and mage tower stuff to name a few.


I’m calling it now, Mage Tower will come back with Legion Timewalking. Mark my words.

  1. It has no value
  2. No one would get it for free if it did come back

Working for something is one thing. Telling people you didn’t subscribe then - for any reason - so you’re screwed. That’s called artificial inflation. It’s why your parents house sells for so much. Because they won’t let anyone else build new housing.


Blizz has literally been removing things or having exclusive event things since the beginning of WoW…they do it in their other games…other companies have been doin the same for years. This isn’t a new concept in gaming. Does it suck when you miss out on things? Yea. Such is life.


Them doing it isn’t a good reason to do it.


This has been my sentiment on the subject. For a class/spec with severe limitations of transmog, losing something like this hurts. Maybe we will see them again someday. If we do some will be happy, others upset. It is what it is though. I think alot of people that did the Mage Towers would like to see them return purely for the enjoyment of them. Perhaps a future MT will allow for old and new rewards.


Something should be made available for new players.
What if someone starts, brand new, in Bfa or the next expansion, they’re blocked from this content.
Not exactly the best thing.

Also, question.

Does this mean we can’t unlock the alternate color scheme/look of our Legion weapons?

This topic pops up all the time for Challenge Modes. It’s a limited time reward that was meant to be earned during the period it was available. They’re never going to readd these types of rewards back, just like the Elite PvP gear. You earn it when it’s available or you don’t at all.

This also has been the same suggestion to death for Challenge Modes, and the same thing applies. It’s never going to be the same as the original because mechanics the original had are no longer in the game (Hit/Expertise, Gem slots, Legion Artifact traits, etc).

Those are not the same, they’re more of a stripped down version of the same design in different colors.

You’re playing an MMO, you will never own every single collectible item in the game. Trying to do so is literally impossible. This is a non-argument.

People cry ‘ELITIST’ over anyone that actually put time and effort towards earning a reward in game that was time sensitive while they just want a hand out. I busted my tail to get all 36 of the Mage Tower appearances. ALL THIRTY SIX. I had to level twelve classes to 110, gear out every single one of them and hope that I managed to get some Legendary items to drop, buy up lots of supplies to use during the challenges, and then commit hours to not only attempts but learning every single fight and what made the fights different for my class/spec compared to another. It was a ton of work that I choose to do. Stop calling me an Elitist for earning the rewards I actively pursued when they were available.


It’s only impossible BECAUSE of things like this. People who spend enough time can, and do, do it, except for the ones they CAN’T EVER do, because of crap like this.

I’m calling you elitist for wanting to deny others even the opportunity of obtaining something because of what might be nothing more that bad timing.

Like, a newer player who might be just as skilled, and just as dedicated as you, you want to deny them this reward just because you happened to be playing at the only time it was available and they weren’t.

Or a player who wasn’t able to dedicate the time at the time, for countless possible reasons, is denied it forever, for no other reason than life having bad timing.


Every single MMO out there does this, it’s not going to change no matter how much you complain about it. You will always miss stuff.

Hell you could of been playing since Vanilla WoW non-stop and you still wouldn’t own every single item in the game because it’s not realistic for you to have that kind of time.

I’m not denying anyone any opportunity they didn’t already have before. The time has come and passed, stop crying.

No, don’t unlock the mage tower. You had your chance for years and for quite a long time they nerfed it to heck and back. If you didn’t get it, that’s your fault. There were multiple warnings before and after they nerfed the mage tower.

The month before it ended I spent weeks attempting it on my paladin, druid, and warrior to get the last 3 that I wanted.

The only way I’d agree is if the only time you could attempt / mog them was in a holiday style sense if you don’t own them. (Once a year during a certain time period you could try to get them with the same diffculty as before, but if you unlock them this way you can only mog them for that certain period of time)