Undead Night Elf and Tyrande

Show that proof.

In the days of Azshara, the Sisterhood was just a cult venerated by the peasant class as the status of society was slanted in favor of those with arcane talent…i.e… the Highborne. The Sisterhood held no particular level of prestige by comparison. the mutual hatred that the Highborne and Lowborne held for each other is the root basis for the resentment carried all the way to present time when Maiev went on her murder spree.

Yes, Azshara was the big boss, she was also the most powerful arcanist the Night Elves ever produced. There are male figures who wield unchallenged power, Lord Ravencrest, Xavius, the number of powerful male Night Elves in that novel outnumbers the females and no female Night Elf is shown rebuking them or hesistating in taking orders from them solely because “they were men”.

Post Sundering, the Sisterhood and the Cenarian Druids are shown to have EQUAL if mostly separate but cooperative spheres of influence. No one rules over anyone in terms of gender alone which is the signatory definition of a genderarchy.

That is the evidence you need to show to demonstrate your matriarchy.

But they are. As we can tell by all the female only models of Sentinels in towns. You can’t just cherry instances of randomly generated NPCs and make such a vast claim like that.

Historical is referencing the past, not the future. Just because something is historical doesn’t mean it is different or prone to change.

Historically, Summer ends in September. That doesn’t mean next year will be any different.

You mean… Malfurion being depicted as 2nd to Tyrande, and Kaldorei are “Matriarchal society”? That picture?

Look man, we have had this conversation so many times and you have yet to make an argument that sticks. If you hate women, just say that.

I already have in multiple threads.

I am tired of proving it over and over and over and over and over again.

Again, those are individuals… show the systemic domination of women over men and then you have a point.

The picture show a near even split of men and women. And its actually not a static number. This particular group of night elves can change their composition to have more female/less female and everything in between.

Actually, I just went to darkshore just to check as well. There were about an equal number of male and male NPC from both Gilneans AND night elves. The fact is, the NPC are randomized and the randomizer doesn’t seem to favor showing exclusively male or female dominated ratios.

I -have-

Over and over and over and over again

You people ignore it.

So your empirical evidence disproving the existence of a matriarchy is…

Randomly generated NPCs exist.

Keep being who you are Zarde.

Another picture I took with a different toon. The split shows about 11/9 with more male npc.

My point is, if Blizzard’s goal was to show a female dominated army, they are doing a poor job of it.

Because over and over again your “proof” is that Tyrande is boss. And you totally ignore the evidence that shows Men and Women operating as cooperative equals because it doesn’t fulfill your Amazonian fantasy.

Even the ‘secret’ police of the Night Elves (Wardens) are run by mostly women.


No my evidence is Blizzard showing us that the Sentinels are no longer just being represented by females. That the randomness of the NPC generated is design to show an army of night elves that can have diverse gender composition.

If Blizzard really wanted to just show the Sentinel army as female dominated it would have been so easy to make it so that we only see female NPC/just have one or two static male NPC. But that isn’t what they did.

It’s still a female dominated military position, as is the priesthood and the Wardens.

The blatant dishonesty by you and Drah is…well it’s staggering actually. Arguing against it just because neither one of you has an actual leg to stand on otherwise. Instead all you two do is go Nu Uh. Not true over and over again

Except we have seem men, like Jarod rise and lead it. I’d also point out the Shendelar. The defacto mage army of the night elves, is lead by a dude.

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Then show something other than randomly generated NPCs.

You’re trying to make this big post-Teldrassil argument for the end of the gender divide, but the argument itself fails due to the fact we haven’t even seen night elf society in a post-Teldrassil world.

The best we have are two cutscenes: Terror of Darkshore (which barely shows anyone other than Malf and tyrande, but the soldiers with them seem to have a majority of female members) and the finale (which is more clear and also seems to show more female sentinels than male). And even I’m not going to throw those out as proof, because they’re both too small of scale to show anything about a post-Teldrassil world.

Your whole premise reaks of a desperation to denounce a female-controlled society for some reason other than factually based arguments.


Female dominated position. Like how many does this need to be told to you before you drop the What about the men? crap

Check again, there were as many male as female, although to be honest, it is kinda hard to count because most of the back units are blurred.

Now that I think about the Shendelar, we have another proof, that not even all night elves were female dominated. Said group was lead by a prince. So even at best the argument you could make is night elves under Tyrande were female dominated, but not the entire night elven race was female dominated.

Punished for what? He was killed for corrupting Teldrassil.

If your best evidence is a group that literally split from night elf society thousands of years ago, and that group came literally asking to be let back in and ultimately submitted to Tyrande’s rule only a couple decades ago, then you’re very bad at evidence.

You should think less about the shen’dralar and think more about why you insist on being wrong here.

Randomly generated NPCs and a former splinter group of highborne. Do better.


Any evidence where the MAN is the leader is all the evidence Zerde needs. It’s so dishonest and obnoxious, that it’s disgusting actually


They submitted to the rule of their people, which happened to have Malfurion as well as leader.

We have see night elven male lead towns, expeditions, and even armies. Seem to me they were only matriarchal because circumstances forces most of the male population(slightly retconned to be only druids later on) to be asleep for centuries.

And that the fundamental instutions that made them all matrichal in the first place are now all in flux due to recent world event. The same as other patrichal races have had to change their tune as well.

They literally sent an envoy to meet with Tyrande. Wrath classic is live. When the quest comes up, go do it and learn.

Only because you are desperate to find some reason why the one female-led society doesn’t count as female-led. You’ve gone to some hilarious lengths to deny the absolute facts here. It’s disingenuous and a little enlightening about your positions.

Again: a fringe offshoot group and randomly generated npcs. Along with some baseless speculation about why they’re female led “only out of necessity”.

I’m done with you, Zarde. You’re getting a little disgusting with your desperate reach to invalidate.