Undead Night Elf and Tyrande

  1. Tyrande is not the only female lead society in WoW. Jaina, Moira, Alleria, Aysa etc. They are leading their respective nations/group. What I am countering is the idea that the night elves are even matriarchal anymore.
  2. Every male dominated nation in Azeroth has slowly drifted to being egalitarian. Why can’t the same be done for the female lead one? Why should one be considering ok, and the other not?
  1. Tyrande -Female

  2. Sisterhood of Elune -99.99999% female

  3. Sentinels - 99.99999999% female

  4. The Wardens = Entirely female.

The kaldorei are a matriarchal society and your extreme desperation and outright sexist behavior right now is disgusting dude.

These facts are haven’t changed for 20+ yrs now. Better start adjusting to the reality of things

Tyrande is not the only leader. Malfurion is also leader.

And they are not the only religious group of the night elves. The druid hold their own place and othesr probably don’t care as much/have varying degree of devotion to Elune(like the aformentioned Shendelar)

Again, this is outdated lore as shown by the fact we see a mixture of male/female sentinels nowadays.

And we have a male lead army of Shendelar and the demon hunters as a group are lead by Illidan.

Fandral is dead.

The sisterhood is the only religious organization

Shendalar is a magi highborne splinter group who bowed and submitted to TYRADNE WHISPERWIND. The FEMALE LEADER of the Kaldorei.

Stop the sexism dude. It’s disgusting how desperate you are


This is a side question, is a matriarchy seen as a good thing to have? I always heard people say a patriarchy was something that should be dismantled as a comparison. So it is surprising that the same thing on the opposite end would be desirable.

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Corrected to Malfurion.

You do realize the night elves are suppose to be polytheistic? And they do revere the various Wild Gods as well?

The group serves the night elven people. They actually worked with BOTH Malfurion and Tyrande.

Funny how asking for equality for both gender is suddenly sexism. Again, what is good for the goose is good for the gander. And I personally want all the factions to be a more egalitarian place.

The Illidari were never part of the greater Night Elven society. They were seen has heretics and traitors. Hence why most were imprisoned in the Vault of the Wardens over the Long Vigil and following Illidans defeat in TBC. Also the Illidari includes blood elf demon hunters, demons that defected to Illidan, Naga that swore loyalty to Illidan and the Ashtongue Deathsworn (originally willingly, then forced, then either forced again or willingly depending on your DH’s choices).

The sisterhood of ELUNE is the official religion of the Kaldorei. Because…get this…the SISTERHOOD is in charge religious affairs.

They submitted to TYRANDE WHISPERWIND. The FEMALE LEADER of the Kaldorei

What you want is irrelevant. The lore facts aren’t changing because you personally wanna fan fiction something else in its place


When did you ask for equality?

You’ve decided it must already exist because of randomly generated NPCs, fringe groups existing, and some blatantly demeaning logic (“the women only ruled because the druid men were sleeping”). But you never asked for equality. You never even implied you want equality.


Because she was the only one in the city at the time. Malfurion was still in the dream.

Me Aki have had this discussion for a LONG time, you can find my post about and my feeling about wanted an egalitarian race for all the playable races on the link I added during the start of said conversation.

Blizzard is afraid to kill off their major alliance characters

Tyrande is the LEADER of the Kaldorei. This hasn’t changed and has been a FACT for 20+ yrs now. Better start adjusting to reality

It says it their in black and white. LEADERS, plural.

Tyrande Whisperwind(pronounced teh-rahn-dah )[8] is the chosen high priestess of the goddess Elune, the former general of the night elf Sentinels and the current head of the Sisterhood of Elune. Together with her lifelong mate, the archdruid Malfurion Stormrage, she has represented the highest leadership of the night elves since the fall of [Queen Azshara](https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Queen_Azshara) and the Highborne caste ten thousand years ago

Bolded for you my guy.

So you reference WoWpedia while ignoring the actual world of warcraft website that states both Malfurion and Tyrande are leaders. Yeah, great argument.

She’s top dog of the Kaldorei leadership…She’s literally above Malfurion when it comes to authority.

This is sexist problem is entirely yours and it’s disgusting

She is not top dog and ever bit of lore from the official website/the manual/even the art book say they co-rule the night elves.

The link you’re providing is not asking for equality. It’s making an incorrect statement that night elves are already an egalitarian society.

That is still not asking for equality.

If you actually do want a race that is shown to have no gender biases, I’d gladly refer you to the draenie, gnomes, tauren, trolls (especially trolls) and a few others that have always and consistently shown themselves to be unconcerned with gender roles, with important personages beyond the racial leader being of either portrayed gender in-game.

So if that really was all you ever wanted, you missed it already existing.

Instead, you’re trying to take the one race always portrayed as a matriarchy and claim they are no longer a matriarchy, and only ever seemed like they were one because the druids took a nappy. That the only reason the Sentinels and the Wardens and Sisters of Elune exist as they have been portrayed is because the druid boys slept, allowing women to take prominent positions across the board.

Your claims of desiring equality come across as extremely sexist in their argument.

It also somehow implies that every male night elf is a druid, which is weird in a different kind of way.


Zerde over here just being casually sexist against women is honestly pissing me off right now. I’m gonna have to step away.

It’s infuriating how he isn’t even trying to hide it anymore


No, I want ALL races to be egalitarian and that is the reason I argue that the night elves have already slowly drifted to it. That Azeroth has no place for either a patriarchy or matriarchy dominated society and when either are shown in game it should be in a negative light(like for example the blood trolls or how Magni was clearly in the wrong with his daughter)

You can find my post on multiple threads about this. You can see I actually defend why the allied races are mostly getting lead by women.

Yeesh some people need to chill, We aren’t saying one gender has more power than the other. Just pointing out that both genders whether that be the Druids(male Dominated) and Priests(female Dominated) both hold positions of power among the night elves. If that is a problem for you then you need to really consider who is being sexist here.

Honestly the fact they have such a balanced leadership and share power so well should be an amazing step in the direction other races should look at.