I have Horde toons for same reason…mounts…pets…toys that I can’t get on alliance side…doesn’t matter to me about that my Horde Toon can’t use the bee mount when I get it tomorrow my horde Toon is a druid and I don’t use any mounts to fly…run …I use my druid abilities all the time…flight form…stag form…cat form…I only play Druid on horde side one is a tauren Druid the other is the HM Tauren Druid …which I prefer the HM Tauren looks.
HM Tauren do have a leg up on us regular Tauren with their nifty war paint markings, but I have the better Totem with one big one vs two smaller ones.
Actually, I would like to see a Tauren on a bee…
Blizzard, let hordies ride the bee after earning on alliance.
I mean, if the horde spent the whole expansion crying as much as the alliance has? We’d probably get unfair treatment too. Free end game raiding gear for 8 weeks straight, unfair advantageous buffs that give one faction the ability to do half as much work as the other?
All you have to do is come to the forums every day, create a thread about “I died in WM! It’s unfair! Blizzard you need to fix this!”
Or “Blizzard! Horde has cooler races! You need to give us the horde races and call them something else!”
Or “Blizzard horde has cooler mounts! It’s not fair!”
Basically just cry about how you want everything the alliance has, but that you don’t want to be alliance.
I don’t understand their reasoning for making it alliance exclusive at all. I was SO excited to get this mount after seeing it at Blizzcon. I kept looking at all the new patch notes just waiting for them to finally make it available. When I heard it was an Alliance mount, I was ready and willing to spend the time leveling an Alliance character just to get this bee mount to then use on my Horde characters (like Alliance can do with our “unique” mounts).
Why wouldn’t they want to make this content available to MORE subscribers instead of just a small portion of it, especially considering how excited people were for it? More content for everyone seems like a smarter move in my opinion.
And to the people saying to switch to Alliance: No one is going to leave their friends and transfer to Alliance just to get this bee mount. If that’s what Blizzard was aiming for, that was a dumb decision.
The Alliance can keep their bees, I’m allergic to them. One sting, and I spend the next few weeks looking like Princess Theradas.
No thank you.
Bee mounts are only for people who didn’t torch Stormsong for funsies.
what? Both factions can be any class so that’s a completely different comparison
Battle for Azeroth: The movie about Saurfangs honor redemption or some s@!$
You missed the point. It has zero to do with faction. Paladins got 4 separate mounts, Shamans got one where color is based on spec, druids didn’t get a mount, priests got one based on spec, etc.
None were equal. Blizz doesn’t believe in equal or fair. They’ll do things the way they want and won’t take into account what others do or don’t get.
Why not? I did. I’m still friends with folks who play Horde side, and now have a bunch of new friends on the Alliance side of things. It’s fun, you should try it.
No. I’m in a guild with people I like playing with and raiding with. I don’t care to go find a new one.
You seem to have missed the part where the horde got better mounts in general while alliance just got gryphon and horse retextures…
To be fair. 180 of those alliance only mounts are horses
Let’s not forget Blizzard’s excuse when asked WHY we got Horses was “We can’t fly yet, so we didn’t want to give you mounts that could fly.”
Meanwhile, 2 of the 3 Horde faction vendor mounts could fly, which made their explanation complete BS.
Stormsong’s vendor mount should have been a bee from the get go.
Drustvar’s vendor mount should have been a wicker dog.
Blizzard spent too much time on the Horde side and made the Alliance an afterthought, plain and simple.
They did the same with the gold sink mounts in 8.2. The Horde got pterrodaxes, including a SPECTRAL pterrodax. Whereas we got basic colored gryphons.
The Bee is Blizzard’s way of attempting to make up for blatantly putting the Horde ahead of the Alliance in the art department all expansion long.
And the Horde can’t handle it and are having a hissy fit. Yet they told us to suck it up for the past year and a half.
Don’t get me wrong, I would prefer it if Horde could use it if unlocked on an Alliance toon, but honestly? With the Horde throwing a hissy fit, I HOPE Blizzard doesn’t make it so now.
wanna talk fair what bout goblins and worgen? goblins got a turbo charged tricycle and worgen mount was scrapped and replaced with a weak running animation THEN after a few expansions and patches Blizz merely reskinned the SW mount by removing its saddles
I love the Tauren looks and lore with that I just can’t stand cycle of hate they have too the Dwarfs…they use be friends…you do know that Dwarf were friends at one time in the lore.
Dwarf Friendship is always welcomed
As Tauren friendship we as Dwarf respect the plant as you.
What, was Battle for Horderoth not enough for you?
You sacked Zandalar, you killed the king and you destroyed the largest naval fleet in Azeroth.
The Horde didn’t even get to kill Jaina, hell EVEN Mekkatorque survived and will likely be mechagonized.
The only warchief the horde wanted if Sylvanas was going to drop the title was Saurfang and he got canned while Anduin couldn’t be bothered to TRY to rez him.
But sure. 10 outta 10 Horde expansion.