Undead paladins will save the game

Hells yeah you do! Let’s make them happen!

How are you going to sit there and pretend that rotting flesh is easy to clean off sparkly plate?

Edit: Not that ive ever had to before. shifty eyes

Class restrictions are toxic for the game.

Our heroes are the exception to everything.

Remove all class restrictions!


I can go with this. Give us unique druid forms for every race

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I feel that retcon was one of the worst that Blizzard has ever done. In order to somehow justify Forsaken Holy Priests, they made their world so much blander. And now the same could be used to say “Well, Void Elves can use Holy magic, because they can be Holy Priests. So a Void Elf Paladin is not out of the question.”

Blizzard should have just said “Some things are in game for gameplay reasons only and don’t actually have lore backing” and be done with it. By trying to make everything have a set lore explanation, they made the lore worse. Something they’re good at, unfortunately.

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I completely disagree with you, if I’m going to be honest. It wasn’t a retcon, it was shattering people’s ‘I’m better than you’ headcanons. I’m not a fan of ‘holier than thou’ when it comes to light, or ‘only those worshipping a higher power’ can do it. That’s bland and overdone. This system is far, far better, it being willpower. “The light burns the wicked” is a completely tired trope.

Granted, I know for a fact we’re going to completely disagree on this subject, but thank gods for the way the lore is now in that case, at least. No more attitudes of worthless ‘perfection’ nonsense.

To me? They made their world so much better by clarifying.

I’d rather see an undead shadowknight, counter to the paladin, but we have death knights who are probably too close to that.

That article was a really good read! Thank you for sharing it!

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Jumping on board for Undead paladins! Worgen too! Its understandable to me if either Forsaken or Worgen used the Light to keep control or deal with their new existence. I really like the fact that one who uses the Light has such immense willpower to do so. Why not Undead and Worgen!

See also: Vulpera demon hunters.

Lore is fun, but personally, I don’t think lore should get too much in the way of fun.

No, no it doesn’t. Paladins are the anti-undead class. It would only kill WoW faster for undead to have the anti-undead class.

It was. Holy magic damaged undead. Period.

That’s not what it’s about. It’s about Holy magic destroying Necromantic creations. None of that other stuff even comes into play.

Undead paladins were #2 in this poll, right behind Night Elf paladins:


I think they make sense because the Forsaken have a strong masochism thing going on. They would be like the overzealous fanatics of the middle ages that walked around whipping themselves, relishing the pain.

why is lore out the window though? The explanations always been that those classes have been exceedingly rare as a whole so while you may see a few pop up, the in game classes are supposed to represent what the society the character comes from is aboot.

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Uther doesn’t say “put your willpower in the Light” its Faith. Its two separate and contradictory concepts. Moreover its not a tired trope. It has its place in Shadowlands lore with the Venthyr being weak to the Light.

but they exist. So if the defenders of Azeroth are not the exception of the rule, there shouldn’t be any. We have defeated too many world and galaxy destroying entities, 3 old gods, gonna fight the wow devil himself, and we can’t qualify as exceptions to rules…because lore, when the exceptions do exist? Nah. That is the cop out excuse

Ugh, you’re so right. My Forsaken holy priest who communicates entirely through psychic links because she tore out her own tongue to stop tasting the rot in her mouth after prolonged Light usage made her start regaining that sense is so bland. Ditto the way she had censers built into her shoulderguards so she wouldn’t have to smell her own decay, and regularly bathes in pesticide to kill the maggots she would otherwise have to feel burrowing into her flesh.

And don’t even get me started on how she believes the pain she feels when calling upon the Light is its divine radiance burning away and replacing the necrotic corruption that currently animates her, believing that if she holds true to her faith and keeps pushing forward, one day she’ll be reborn, fully animated by the Light itself instead of the vile necromancy that created her.

Gah, so bland.

I dont see it as a cop out at all. They’ve described their reasoning and whether you agree with it or not, dems da bones.

Given its for the Horde, and blizz bends over backwards to make them happy, I have 0 doubt it won’t be happening sooner rather than later. Lore…is not an excuse anymore, period…as Blizz has shown blatant ability to be fine with sidestepping lore to make something happen. KT druids…Tauren Paladins…two NELF paladins in legion…Velf Holy priests…despite their very lore and books stating void and holy energy are violently opposed and cause pain to Alleria and Turalyon

It’s not noble.

The only undead Paladins in the game are members of the Scourge. One is in Naxx and the others are in the EPL. Both were raised by very powerful necromancers and they don’t have a choice when it comes to existing and using the Light.

We haven’t seen an undead Paladin that chose to be what they are.

(p.s. No, a ghost doesn’t count. That dude in the Paladin class hall is like Obi Wan.)

(p.p.s. The most logical choice for the next Horde paladin is not a Forsaken, it’s trolls and Highmountain tauren.)