Undead Night Elf and Tyrande

No I care about parity. If tomorrow the orcs were to redact Thrall’s decree that all women were equal I think there would be a pretty big backlash. Similarly, I don’t think a society that is matrichal is good either.

I agree. We don’t need women becoming leaders to have better representation for strong women leading. That’s just becoming the thing you hate or something!!

You can have strong women leaders without having a matriarchy.

Again, you can find me defending Jaina’s rise as leader of Kul Tiras and the fact that most of the allied races are lead by women.

I know. It’s why we allow the women to have characters like Moira; a single woman who leads along with two men who make the real and important decisions in the overall patriarchy of dwarven kind.

I would argue that the dwarves have already dismantled most/if not all their own patriachal ways. Hence, why women guards are now allowed and why Moira is now recognized as a leader.

Dang it, I keep forgetting; as long as someone says you’re equal, then you actually are.

I hope someone told all the real world minority groups this. I think they never got that message, that all it takes is a single decree and a few positions as cops and suddenly you’re equal.

Because they care but care more about the game. Ultimately lore is to serve the game and not the other way around. Suffice to say there isn’t alot of compelling gameplay reason to care about the day to day workings of most nation’s government hence why generally we focus on the faction leaders.

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Yep, take down your Pride flags. Equality has been achieved.


Except decrees are important. Hence why people want to pass legislation and enshrine the status in their laws. Sure, people can and still would break said laws but at least you get an avenue to try and correct said injustice. And at least as far as the law is concerned, you would be in the right.

As for “few position” that is the point, to slowly change it so that more and more “position” get filled so that we do get a better parity.

It’s true. We managed to have a gay senator that time, and the Supreme Court said we could marry. Therefore LGBTQ+ are no longer an oppressed minority. They are fully equal and everyone knows and agrees with it.

Zard told me it only takes a decree and token representation to fix everything, and he cannot be wrong.


They are fully equal in the eyes of the law. In practice yes, there will always be those trying to reverse it/ignore it/work to do to improve it but even ardent detractors are compelled to a certain degree to accept certain things otherwise they would be sued.

I absolutely love and adore your childishly simplistic world view, Zarde.


I want to see a Male Sisterhood drop out try to sue Tyrande.

And I love you ignoring why having those laws passed were so important in the first place. And ignoring how change can start slow but with enough time can have drastic consequences.

I agree with Zerde’s interpretation, as far as the words Blizzard decided to use.

I believe Blizzard was trying to say that in WC 3, the Night Elves had a Matriarchal society and they were clearly designed and advertised as that. However, in WoW, they were trying to dial back the gender stratification.

So the Darkshore stuff was a “call back” to their Matriarchal framing in WC 3 - which is tacitly stating the Matriarchal society was of WC 3 and not carried into WoW.

I argue with Zerde on occasion, but I do not think he is being argumentative for the sake of it. I agree with him, anyway.

Though, I see Smallioz point - that this shift was never portrayed well in game, it just happened.

It was definitely a Game Play choice, and the lore behind it was just set aside.

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I would say a “callback” to the Kaldorei Matriarchal history, especially at such a transformative stage of the Kaldorei during BfA, is, if anything, a doubling down or at least a resurgence of their WC3 iterations.

Of even -if- you and Zerde are interpreting it the way it was intended to be interpreted, I still think Kaldorei Matriarchy is evident for Modern Kaldorei society.

The way they use “call back” is as a reflection of the past - namely WC 3. They did not say it was a “reaffirmation” or some word like that, which would indicate it was currently matriarchal or would be in perpetuity.

I have agreed with Zerde’s interpretation on the use of “call back” by Blizzard in this situation.

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But the Cinematic itself is a reaffirmation. It was a love letter to Kaldorei fan and what they have been asking for for years. At least, that is what the Night Warrior was supposed to be.

Kaldorei are matriarchal. It is not a point of contention.


It’s alway one of those surprising days when someone I have argued vehemently with on multiple occasions decides to agree with me.

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Pretending the passing of those laws actually fixed everything and made everyone equal is not ignoring the importance of the laws; it’s remaining steadfast in the real world, where the fighting hasn’t stopped for equality.

I’m the one actually accepting that as the norm. You’re the one stating the patriarchy is officially over because women can have important political positions.

Again, I love your childishly simplistic world views, Zarde.