Does your character have a unique weapon?

As the title says, does your character have a weapon unique to them? Or are they the wielder of a minor named weapon like Kiril, Fury of Beasts?

Does it do something special? Or is it enchanted to increase its effectiveness? Maybe it’s just a really well made weapon?

Did they make it themselves or was is granted to them by a lore character? If the earlier, how did they do it? If the latter what did they do to earn it?

What model do you use to represent it in game?

If it does something special how would you represent it in-game if it was an actual weapon?

Here’s one of mine for example:

My Death Knight wields “Vilroe, Bringer of Dread” (comedically edgy names are prequisite for Death Knight weapons imo)
It’s a rune axe charged with the same necromantic energies used to create the Plague of Undeath. Anyone slain by it will immediately rise up as a shambling corpse that will attack anyone the axe’s wielder commands it to.
I use Shadow’s Edge with the Breath of Yu’lon enchant appearance to represent it in-game.
If it was an actual in-game weapon it would spawn a single Army of the Dead ghoul whenever the wielder strikes a killing blow against an enemy that yields experience or honor.


Actually, she has two sets of swords that she uses. For “everyday” adventuring, she always carries two swords that she made. I use the fel iron great sword for transmog. Back in the day before transmogs, I did use two of fel irons for RP, so that’s how long I’ve stuck with that. She’s very proud of them and they served as advertisement for her blacksmithing abilities. I had in her backstory that there was a custom of twin weapons in her tribe and they had very clever names - which have long since be forgotten of course.

The second set is very special to her since one of the swords was a wedding gift made by the great and might orc warrior, Borgg (who I miss greatly). This set isn’t a true matched set since Kina made the second sword. She tried her best, but she considers her effort inferior though it looks just as snazzy. They also have clever names that I have forgotten along with which blacksmithing model, because that was a long time ago now. I do still have the original sword Borgg made in storage Kina will sometimes carry them for more formal, dressier type functions.


Autai uses Mana Gems in her staff to prolong her Illusion Magic while also being about to focus her anarchic energy on other simple tasks. If she didn’t have this staff, she’d probably be drained after ~8ish hours of having the guise up? It’s not named because I never thought to name it lol. So maybe that’s something to look into.

It does hold some nostalgia since the original shaft is from Argus. She just kept building and empowering it.

Probably doesn’t float for some folks, but I’ll just say it looks just like the staff she’s using atm because of how much I love the design. She’s not using the legendary staff, but it totally looks similar to the staff in my mind.

I use the bear’s fortitude appearance for the Survival Hunter artifact becsuse it’s bear themed and I refuse to be clever.

Obviously calling it an artifact is a no no for RP, so IC it’s a spear with a Panadren pawprint on the blade. Bandalur has also tied a few trophies tied to it, notably Zandalari tusks from the Pandaria campaign.

Within the context of his history, Bandalur’s weapon isn’t notable or particularly special. It’s just a good blade he’s had for a long time and if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. He’d be pretty bummed to lose it however since he’s had it for such a long time.

He calls it his stabbin’ stick and it’s good for stabbin’ fools, bastards, and degenerates who don’t know how to keep their mouths shut.


Sarestha’s sword is named “Chainbreaker”.

She intends to use her power to preserve and protect free will in Undead - in a sense, to break the chains of anyone who tries to bind or control them.



Dragon Soul has a skull mace that periodically unhinges its jaw and spews colored flames. I think that’s pretty tight for a Frost DK, though I’ve yet to make that IC for mine.

Gwy’neth’s weapons are standard issue, but she’s had them awhile. Repairs and modifications over the years have made it unrecognizable from when she first received them though.

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My old human Paladin had a unique weapon he had until Legion, not because Ashbringer just because I went Horde and stopped playing him. It was the Claymore of the Prophet named Ailyor; the Broken Promise. It’s one of my favorite weapons and I legit want it in my horde paladin, one of the best blades out there.

Altielle “inherited” her old master’s staff when she left Suramar. Strangely enough, the home her master lived in burned down the same night with him inside.

Over the last two years she’s added to it and changed it to make the staff more suited for fel than arcane. Now it has a crystal blade that makes it more of a scythe that ambiently collects nearby souls. Plus it looks cooler.

It’s also “soulbound” to her, meaning anyone who isn’t her trying to use it will be burned by it until they let go. It also means she can change the glow color because if you can’t match your weapon with your outfits you’re not a real sorceress.


Fourteen mostly just uses shadow magic. She did find a big, old mace on the streets of Stormwind and didn’t think anyone would miss it.

On the off chance she’s in close quarters she just pulls out the BIG WHACKER!

Rokkhan fights with a scimitar that I have to use a dagger transmog for to get the approximate look, since shaman can’t wield swords. Nothing to special about his weapon, when the situation calls for it he imbues his with elemental magic to add more power to his attacks.

