Undead Night Elf and Tyrande

No it doesn’t. But it does start the framework and in term of gay marriage was always a major step. To the point that we probably have more LGBTQ+ content now precisely because said law was passed(Blizzard only really started to be more inclusive to LGBTQ+ after the political tide was decided on)

In WoW it probably is. We are likely not ever going to see much more content that specifically have women disadvantaged by men specifically due to their gender. (in practice, most of our bad guys are equal opportunity asses.)

All the classes are now available to all gender, women are allowed to be as badass a warrior as any man or lead as well as any man(Stormwind’s navy for example is lead by a woman). And in terms of LGBT+ discrimination Blizzard has already effectively ruled that does not exist in WoW.

I try to take arguments as they are. I have felt this way, and made the argument as well. I almost was not gonna jump into this one, you were doing well enough. But it seemed like people felt their sheer numbers alone made them right, or suggesting you were an outlier. So, I wanted to say you are not alone in your interpretation. It appears the accurate one, to me.

Yes, it is a point of contention.

Were the kaldorei portrayed as Matriarchal in WC 3, and were they largely led by women for most of their history? Yes - that is why it is referred to as a “call back.”

Are they Matriarchal now? I think Blizzard was saying - no. But it is a part of their history to call back to.

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i would say WoW has given us more reasons to believe they are Matriarchal since WC3. And the funny thing is, the only people I see arguing this point are here… In the story forums. Spesifically you and Zerde.

It is not a point of contention with anyone reasonable.


You think it is funny that lore is discussed in the lore forum…? Well, at least you are an easy laugh :

“Hur durh, people talked about lore in the lore forum… Hur hur.”


I see these discussions here, as you do. Where else are they supposed to be?

If I saw these arguments about “kaldorei matriarchy” in the Opinion section of my local newspaper, I might find that funny…

I think the lore discussion forum would be the place for such discussions concerning the lore.

Nah, I think it is funny that most people who actually immerse themselves in Kaldorei Lore fully accept that Kaldorei are Matriarchal, but the two people who don’t are people who don’t even play Night Elves.


Mass fanonwank does not equate to the lore as portrayed by the Devs.

The World’s End Tavern is good for that fanon you preach.

Devs confirm Kaldorei are Matriarchal and so does the Lore.

Curse and Zerde: Lawl nope.

As Aki said, only you and zerde are in denial about it. Which is weird. But not really shocking


Incorrect - Devs said the cinematic was a call back to a past, when they used to be matriarchal.

Call back.

Notice they did not say :

“Night Elves are Matriarchal, so we do not need to say it is a call back, because they are Matriarchal right now!”

No… they specifically said it was a call back.

So, you don’t think the FEMALE LEAD Sentinels, Priestesses and Tyrande don’t run the Matriarchal society?

A “Call Back” in air quotes, being used to portray the culture of the Kaldorei in the present at a transformative moment in their history.

The Terror of Darkshore cinematic is what Night Elf fans had been wanting for years. And since you are not involved in the Kaldorei community, you wouldn’t understand the subtext of what was being communicated to us in that moment.

No one watched that cinematic and questioned that Tyrande was calling the shots, that Tyrande was the dominate body. The Vibes were very “Warrior’s of the Night, Assemble!” it was very Long Vigil, it was very Warcraft 3 Tyrande, which is what fans want.

And they gave that to us… By confirming Kaldorei were Matriarchal.


You are not the gate keeper of the kaldorei community. Thankfully. Because your fancy incorrect uppercase “Kaldorei” is some head canon junk that matches your fanon.

Are you going to add an apostrophe too?
Is it going to be “Kal’Dorei” gatekeeping, from you?

I am enough a member of the kaldorei community to know it is not capitalized.

You show you are not a kaldorei fan - you are a fan of some headcanon “Kaldorei” you invented, in rejection of the actual lore based kaldorei.

I don’t have to gate keep… You never crossed the threshhold. I am not preventing you from walking in, but I can see you standing outside the gate and I can say that you are not in the club just by observation.


Please, I was already inside, dismissing your ignorant gaze.

Go play your fanon “Kaldorei” while I am part of the kaldorei community.

No, I am not part of your wrong thing… I am part of the kaldorei community.


Imagine trying to flex on being a member of a community that you are not a member of… But not only that, but a community that is so niche and otherwise insignificant.

Your life is so sad… You are going to pretend to be part of a subgroup of a video game community, just so you can act like your misogyny can be received with any degree of authority.

Look. If you were part of Kaldorei community, you would know who I am outside the forums. It’s not a flex. I just been around a long time, and I have been really active in multiple RP groups, fan groups. I pushed the Kaldorei imitative Project. I did all these things back in the day. I am not saying that to flex. It is not impressive. It was just a hobby and and interest.

But, if you want to play that game. You’ll lose.

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I am a kaldorei player. I appreciate kaldorei lore. I do not need a wrist band to your club - especially when your club uses an uppercase K for kaldorei when it should be lower case.

Oh lordy lou… hey, I can not help your reactions.

You are sad that people play Night Elves and know Night Elf lore, and they ignore your false head canon.

Sounds like a “you” issue…

No - it is not impressive. At all.

I have seen many kaldorei fans disagree with you. You are not the arbiter of kaldorei taste.

It is strange that you pretend to wear such a mantle.

No you’re not. And no you don’t.

But you don’t

Thing is, you haven’t. Not about Kaldorei matriarchy.

I know how to type kaldorei, unlike you…

I do know one thing you are wrong about - the upper case “K” you keep wanting to add to your rants.

I know and understand kaldorei lore more than you, just from the word itself.

So because he posts on the forums with a blood elf as his forum avatar, he is not a kaldorei player? Does one have to post on their Night Elf to be counted as someone who plays a Night Elf?

This is why I have a problem with people who go “oh you posted on X race or Y faction, you are therefore a X or Y player and nothing else”.

Like people can play both factions, but they can only post on the forums with one character as their forum avatar at a time. Why does it matter in the first place what race or faction someone posts on? If I post on a horde character I have, am I suddenly a ‘horde player’?


I think what Aki is saying that she spent many years helping to build the Kaldorei community into the tight knit community that it was and keeps in contact with most of them

And it was a relatively small niche community of very passionate players mind you. But it’s something that’s clearly dear to her and we should try to respect that and keep that in mind

But that’s me. Everyone else can do what they will

To try and be polite -

I do not think a fan collective has dominion over the story, just because they anoint themselves.

We have different interpretations on how the Dev use of “call back” impacts how we see current lore.

Akyiss and others wanted to dismiss Zerde as some lone opinion. So, I wanted to attest that he is not alone. Then, the goal post gets moved to “Zerde and Curse are not members of Akyiss’s Club” or what ever nonsense.
