Unfair mount status in BFA

I think this makes up for the motorcycle contest. Have you seen the alliance’s motorcycle? Thing looks like trash.

I only play two races. Dwarves and Tauren. :grinning:

Right. But can you still get the horde motorcycle? for anyone who was not subbed during a very specific period of time many years ago?!?

I am actually envious whenever i see someone else with that. its pretty much the only mechanical mount i would consider using.

Also, there is another way to do this. If Ally got this faction locked bee, then it is only fair that horde gets something else that’s faction locked to horde later on.

if thats the case, im not worried. Horde will probably get a cooler mount out of that trade.

Watch. I’ll laugh if Horde gets the wasp, and then we get the chance to mock ally for having the fatter bee. perfect for their fat human.

I am down with that, maybe this is the start of something wonderful for our two races.

I can get behind the Tauren as being a favorite race for sure, Dwarves are around the 4th mark in terms of races for me.

No I dismiss it as not being unique because its literally a Pterodactyl reskin. If you read what I said…

Unique is unique. Reskins and recolors are not unique. Which is what you people keep missing. You all whine and cry about our unique mounts, but you have access to literally every single skin via recolors.

You can’t say “Horde has unique and exclusive!” when those skins by definition can’t be “unique and exclusive” when Alliance has access to them via recolors. That is literally the entire point that keeps going over your heads.

But in your case, being a gnome, I guess that wouldn’t take much. :slight_smile:

All those unique horde mounts that are not available in any other form, alliance never gets that kind of stuff…


We all just going to forget about the horde raptor you get on ungoro crater that only horde can get and ride?

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Kinda like the Winterspring cats that Alliance had since Vanilla? You know, the one the venomhide ravasaur was added in Wrath to balance out.

OP, the Alliance is waiting for you!


By that logic, our reputation mount for Vuldun should’ve been a Vulture, since that’s the primary flight path mount that the Vulpera utilize.

See the following, as kindly pointed out by Tarrok.

My point remains. Seems it’s entirely fair for Horde to get unique mounts if Alliance has access to the models via reskins and recolors. But god forbid if the Alliance gets a unique mount and Horde wants the same treatment. lol

Oh i know, I was just linking your quote as a response to his. Lot o Alliance are stubborn and don’t recall a lot of things. :slight_smile:

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There’s a precedent for this. Just wait and you’ll get your derp bee model you can buy for 100k after they’ve made the Alliance side mount no longer obtainable! :slight_smile:

yup as soon as they remove the faction lock on the Bee mount i will play alliance to get it for my horde toons. thats the only reason to play alliance… if i want something on my horde character. period.

At this point with these threads, the only appropriate response left is: nyaaaaaaaaaaaaa


Grats. You’ve just proven you’ve never been to prison.


This should so trigger a hidden copy of “Ride of the Valkyries” on kazoo.

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corrected that for you. Both are horses equivalent to alliance horses they got. Both sides can use. I said this in my previous post. However I feel you purposely left those out on purpose just to make your point more valid. As if all horse’s models where given to alliance to use. Well horde got some of alliance’s mount models.


I think this is definitely unfair. Should give the Horde access to the Bee after you earn it on the Alliance character.

Every decision in BFA has either been baffling, weird or outright fanfiction.


This is what I’m thinking as well. As a Horde main with one Ally toon I’m not losing any sleep over this decision. I’m also trying to think of the future. We still have one major patch to go and now since the Allies have their faction locked mount what is stopping Blizzard for doing the same with the Horde and giving them a unique mount that’s faction locked. I would have preferred it be earnable on the ally side and usable on the Horde side and the Allies get one more mount like that before xpac ends so that way each side has two earnable mounts that can be used on the opposite side wants earned.