Undulating spore cloak

This thing is still full power in pvp. At 450ilvl 250k shield every 2min and a 2k hps hot when 70%+ on this thing is incredibly strong even at 40% effectiveness. This will be 100% mandatory on everyone. This embellishment is bonkers compared to everything else.


Inb4 hotfixed on wednesday after everyone crafts theirs


It needs to be nerfed in pvp by 80% to put it on par with other embellishments. If this procced on cd while spam healing it would be about 10% total increase in healing with not to mention it just makes the game more damp. Close to 6k HPS is what this thing does.

It has a 0.4 modifier in PvP already.

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Oh cool, fleshcraft

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Where are you seeing this? I just checked it on wowhead and it doesnt show. It says pvp modifier 1.0
[Undulating Sporecloak - Spell - World of Warcraft (wowhead .com)](https:// www.wowhead. com/spell=410230/undulating-sporecloak)


and wowhead, which wasn’t the case a week ago when i posted that. These are the spell id’s for the heal over time and the absorb itself, both are showing a 0.4 pvp modifier. The one you linked handled the % health to trigger, and those don’t change so that is why they have a pvp modifier of 1. Dunno why the tooltip on one is for Titanic Ocular gland, but whatever. lol

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Legend, thanks for this.

Did some testing using a Ingenuity crafted cloak. Can confirm both the heal over time and proc heal are reduced by 60% in pvp combat, though both are increased by versatility. I was able to confirm the HoT on a pvp dummy, but the main proc wasn’t getting lowered when I would attack the pvp dummy to trigger pvp combat, and then get dropped below 30% by the tank dummy. Retested the absorb in a skirmish. The proc itself is delayed and during the skirmish I tested it in, it took roughly 2 seconds after i dropped below 30% for it to trigger.

At ilvl 450, the cloak has 10,476 hp5 and a 251,420 damage shield. Assuming 30% vers, this is 5,447 health every 5 seconds and a 130k proc shield. Both of these will get lower with dampening, but I’m not too sure about mortal strike effects.

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It is nerfed.

Even nerfed in PvP it’s still really good.


How do you craft this?

Just sent in Work Order for mine, hope it ain’t nerfed further :confused:

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I’m definitely getting one made when I get home

I don’t mind one embellishment being bis for everyone as it makes it easy to decide what to get (like boots last season). However, I think this will cost some conquest as I don’t think the freeby PvP crafting items cover cloaks. Buyer beware!

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stuff works differently in arena compared to a pvp target dummy, show results from arena plz

btw how do u show images? idk how

Trust level 3 let’s you post links and images/videos:

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I’m planning on getting something that’s not the cloak (so I can use my greater trophy of conquest), but not sure what yet. I guess I can either make these https://www.wowhead.com/item=190523/frostfire-legguards-of-preparation or just pick a different embellishment :thinking:

I would love to just use the infurious helm, but I just got crit shoulders out of my vault and don’t really want another crit piece if I can help it :melting_face:

The timestamp from 19:30:21, 40 minutes after my target dummy test, is in an arena skirmish.


It does not need a nerf, it’s on par with all other embellishments atm, none of the embellishments are nerf down in pvp. It’s also a 2 min CD, and the healing is subject to current 30% reduction and damping.