Undead Night Elf and Tyrande

Lore states the kaldorei are matriarchal. The devs have confirmed it numerous times over the years, yet you’re the only one in denial about it.

Why is that?

Except no. See there you go with the fan fiction of yours.

They do need to be explained.

or you know, tell the story in the game and the 5 million books they release.
But not Christie Golden, her world building is atrocious.

There is an entire thread about the lack of male leaders in power and you can easily find me defending the addition of more female leaders. In fact you posted in it.

What I have issue with is any race being matrichal/patriarchal. Every patriarchal race in WoW was changed to be more egalitarian. The same should happen to a matriachal one.

No they don’t. Because asides from the hand full of that are debating this, most people really don’t care enough.

Love your trust me bro source.



It is the same source as your bro.

I didn’t make a claim. You did.
Its conversations like this that makes me think… Maybe I am really trying to debate a 12 year old.

Why are people arguing with Zerge?

You know if you keep running face first into a wall, the wall’s not going to someday move out of the way, right?

Trust me bro.

You did make a claim that everything/more lore needs to be clarified. And while I certainly would have to have more lore explained, the fact is most people really dont care enough about it. Or at least not to the level we all debate it.

People who truly care about the lore are in the minority.

This is why I carry a miniature jackhammer with me. If the wall doesn’t move, you simply need to dig through it. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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The more clarity the better but things like “How do the Night Elves society rule and lead itself” is one of the very basic world building informations that is provided to the player or whomever that follows the story.

This is very different than the angle of every blade of grass needs to be canonically explained. You are doing what we call a straw man argument.


There is nothing wrong with a FICTIONAL race being matriarchal. The only person taking an issue with it is you.

You’re the odd man out on this

Except this is the case with EVERY race. Aside from the faction leaders just being supreme leader of their kingdoms, the day to day running of each of the nations were never explained/always glossed over because it is not important to gameplay.

Except every playable patriarchal race in WoW was changed to be egalitarian. What is good for the geese is good for the gander.

You tell them Zard!! That’ll teach those historically under represented women their place!! If men gotta put up with those uppity broads sticking their noses into MEN’S business, it’s only fair that all the men get to shove their noses deep into the womens’ business too!!

And thats… say it with me… baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad

Honestly thats not really concern for me. if every faction is a cookie cutter version of each other with just a flag or its NPCs are more shades of green than blue then thats…
ugh so boring. Damn boring.
Fantasy lives in the extremes it is allowed to explore or it dies in its mediocrity, but I guess mediocrity has its own subset of fans as well.

And say it with me, even if it is bad it is not really important/most people don’t care.

You can be better represented without following the same value system of the people that were repressing you in the first place.

No. My guy, no. You’re threatened by a women led society. Only thing that explains your painful take’s regarding the kaldorei

If they don’t care why develop for the story at all? Why have cinematics, books, shorts and etc? Obviously enough people care to bother to make content for it but clearly the issue is what is put in that content.

You are trying a very round about way to prove yourself wrong when it suits your fan fiction but not when it concerns others. Its just hilarious to watch.