Undead Night Elf and Tyrande

It is me, I’m the definitive true Horde player. All the best Horde players are blood elf hunters named Alynsa, and we all know this. I am the truest of the true Horde, just ask me.

Sorry, this whole derailment has been too serious and angry, so I’m’a try and add some levity.

I’ll go now.


It’s a matter of perspective, before you probably even started playing this game, I was referred on this very forum as a night elf zealot, and my posting style wasn’t materially different back then.

I never gatekeeped anyone on someone’s different ideals. I don’t even gatekeep you, if you want to play your character as a man enslaving Amazon, go for it. You’ll find plenty of guys who will go for it IF you can sell it with the right style.

But unlike me, all you’ve ever offered to argue for your position is assertation that anyone who dissented from your view was a “night elf hater”.

I’ve shown repeated examples of how my interpretation is supported. You on the other hand seem to base your argument solely on the existence of powerful singular individuals.

It’s society that decides the nature of an 'archy, if one exists, not singular examples.

America has women who have been described as Amazons… but it’s still very much a sickeningly patriarchal society, especially these past couple of years. It’s the mass trends that matter, not individuals.


Why are you lying?

You are a blood elf main, you literally made threads about how horrible Night Elves are and how they should be deleted from the game. You literally made Drahliana for the explicit purpose of trolling Nelf posters like me.

You think I don’t remember? I have been here longer than you.

This is why I’m on the Panda Express to Pandaria!. At least I don’t need to worry about not being a True fan of this or that and can just enjoy cute chubby pandas who kick butt!

Clarification: As said, people can be in more than one fandom/community. As I also still love the worgen and wish there was some content to actually talk about when it comes to them :blush:

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I have 13,000 posts to your 8.000 I’ve been playing this character since the game came out. And that doesn’t count the posts that were wiped along with the original version of these forums. Your memories are filtered through your mania. That’s why I don’t think you’re lying about my posts, you’re just seeing things that don’t exist.

Arlessa, the Blood Elf you claim as my “main” is still only level 51 with 274 posts on her.

I didn’t rejoice that Sylvannas turned Teldrassil into night time outdoor barbecue. I had hoped that Blizzard had dome something to shake the status quo and take this game and it’s story in a bold new direction. The event motivated my character in her actions and me to re-engage in PVP despite the fact that I’m not very good at it.

However, Blizzard blew it completely, and part of that reason was that what was going on behind the scenes was motivated by one lead creator’s animus against another which produced a broken story that’s unfixable by any acceptable means, certainly not by putting Horde players through a humiliation conga. One of the reasons Arlessa is lacking so behind was that the Horde campaign in BFA was that miserable an experience for anyone playing through it.

The Night Elves are not “nice people” they have long had the xenophobia they inherited from their Troll ancestors. During the War of the Ancients, many of them would have preferred being exterminated by the Burning Legion rather than accept help from “primitive barbarians” such as taurens, or humans. They took a “shoot first” attitude when they had first contact on both the Alliance as well as the Horde. They’ve gotten better over time and with mixing with other cultures. They’ve had more development as a culture than arguably any other race in the game who for the most part haven’t really changed that much since they were introduced.


Yeah… Because I try to write posts of substances. I am not hyper targeting Nelf posts to harass and derail.

You have been called out for this several times already. Not by just me, by several other nelf posters here on the forum. All you have done is outlasted most of them, so the people here now either don’t know, have never known, or seen you do what you do with the context of harassment.

It’s why I, most of the time, just ignore your posts. Because you are just here to harass and bully, and you are doing that even now.

I assume Tyrande will be personally accepting of the undead Night Elves. She’s been willing to use / work with Demon Hunters. So she’s willing to buck some trends in that regard.

But I think if it ever gets referenced that Night Elf society would not be nearly as accepting.

Yes, I’ve been called upon by the Victim Brigade as you have noted. I’ve also been in discussion with other people who have nothing to do with your personal cruade.

If you are going to take umbrage when ever you don’t get full agreement on your posts, maybe you should rethink posting them, or thicken your skin.

I’m not the one making character smears on everyone who disagrees with them. I’m far from the only person you’ve been tarring and feathering. The only posts of mine that you ever notice are the ones that call out your misinformation.

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Fandral however, raised Teldrassil all on his own authority. That and the fact that Malfurion wasn’t around to veto him as he probably would have.

Yep, there it is. Your true colors peaking out from behind your façade.

