Undead Rogue

They all throw bombs I’m gonna drink potions.

Do both, I have alch and eng on this pala. VS sweaty players using everything is really nice because you can turn it up to sweaty also. Never underestimate the game breaking power of resto pots either, they hard counter several builds and play styles on their own.

reckbombs you

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R14 ret is like the hardest 1v1 for rogue imo

You HAVE to batch the hoj with vanish or the stun then reckbomb just deletes you after your opener built it up- fun stuff :smile:

Most spam hoj while stunned so vanishing at the end of kidney to batch the hoj normally works & evasion can dance around the reckbomb lol

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If I could kill undead rogues as horde I would

Lol no, not even close.

A good mage is the hardest.

As a hunter, I simply love seeing rogues. It’s by far the easiest class to deal with for me. Give me rogues all day, don’t give me shadow priest at any time of the day.

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Hunters counter rogues. You aren’t good.

You jelly little boy ?

Just watch my movie up above where i chain a 1v6 and more, idk mages arent an issue unless actually better than i am which i havent found despite looking for 10+ years on pservers/duel servers etc.

Mage at the highest level is a 50/50
Imp sprint backstab I have zero issues with any mage on the server back on whitemane OG.

Ret can 1 tap you in a hoj after reckoning stacked by my opener. If you dont batch the hoj you die. Or fap vs every single ret Zzz batch is cooler.

Spriest is also a tanky fight that can be a problem . Expose armor reset helps.

Mage is at best a 50/50 and determined by skill. Ill say mage is my favorite duel tho.

I have won vs Reck Pala’s but only if they’re badly geared OR have no no CD’s while below 50% HP. (using zero consumes)

With consumes you can LIP the reck bomb if the pala is not paying attention, and that does happen I have on several occasions bomb’d into LIP only to say “aww… damn”

Did not matter a whole lot because rogue, fury and feral / hunter stack up reck so fast its insane… Especially those lovely little hunters pets, I <3 them so much.

Playing both sides of the coin, Pala is a very hard thing to beat on rogue, while shaman you can generally win that one 90% of the time so long as you don’t get bad RNG; because that does happen.

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Facts, tho the trade off here as you’re aware is you’re a little less effective VS Hemo rogues giving them the advantage.

BUT the unrivaled capacity to delete EFC’s is worth it.

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Double imp sprint, double vanish, rocket helm, nades, skull etc idk how you kite them tbh. I dont ever have issues with hunter if full cds. I frost reflector a trap in my movie above too lol.

Not familiar with the vanilla hunter pov tho only see it from my side. Only time i get kited is if i dont have the cds for it. Full cds rogues can gimp most everything :persevere:

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You can also counter most hunter / rogue players with a resto pot. Sometimes I prepot (in wargames mostly) as my cheapshot / kidney is about to fade so that they I can bait the scatter trap / blind out of them taking away that power from their team. Then like a dingus often I am use to doing this and don’t have those consumes present when in rando BG’s / World lol; end up thinking… Why did I get so use to that?

you can also goof the scatter trap with peasant caller or the skeleton books or the dog wistle; sometimes works vs rogues who only have mouse over blind =)

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Yeah peasant caller traps is good tech too

Has the side bonus of soaking seduce, traps, scatters, etc; especially if the player likes mouse over macros since there is so much crap on the screen they gotta deal with.

I also like that they can keep a target in combat to prevent mounting, eating, etc.

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I agree with you 100%. Full CD rogue should beat anything. Which happens once every 10 minutes, assuming they are properly spaced. That rarely happens in BGs. That’s why to my opinion rogue is the one of the best classes for 1v1s n one of the worst for group PvP n BGs.

Ret paladins can not do enough damage to kill a rogue. All the rogue has to do is burn your CDs then kill you like a mage.

A rogue can just sap and reset on you over and over and eat to full. As soon as you run out of mana you are a NPC.

If you think a rogue is supposed to face tank you then you are bad at PVP.

Incorrect. A rogue with full CDs can lose to a mage, hunter, or lock.

Locks are the best PVP class. Every single tournament in classic is won by a lock.

When will you people stop denying reality.

Problem with rogue is you have to raid for weapons.

After MC everyone out gears you forever until you hit r14.

One of the big reasons wow dies off well before Naxx

Yeah rogue falls off hard as people get gear.

Rogue actually requires a lot of skill to do well in PVP.