Undead Night Elf and Tyrande

If he was a Kaldorei player he would know me. For him to insinuate that he has been within the community longer than me is laughable when I am the one who brought it together.

I don’t talk about myself much on the forums, or what I do off the forums, even what is in-game. But Curse is the one who started this, unbeknownst to him that there was a time when I was organizing and leading Kaldorei RP events that had hundreds of players attending.

He wants to stand there, claiming he is part of the Kaldorei community from his Blood Elf avatar flippantly, he can do that. But he should know who he is talking too.

He is lying. Making declarative statements without support, both in regards to Kaldorei lore and his familiarity with the Kaldorei community. Lies primarily rooted in misogyny.

The only people who need to lie like that are people who know they are wrong.

So someone has to know you on a personal level to be considered a Night Elf player? What the F is that level of gatekeeping?

My first character was a Night Elf. I guess I wouldn’t be considered a Night Elf player all the way back then.

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I mean, if the claim is that they are familiar and a participant with the Kaldorei lore community. So much so they were to insinuate seniority over me. It’s not that they -have- too…. Only that they -would- if it were true.

You believe you are alerted to every Night Elf Character in existence… while you still type kaldorei wrong?

Or worse… you seem to believe every one who rolls a kaldorei is alerted to your presence, as if you are Elune incarnate…

The support is in the Devs words - they used the words : call back

Now, you can disagree with the interpretation, but I am using the Devs words as support.

Cite it. I have read a heck of a lot and have not seen any example of classic matriarchy.


This whole forum can be summarised as Much Ado about Nothing.
I have never seen people use so many words to convey absolutely nothing and talk past each other like they were having conversations with themselves, like I have in the SF.

Well, politicians I guess. I suppose we learn from the best.


sigh Give up on the Kaldorei being a woman dominated society, It was only woman dominated because the male counterparts to the priesthood of elune were asleep for thousands of years. Now that part of the community is back, they have taken back an equal standing in the community.

They two groups are now accepting members of the other gender, and each group is ruled by a member of the opposing sex.

So sure, right up until the druids awoke, they were matriarchal. However as soon as druids awoke the men in the community took up positions of power of responsibility, they stopped being a women dominated community.


Despite the fact that the overwhelming majority of posts on my account have been with a Night Elf avatar (Easy check on that just look up the respective counts on Drahliana, Arabarena, and Arlessa, there are more but those are the big three) and see.

But that’s not good enough. If you’re not on board with Akiyss’s assertion that the Night Elves are matriarchal despite the overwhelming amount of contradictory evidence and you’re not willing to blow the horns of the Night Elf Victim Brigade, then you’re not a “Night Elf Player”. Which btw I’ve never subscribed to limiting myself that way.

I’m not nor never have been part of the discord community. And from what I’ve seen they have practically given that name to the service.

Whoever is in your little club of gatekeepers, here’s a bit of advice. You aren’t the authority you think you are. I’ve never claimed to be anyone but a person with an interpretation of what they’ve read, seen, and speculated on the missing holes in the narrative…


This thing still going on?

This is not entirely true. Stomrage suggests that the druids are answerable to Tyrande, and Tyrande herself became the sole leader due to being head of the Sisterhood of Elune. She chooses not to enforce her will on the druids but can decide to, and that extends to night elven druidic members of the Cenarion Circle such as Broll. Shandris herself could also give orders to Broll.

As long as Tyrande leads the Kaldorei, in some sense, they will still be matriarchial, because her government rules the people, and her government is made up of the Sisterhood and extended by the Sentinels, who are predominantly female. If after her death/resignation, the Kaldorei decide to divide power between the druids/Sisterhood/Shendralar and govern accordingly, then they may no longer be matriarchial. There are ofcourse, male members of the Sentinels, and now the Sisterhood, but they are still overwhelmingly female.


Apparently it’s appeared both ways in game. also words with the suffix dorei tend to have an apostrophe in them.

Huh, i never noticed but he is right: kaldorei is used lower case:

wowpedia.fandom .com/wiki/Down_to_Business

Venture forth and show them what the kaldorei have learned from thousands of years of war. Discover their weaknesses so that we may exploit them.


It has been a hot minute since I read the book, but isn’t the main reason they answer to Tyrande was because Malfurion was in the Emerald Dream, stuck?

That is the thing, she isn’t the sole ruler anymore, or at least until Dragonflight. The leader page even mentions that both are leaders of the night elven people.

They answer to Tyrande because she is their leader, and they answer to Shandris because she leads the Sentinels, who are their “order force”/executive branch of government.

