Unique Weapons & Armor, Take 2!

[ Before I begin this, I want to say Gashrok’s post ( Does your character have a unique weapon? ) made me realize that I’ve missed out on a viable RP avenue with a majority of you. So, wanting to make sure that I give credit where it’s due before I even begin this post properly. ]

Does you need better weapons and armor?

As we know, the Scourge is roaring across the continents, attacking the living once more. There are many of you who have faced this enemy before and there are many of you who are new to the Horde or Alliance that are young enough to have never had to face this enemy directly, but we all have heard the horror stories or share in our experience of them. It is because of this that the Frostbite Contingent puts out this announcement to all of Azeroth’s Citizens.

Right now, we are facing a threat that could kill and claim our loved ones and then turn them into a Ghoul, forcing us to cut them down ourselves, watching them pass a second time. It’s disheartening and horrific. It’s because of this that the Frostbite Contingent is announcing that if you are in need of weapons or armor, we are here to help.

It has always been our business to make gear for soldiers, assassins, mercenaries, bodyguards and even doctors and healers of all sorts. But for this threat, the FBC will be working to help arm everyone on Azeroth who needs our weaponry. If you have ever met us at the Gilded Market, you’ve been able to have a glimpse to the quality of our work. Our pride and efforts are put into creating special pieces that you can cherish and if possible, pass to your children and their children’s children… When they’re old enough, of course.

We are here for you Azeroth, slashing our prices to cover just the cost of our materials to help arm each and every one of you, with the armor, weapons, healing tools and whatever other gear is needed to help defend yourselves and others during this crisis.

This being said, be careful, be safe, protect yourselves and your neighbors, if you can.

  • Megahes Frostbite
    Owner (GM) of the Frostbite Contingent

{OoC - Typically we usually do rp in this manner at the Gilded Market every month. [ [N-RP Event] CANCELLED- The Monthly Gilded Market & Auction! ] But with the current content, that’s not possible. However, it’s because of this content that we’re wanting to offer folks a possibility to get or have some unique gear crafted/created for their characters beyond the standard weapon or whatever armor you wanna slap on.

Quick Note: I do wanna specify that we don’t make actual gear for the largest part to add to folks Transmog libraries, this is dependant on what you already have or are planning to have. That being said, we have on rare occassions made gear using profs for folks if we had the plans available but please keep in mind that we do ask for gold at that point, especially for pieces that require rare mats to complete or a lot of time to gather mats to make it.

Enchantments for gear, unique weapons, explosives, healing devices… We’ll even make gear for your characters that aren’t magical at all, just made out of materials that suit their needs and desires if they want to be more traditional. The way we do this is a pretty simple system. Your characters come to us or if you’re Alliance, we’ll meet in a neutral spot with language pots, we’ll find out what they need (if it’s something we don’t already offer). Once we know the gear needed, we’ll pick out materials for it, take measurements and then take a couple of days to IC craft your gear. During this time, if you already haven’t, you’re encouraged/welcome to pick out whatever transmogs you want for this gear to look like and we’ll pick a day/time to make that delivery/try on phase for you.

We do this because while we know it’s just easier to say: “I got this and this!” and just roll with it when you get a cool new mog, we’ve found that some players are really proud of their hard farmed pieces of gear and this helps add a bit more RP Backstory/Validity to the reason why they have this new gear to use, especially for gear that becomes signature to their appearance.

This being said, if you’re interested in doing something with us to have us help gear up your character(s) or even help arm your guild (cause we do that too!), you’re more than welcome to hit me up here or hit us up in-game if you see any of our folks around!

Good luck to everyone in the Expac to come, stay safe and stay healthy IRL too, and thank you for letting me take up your time with this thread, whether you decide to do anything with us or not! ]

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