Axiann has a staff named Incendium. As an enchanter, it is his highest achievement and masterpiece. He spent years, decades almost imbuing it with fire magic and weaving an intricate spell. Not only can he use it in battle to focus and amplify his fire magic, but when he speaks the appropriate incantation the staff transforms into a Flameward Hippogryph which response to his thoughts and allows him instantaneous flight.

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Nearly all of my Pandaren fighters have special weapons.

Zhaoyang has the most mundane of these, as while it is somewhat structurally unique it doesn’t have anything particularly special about it in-universe; it’s just a family heirloom. It’s a sword, Yo-na Ra, originally taken from a duel performed by the founder of her family lineage. Ooc the name was given retroactively. As for what makes it structurally unique it’s just a little shorter than what is standard for the particular kind of sword it is, as well as partially double edged.

Ju, my Pandaren Warrior, used to wield another Cloudpaw relic which was also won in a duel. This sword, whose name I can’t remember and can’t be bothered to look up right now, was one of two originally made for a legendary (at least to some) Wardancer from ages past. Both swords were technically hollow, with portions of the creator and wielder’s chi forming the blades’ core. specially crafted gems, holding their own portion of spiritual energy, were slotted into the pommels as well.

Ju at one point embarked on a quest to recover the other sword but once she found it, instead of claiming both swords for herself she left the one she had behind with its companion. She later had one of her own made, forged in the same way but intentionally less independently powerful, after proving to herself that she didn’t need the power the original sword provided.

This arguably doesn’t quite count but she has also gained the ability to form a sword using her chi and will.

My Pandaren Assassin character, Zhihao, also currently wields a family heirloom sword; Bingzhulong. The sword is said to be blessed by the elemental spirits of Kun-Lai and its structure symbolizes the bond between these spirits and Zhihao’s clan. The sword can’t be unsheathed by anyone other than a member of Zhihao’s clan as the mouth of the scabbard is typically frozen to the guard by elemental ice. The sword itself physically possesses only half a blade. The other half is composed, when drawn, of a combination of elemental ice and spiritual energy; that of the current and previous leaders and champions of the clan.

There are other notable examples from my other characters as well but I’d rather not make this post overlong.

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Dermos fights with a massive crystalline mace that many Vindicators and Justicars use, his brother and him were actually finishing it in their workshop when orcs started their raid of Shattrath City. He named it “Elomi” after his sister, who was “Twice as forceful and just as blunt.”


Blizz give 1h fury warriors back and I’ll dual wield pickaxes you don’t even know.


He’ll yeah! Preach it!

I’m pretty sure they’re doing that tomorrow

From patch notes: * New Ability: Single-Minded Fury (Passive) – While dual-wielding a pair of one-handed weapons, your damage done is increased by 12% and your movement speed is increased by 5%.

Sinothyr, my Death Knight, has somewhat special runeblade; Xiphorthel. This is a replica of a sword originally made for the woman from which she takes her current alias. Beyond a significantly more elaborate design on the blade the sword contains vessel for the inhabitance of the spirit of the aforementioned woman, as well as others.

Rosyllyn, my Worgen Mage, has a pair of mithril gauntlets. Once more there’s not much special about them ic; they serve as foci and a decent means to protect and augment her claws and that’s about it. Unlike the other weapons mentioned these were gained ic through rp rather than a pre-written possession of hers, which gives me a certain sense of pride.

Astrea, another Mage of mine, possesses a sword. This weapon has no special name, however what it does have is the soul of an enemy of her house which provides its power. The blade is capable of containing a tremendous amount of arcane energy for a time, allowing her to use it for feats that’d normally require multiple participants and at times allowing a portion of auxiliary power.

Milladee’s weapons tend to change over time considering she basically goes “ooh, neat” and picks em up, but her mainstays are always a blade and a gun. Her sword’s a Mechagon custom, commissioned shortly after the two major disparate gnome societies reunited. It runs fast and hot, just how she likes it.

Her sidearm is a hand cannon looted from an Ashvane Company workshop. Can probably punch a hole in a ship. WILL punch a hole in a person. Also has a kick like a methed-up donkey.

My dark ranger has some pretty bog standard crossbows and bows (whatever I feel like transmogging tbh), and aside from using parts of the weapon to explain abilities I usually leave it be.

Jian, on the other hand, uses the appearance of the Mage Tower MM hunter artifact weapon. Given it’s a re-design of Rhok’delar, I simply have the story as a bow Jian was given in reward by a small sect of druids for helping to cleanse the area they were working in of demons and cultists. The elvish runes inscribed provide a small amount of healing energy to him (like a weak regen potion), and extra damage against demons/undead targets. Otherwise, it is a normal bow though. He hasn’t named it though.