Malfurion being co-leader now is irrelevant, because it doesn’t take away from what I said above.

I didn’t say sole leader, and nothing I said depends on her being the sole leader.


Not really, Broll assisted Tyrande because he trusted her. she threatened to order him but he never pushed back simply because he had no reason to. If he believed she had been a threat to the cenarion circle or to Malfurion himself, he probably would have denied her, however he already had questions about what fandral was upto at that point.

In the same novel we have confirmation that Fandral had leadership of the cenarion circle and did things like planting the new world tree even though she had not wanted it. If she were fully in control this never would have occurred. The Night elf people had actually celebrated the new world tree.

There is a difference to being in solely charge and simply being respected. Tyrande is respected by most of the Cenarion circle so they would listen to her. However, she is not their leader. Just like if Malfurion asked something of Shandris she would probably do as he asked even though she is a member of priestess of the moon.

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You and I seem to have read a different book. Everything you just said would be more applicable to Malfurion, who before Cata was a respected leader and therefore listened to, despite not governing the night elves.

Tyrande explicitly tells Broll that she has the right to order him to help her, but chooses not to, and in several instances states her fear of becoming another Azshara because of the power she has over the night elves. The novel doesn’t say anything about her “not wanting Teldrassil” because it is way past Teldrassil and only talks about Tyrande being suspicious of Fandral’s motives but not knowing enough and trusting the druids, Broll and Hamuul in particular to take care of things.

She did have the authority to challenge them, but chose not to out of respect towards Fandral. About Teldrassil, Fandral had to get permission from the Ancients in Darkshore- so very likely with Malfurion asleep, Tyrande gave in to Fandral’s wishes as the best course of action. We have no record of her open opposition to it.


So, we have no instances of anyone in the Cenarion circle actually being commanded by her and them following through because of said order. Her claiming she has the right is alot different to her being able to give an order and it being followed. Anyone can claim they have the power, the fact that she doesn’t want to rule like that, and the fact that she shares that rule is clear indication that she doesn’t want it to be a Matriarchal society as she shares that leadership with both Fandral and her Husband.

So we have no instances of her commanding the Cenarion circle and it being followed. We have instances of the Cenarion circle doing its own thing against her wishes. We have the fact that both groups are now allowing members of the opposing sex into their orders. The time of the matriarchy has come to an end and a time of equality took its place huzzah.

The point is that Tyrande doesn’t want to rule like Azshara did like a dictator. Her people love and respect her and she is afraid of abusing that trust. She doesn’t rule to maintain a matriarchy and happily defers the leadership to others even if she disagrees with them primarily that leadership is deferred to men. She isn’t maintaining her rule to maintain the Matriarchy and if she passed sole rulership would pass to malfurion not to any female heir.

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When Britain’s prime minister was Margaret “the Iron Lady” Thatcher, did anyone consider Britain a matriarchy? Or the fact that Elisabeth ruled for over seven decades?

It is what is baked into the society et total. Just as Patriarchy relegates women to second class status, a Matriarchy would do that to men. Not even in the days of Azshara is this true. Even in present day, no female Night Elf balks at taking orders from Malfurion, Fandral, or Jarod Shadowsong.

Tyrande never ruled over the Cenarian Druids who in their own way are just about as an important facet of Kaldorei society as the Sisterhood of Elune. Both groups have dropped their gender preferences for quite some time now.

The Amazon style of of a society of female supremacy simply never existed among the Night Elves and certainly wasn’t there at the start of the MMORG.


You are notorious self-proclaimed night elf hater and blood elf main. You specifically use a Nelf avatar to harass Nelf posters and derail Nelf threads. And you have been called out on it several times by more people than just me.

This is why I will never understand it. Same with Erevian and saying that “only true horde players” agree with him. Like what does that even mean? What is a “true horde player”?

I just don’t get it. It is a very easy way to make things into an “us vs them” mentality when you try and fit people into boxes on the basis on what their forum avatar is. Like I said previously, do I suddenly go into the ‘horde player’ box when I post on one of my horde characters? Do I got into the ‘Draenei player’ box when I post on my Lightforged Draenei?

The same applies to real life. I’ve seen people claim that they are a ‘real Australian’. Note that these people tend to follow Pauline Hansons One Nation and other fringe right wing political groups. I ask them what does being a “real Australian” mean and they either don’t reply, or say something like, “if you need to ask that, you are not a real Australian”. So being born in Australia doesn’t make me an Australian? O.o