You said nobody cares about my PVP skill which implies that I am skilled.
You shoulda been there with me on SoD p1.
I was on an RPPVP server and my RP was border defense so I sat on the Hillsbrad/Silverpine border for the entire phase blocking the Alliance from getting to SFK.
Some days I had 20 people there with me some days it was just me by myself jumping into 1v5s.
The server was small enough(10,000 players/2 layers) that the Alliance knew me by name and had set up warlocks specifically to taxi around me.
They had to set up inside Ambermill because I kept clearing out the SFK bridge and the cabin down the hill any time they tried setting up there.
The run back to that border is a solid 3 minutes.
No it implies they don’t care if you have skill or not.
You just have bad reading comprehension like your PVP skills.
Thank you for complimenting my ability to take in information and equating it with my vast WoW PVP skills.
Sure bud, show us more of your leet level 25 pvp lol.
Oh that was last week.
I’m in STV and Arathi now.
First of all, no one is going to take you serious as a troll PVPer.
Pro tip.
Secondly, no one cares about low level PVP.
You failed at character creation.
Everyone knows the most vicious and unmerciful race are gnomes.
The ones with pink pigtails being the worst.
If I cared about being taken seriously I wouldn’t be playing WoW at all.
Male Troll laugh is BiS laugh in the game and I will die on that hill.
You just cannot beat the sheer mirth expressed in it when you’re talking to your guildies.
You cannot surpass the pure mockery and scorn of it when you laugh at a dead Alliance player.
You talk about making people angry.
Can you imagine how angry the troll laugh has to make people when they get ganked by a Troll rogue? It’s like nearly a vocal teabag really.
Though my reasons for doing it are because I think the Troll laugh is hilarious and it has made me smile for 20 years. I was an UD main until SoD when I played Troll as my main the first time. I will never play another race/sex combination again while playing WoW.
After playing rogue I’m honestly not sure I can go back to Warrior.
Warrior is fun but they suck in wPVP unless you heavily outgear people or you have a healbot.
You have a brief period between 30 and 35 where your Overpower crits can 1 shot mages, some priests, and bad warllocks. You suffer a lot without pummel but you can work around that with a shield bash macro.
MS or BT are both necessary for PVP to work for you.
MS for healers really.
BT and MS are honestly around par for damage, I think MS hits just like a little bit more.
Like if you’re doing 2HFury in PVP and you hit someone with BT it’d hit for 1000 if MS was hitting for 1200. The only reason say MS is better for PVP is because of the Debuff, which is required for group PVP. Solo PVP both are viable unless you’re fighting someone who can heal and that knows how to bait your pummel.
DW isn’t that bad in PVP either, it’s just not as good as 2H. I was building a set for parrying that I was going to use for PVP just to test it out and see if my RNG liked it.
Two of the three toons I am levelling on the anniversary servers are male trolls.
And the third, I regret not having made a troll, too.
BIS /flex.
They’re the best.
I laugh with them.
The “not enough eneergy” sound isn’t annoying when I do get into mashy mode with my binds.
Undead Rogue pvp movie from 2019
Lots of gnome eating, 1vX, and vibes
Rogue fans should enjoy the pro moves
The pink pigtailed once are particularly vicious variant of the Gnome.
I think they’re like poisonous frogs, they display their bright colours to show that they’re dangerous.
What’s that song in the first part?
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Oliver Francis - Vitamin Water
His stuff is consistently good
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They need to buff eviscerate. 1.5 K isn’t nearly enough.
Why is that so zoomed in?
Good lord that disgusts me beyond belief.
Sub leveling is so fun I don’t think I ever want to level Combat again
I zoom out for bigger battles or if there’s a but of alliance in the area.
They do with Evis 9 in phase 6. 2k+ evis easily
Never underestimate the ridiculous power of consumes, I abuse them vigorously in wargames but try to be nice in world / solo PvP outa respect to the 1v1.
I absolutely love consumes in vanilla tho; it never gets better than this in later wow versions where everything is nerfed.