Un'Goro Crater Race is IMPOSSIBLE

Durotar and Razorfen were by far the most frustrating for me as well, so much stuff to get caught on, despite being easy enough maps.


If you smash into a limb going fast enough and your ping is bad, you can fly right through it.

idk what u saying but i got gold
made like 91.028 speed - Reverse course

update: your right on Advanced course, something wrong timer lol …

ungoro advanced gold tips

You are a godsend. Worked first try after using this strat. Otherwise I was banging head against wall with dozens of attempts.


this literally helped me go from 92 → 85…

Thought it was one of the easier ones, took two tries for advanced and one-shot for reversed. The AQ40/20 one was the only one where i had to use more than 3-4 tries

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Did this too. There were a few other places throughout where you have a downward trajectory. I was holding off on using surge during these moments and had a bunch of vigor that I was spamming.

I was on a Paladin, though whether or not anyone has figured that as an advantage for certain, we may never know.

I need to see a video of this or something because trying this strat I am doing worse…

I got both of those first try. The key to all the races is building up 3-4 charges, then burn 3, and glide until you have 3-4 again. Repeat until done.

This is what I did to get it on gold on like 4-5 chars in the span of an hour, so its repeatable. Only using surge forward.

Get up to speed then make sure you have 3 vigor when you go past the dinosaur, then aggressively spend until the dip at the lakari tar pits, pool until you’re level with the rock that you almost crash into, then spam again until you’re past the titan archway, send 1 more surge before the descent and then once you start going up towards the finish start spamming again. End on an ascent if you wanna be fancy but you can use surge the whole way. Should end the race with 0 vigor and comfortably never feel like you slowed down at any point during any of the uphill segments.

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MANY OF us have received ALL completions for these races. It comes down to how comfortable you are with Dracing and relaxing through it. You tube has helped a lot for some of us who needed to see it done and competed in the sections your racing for.

I finallllllllllllllllllly got kalimdor:gold advanced today. I found a great youtube channel that breaks down how he does the races.

gonna link it here, I’m not this guy, nor do I know this guy, but the guides were super helpful for me because it’s not just him doing the race, it’s him also explaining what he’s doing

also thanks for all the people sharing tips in this thread, you helped me as well <3

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I managed to get it the first day it was out, but it definitely took me a few tries. Just keep going and you’ll get it.

you helped me get this, thanks a lot

I just did it on both after finding some tips.
Use two surge forwards at the beginning and then just coast till you’re low and have to head back upwards, then just start using your surges regularly and then you’ve got a lot of speed you can maintain from building up the vigor at the first.