Un'Goro Crater Race is IMPOSSIBLE

Here’s the trick to Un’goro: surge only twice before you get past the 4th ring, just pool vigor, after that you can use them pretty fast to have a good pace to beat gold.


Hey thanks so much, just tried that and got gold the first try! (After many fails of my old strategy)

no prob, i beat my head against it for a while being about 2 seconds off pace, tried pooling like that and did an 86 next run lol

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Thank you!! Been bashing my head against this one for a good hour or so, with the closest time being 90.191 (everything else ~94). Tried your tactic and got 87.8!

I’m just doing Silver.

I tried advanced and reverse in Uldum and Un’Goro before logging and thought I did the best I could and didn’t get Gold.

I don’t hate myself enough for this. Parts of the game meant to be “Fun” like this shouldn’t be so frustrating.


Got this first try using this technique. Incredible!

I have everything complete except Uldum Reverse Gold, and I’m so far off (4 seconds) its unreal.

The line between ‘challenging and exciting’ and ‘frustration’ is thin. But then just take a break from that course and try again another time. The amount of ZOMG rush you get when you finally DO get it will be worth it! :people_hugging:

I mean a challenge is a challenge :dracthyr_shrug:

The only thing gated behind all golds is a title (and not a particularly good one) so I don’t see the problem. Nothing wrong with giving people something to work on and nothing wrong with a challenge that only the very best can beat. The rest of us can rest easy with silver knowing that we got the rewards from it that we wanted and the rest is gravy.

That’s the only way I was able to get gold on several races. I didn’t even know that was a thing and I suspect most people don’t know about it either.

Think of shallow waves. You go a little under a ring, aim up, hit Ascent, and quickly flick down to level out. Looks like a whale swimming and makes you go super fast if you do it right. For the crater I did about every other ring like this.

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I don’t remember exactly what I did but for the most part you need to ensure you have a vigor going in to the ascent into the area under Obelisk of the Sun, and then from that point on you need to space out your Surge Forward usage a bit in order to not be completely dry as you head back up the river.


I don’t think the old world race event even tracks past bronze with achievements, I couldn’t find any when I was looking for them to track my progress…
But you want all the ranks to gold to get the most badges to get the loot.

Just went back and did it kinda off the cuff. Be a little aggressive early on to get some momentum then make sure your ascent into the building has a surge directly before it, then pool some vigor until you get towards neferset then it’s kinda just spam surge all the way to the finish.

Did it again. 72 seconds.

They do. You can’t see them because they are tiered achievements; once you earn Bronze for one, the Silver one unlocks etc. It was like this with all of the Isles races as well.


I know one of the reverse races (I honestly can’t remember there was so many) required me to double skyward ascent just to get through the 1st set of rings.

Also, some of the races were cancer with flying through treelines that you could barely even see where you were going. There were a lot of low lying objects to fly into as well on a lot of the other races.

Also, why didn’t they add a teal color for the other mounts?

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They’re probably on the other continents :confused:

AQ reverse Is surge ascent surge ascent, I don’t remember any double ascent starts.

Double Ascent is actually more efficient for AQ Reverse than what you mentioned, it saved me two seconds from typical start.


Gonna go check that.

66.8 was my best, got 67.7.

Still timed it though.

Surge a few times I only pressed ascent once to get into the cave


My least favorite was Durotar Tour. Too many trees and that shaman obelisk that sometimes pops up.

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