Undead Night Elf and Tyrande

Do you think the undead Night Elves will be allowed back into NE society or will Tyrande forsake them the same way Lordearonians were forsaken by the Alliance?


Darkfallen are a bit strange. The easiest answer is for the powers that be in the Alliance to reject them.

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Night Elf players can already customize themselves as Darkfallen. So I’d say they must have been accepted back in.



To those unaware acquiring the Darkfallen customization requires the Return to Lordaeron quest chain to be completed. It can be done by both factions and gives blood, night, and void elves the skin.
Note: Demon Hunters cannot currently use said skin.


Since Crazy-pants Maeiv was trying to get Sira to come back, I’m going to go with “They’re probably going to be accepted”.


I think enough times past that the Alliance might be more amenable to the undead. They’ve technically had them since Wrath but I don’t know how welcome on the streets they’re supposed to be. I’m pretty sure Warlockery is outlawed and you can run around with a Felguard out so it’s hard to say with these things.

At any rate the unnelves in Lordaeron do mention being allowed to go back but they’re personally choosing not to. Which makes it all the more puzzling we didn’t get at least an undead NBorne skin.


The undead skins are available to night elf players, so they’re already back in the Alliance.

Just because the player can do something doesn’t really mean much.

I can summon a voidlord in Silvermoon without any repercussions and void Elves can choose darkfallen skins which doesn’t make any sense.

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I doubt they’ll address it in the actual story anytime soon, but I would imagine they would be tolerated and even perhaps pitied by the greater NE populace - whatever is left of it.

Many (if not all) of the Darkfallen were raised after giving their lives to defend Teldrassil, so I’d almost see the Kaldorei going the same way as the modern treatment of Demon Hunters in a way. Tolerated but not fully accepted.

Some Kaldorei actually chose to stay with the Forsaken as they were unsure how to come to terms with their newfound state and potentially had concerns on how they would be accepted by their kin, namely Delaryn Summermoon. Although, she may be more apprehensive due to her drastic flip to killing her people in Darkshore, but we can also make the argument that her mental state was drastically altered from being raised into Undeath so it’s a bit of a grey area.


Pre-Legion I’d say they wouldn’t be accepted but that ship sort of sailed with Demon Hunters and was already preparing to set sail after Wrath introduced Kaldorei Death Knights. In established, prior lore, Kaldorei are/were vehemently anti-undead to the point of giving Scarlets a run for their money, but specifically for Night Elves who were undead. And we’re not talking spirits here, but the walking corpse kind. In their religion, they were those who had either rejected the Night Warrior collecting them or were rejected themselves, and were abominations.

Traditionally, what made Kaldorei unique was their short but thorough list of ‘Things That Get Glaives to the Face On Reflex’: Highborne/nelf magic user, Kaldorei undead, and Demon Hunters. This list was specific to Kaldorei, and made them more culturally distinct from the Alliance.

Highborne were an easy sell, given that the Kaldorei became allied with a slew of Arcane users in WoW, and in TBC gained neighbours in the form of the Draenei who were very skilled ancient magic users. Them being accepted eventually was inevitable.

Kaldorei Undead were tougher, even if that happened before Highborne, and there was a lot of debate in lore circles at the time if nelves should even get Death Knights, for the above reasons. But given that Scourge undeath was a different beast than the kind of undeath Kaldorei had typically encountered, acceptance was a reasonable assumption since Scourge undeath is VERY forceful in terms of raising someone, leaving zero doubt as to them not having a choice in the matter.

The clincher here that points to acceptance, of course, are the Illidari. Illidari are walking blasphemies to Elune, and they chose to be such. Prior to the retcons of Legion that had them be more self-sacrificing antiheroes, Kaldorei Illidari’s very ritual for becoming such involved the symbolic rejection of Elune and their afterlife. Illidari before Legion were by and large power hungry, zealous, and murderous, twisting Night Elf ways for the sole purpose of personal power and hunting demons.

And they got accepted.

So basically, yes, the undead Night Elves will likely be accepted, because the Kaldorei have had to accept/tolerate far worse than them for all of WoW’s existence.


Sira : “I hate every thing! Bringing pain is a joy - because the blood spilled looks like happy clown faces!”

Maiev : “… and that’s ok. Just come back, friend.”


The Alliance has literally had former Scourge, Death knights, rejoin it.

We have also had formet blood elves, the void elves, rejoin it.

And it is lorewise that some of the darkfallen did rejoin the Alliance. This was a quest for us as well. So this is current canon lore unless you find any lore that contradicts it.

We also have Tyralyon, the current Stormwind leader/potential high commander, making peace and accepting Foel as an undead.

As a final note. We have Sira, mostly likely part of the whole “renewal” storyline will probably involve her and her fate


Sira seemed unusually angry.

She’s standing in Nazmir just driven to the brink of a homicidal massacare by tge mere presence of so much green and life. And as I’m reading this I’m picturing Clayton Backston somewhere in full 1950s gardener regalia dutifully watering his new garden.

Undead Elves in general seem way more pissed off than their human counterparts. And I figure this is due to them not getting anything out’ve the arrangement. Undead humans now have more time than they can fathom. Felstorm is still trucking at over three millenias old. But for an Elf that’s just a part of their natural lifespan.

Plus even Thalassian Elves seem to have a fairly deeper connection to nature that’s severed now. Whereas undead nature and animal lovers seem to adapt with 0 fuss. Like Pontius, a professional dog breeder and trainer in life, mentions just being devestated when he learned most dogs fear the undead. But he just adapted to raising and training darkhounds instead who he loudly adores. As he puts it they’re not as easy on the eyes but then again neither is he. Whereas an Elf with a particular fondness for say Night Sabers would probably have a harder time finding a substitute.


They also went straight to being self-possessed undead without spending any time enslaved in their own minds as Scourge. Many human Forsaken are probably more introspective about their current state by comparison because they had to personally experience the horror of just how much worse undeath can actually be.


They already are allowed back.
Plus Alliance has had Undead since Wrath.


I think it will be on an individual basis. They did try to get Sira to come back to the fold, but since then Sira and a fair number of her peers did a lot of damage, and they’d need to show some desire to atone.

Considering Tyrande spend most of the Battle of Darkshore trying to lend an open hand to the undead Night Elves… yes, the Night Elves would’ve allowed their kin back. They accepted some of the Highbourne that lived in Dire Maul back. Along with Night Elf Death Knights.


Some Night Elves also tried to murder them. Cultures are seldom monolithic.

These specific things are some of what bothers me so much from the writers and it’s not something I want to get into big online fights with other players.

Maybe this doesn’t make sense to me because I can’t see any blood elves choosing to join the alliance over the past bigotry and hostility that has been the alliance-blood elf relationship.

I don’t fault a player wanting to defend something they think is cool but I have to say it is a bit disheartening that such important topics and events seem to be ignored by the people who create this game.

I will be clear that just because I think something doesn’t make sense or is stupid doesn’t mean it’s not canon.

Yeah but Blizzard wants us to forget Maiev’s little murderous adventures. Even sweeping it under the rug in Legion when Jerod reunites with his sister.