Ironic, as all I have to say is that Kaldorei are matriarchal before a small number of emasculated internet nerds pop up to spew their very easily refutable and misogynistic garbage.

There is no misinformation.

You are just a troll. A proven troll.

I was gonna mention that everyone who actually knows kaldorei lore at all, all agree they are a matriarchal society.

But some think that just because 4 dudes have somewhat high positions that must mean the Priestesses, Sentinels, both being powerful female organizations and Tyrande herself suddenly stopped running the show

Just wish the blatant dishonesty would stop. But that’s me


I am not going to repeat my points and examples because some people refuse to read. Again, the SF at its finest, typing and talking past each other.

We do not have proof of this either. Unless Tyrande explicitly tried to stop night elf members in the Cenarion Circle from doing something, this lacks evidence.
But we do have Tyrande telling Broll that she holds power over him, and which he acknowledges.

The Iron lady did not run a matriarchy because her government wasn’t matriarchial. Comparing the two is a fallacy.

Also, Aki, your arguments would probably be more acceptable if you spent less time attacking people simply giving a different opinion. -.-



  1. a system of society or government ruled by a woman or women.

Ruling a society largely requires control over the political, military and (optionally) religious institutions.

Political: Tyrande (woman)
Military: Shandris (woman)
Religious: Tyrande(?) (woman)

The Sentinels are still largely made up of women. The primary religious order is the Sisters of Elune, whose name alone gives a major clue about the overall gender divide.

Men were recently allowed into both, that’s true. Claiming that means the whole of night elf culture isn’t a matriarchy is laughable. Women have been involved in politics and the military in America for decades, and America still fits every definition of a patriarchy.

The kaldorie, Kaldorie, Kal’Dorie or kal’dorie, however you want to spell it, are still a matriarchy.

The only attempts to disprove this require willfully misinterpretting dev statements out of context.


That just means that SHE thinks she has the power. That she carries herself as a Maggie Thatcher. One person does not a matriarchy make. A matriarchy is a society where it is a SYSTEMIC feature that males are treated as second class citizens. There is nothing in the lore or in the game that demonstrates this.

So this is what I found on the WoW manual:

Following the catastrophic invasion of
the Burning Legion, Tyrande ruled over her people alongside her
mate, the Arch-Druid Malfurion Stormrage, until he disappeared
into the mystic Emerald Dream

So even back in Vanilla it was a co-leadership already until Malfurion ended up in his little nap.

And someone like Fandral would openly question her/quarrel with her.

His radical beliefs and aggressive demeanor often lead him to quarrel openly
with the High Priestess, Tyrande.

uh-uh, doesn’t seem the be case anymore.

Every major night elf presence has been a mixture of male and female night elf. And as that screenshot shows, the males are now about equal to the female sentinels in number. It is kinda hard to be picky with recruits when your race is in the brink of extinction.


Having an inflated ego doesn’t mean having legal power.


The fact that he can and not be censured or otherwise punished for it throws the Matriarchy off the Tree.

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I mean, I can just as easily find a screen shot of the Sentinels in towns and questing zones (Which are ALL female) and say that disproves your claim.

It’s cherry picking evidence it what it is. Which is your entire argument. “Men are present, therefore Kaldorei are not Matriarchal” Which is an argument based in misogyny. It is rooted in the in the idea that men merely being present overwites the authority of the women in the scene.

The truth is. We have historical precedent for Kaldorei matriarchy. We have a theocratic society, where Religon is central to their identity, in which the feminine is elevated. We have it told to us directly that women knowing the heart of Elune better than any man could is still a common held belief in Kaldorei society. AND we have the word of a Dev that tells us they are matriarchal.

So it is pretty cut and dry. Kaldorei are matriarchal. Your screenshot of randomly generated nelf models that was probably lazily slapped together by an unpaid intern doesn’t overwrite the mountain of evidence of Matriarchy.

Thing is, he COULD have been. In Wolfheart, Shandris directly asked Tyrande why he hadn’t been.

Tyrande, apparently, didn’t consider him much of a threat.


No, the current argument is the Sentinels are no longer just dominated by male/the main fighting forces of the night elves are no longer majority female.

Key word, historical. As in now that is no longer the case.

As Garrosh would say, times change. And everything we see from Modern night elves shows a different picture.

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You do know what “largely” means, right? Your picture shows a majority of female soldiers.

As Aki pointed out, a selective screen shot is pretty irrelevant. I can like… Go to Darkshore, either version, and find mostly female sentinels all over the place.

You know this. You just need to be a contrarian.