Undead Night Elf and Tyrande

I love how a bunch of people can see a statement and understand it to mean one thing, but there’s always that one guy who sees the same statement and somehow decides it means the opposite.


They literally tell us the male night elves are now being integrated into the sentinel army. They have Malfurion be a co leader. We have seen male night elf commanders of villages/town/units.

Nah, take your own L and shove it where you keep your headcanon about undead night elves.

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Yeah but why? What was the society before? Why did it change? Was there any world building at all? God I hate how this community absorbs lore.

Like how am I suppose to react with that statement with anything other than this?

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The why is easy enough, Warcraft 3 happened. The night elf army took the brunt of the casualties and clearly it needed to replenish its ranks. And the night elven druids all woke up and in Malfurion case decided to finally help his wife and share the burden of leadership.

I’m going with it wasn’t something Blizzard cared to expand on much/wasn’t truly important in the grand scheme of things/that gameplay ultimately meant that the matriarchal society of the night elves(as well the patriarchal society of WoW’s other races) fundamentally clashed with gameplay.

I mean, apperently the orcs were patriarchal until Thrall declared everyone equal. But unless you play Vanilla WoW and talk to a female guard you wouldn’t know that bit information. Similarly, Blizzard soft retconned the night elves being all male and night elf priest being all female though an archeology artifact.

Some thing just don’t need to be expanded on much. Like for example, all the new race/classes that keep being added. We are just suppose to assume there were always draenei rogues/tauren mages.

See? What did I say?

Look, I would love for WoW devs to be like say the Encanto movie makers who basically explained nearly every miniscule detail of said movie but that is not what we have and I doubt we will ever have such a thing. The forums have always existed for us to debate lore and I think that is by design from Blizzard. They are likely never going to hand feed every information to us.

If the best example you have of a story that is well-developed is the Encanto movie I dunno if I should pity you.

Certainly explains this:


We are not debating lore but an individual’s fan fiction and its plausibility.

And you are putting words in my mouth. The quality of said movie was not at all what I was talking about. More of the fact that after said movie was release the director went on twitter/engaged the people who watched and answers nearly every minutia of detail about said movie.

It is not fan fic. Malfurion is leader(well until he dies in DF) and is treated with the same level of respect as Tyrande. We have countless other lore of male night elves in positions of power/prominence.

I have already said the night elves were matriachal, that much is not in question. The current status however is vague/doesn’t actually have much of an answer as you yourself have said.

Because it was a movie that left much to be unexplained, hence the director felt compelled for the extra commentary.

There are other games and stories out there that don’t need to resort to this.

Its entirely fanfiction.

Eh not really. Again, it was a kids movie, the extra commentary was not necessary to understand it/enjoy it.

No it is not.

Would you like to use paw patrol in your next example then in how Blizzard should or could tackle its story?

It is, you are using supposition because nothing else exists. Player just has to assume what works best or their own interpretation of character’s behavior and dialogue.
You are merely just convinced of your own head canon, and aki is convinced of theirs. Neither of you are right, neither of you are wrong. Its vague on purpose, and its debate is entirely pointless… more than it would typically be.

You literally shared a quote from an interview that showed up that Malfurion is 2nd to Tyrande. We never actually see Malfurion do anything unless he is acting in Tyrande’s stead. And this is ONLY because he is Tyrande’s husband. If he did not have that kind of relationship with her, he would not have the authority to act as he does.


You remind of treng. Both of you are absolutely terrified of women being in a position of power. It’s kind of sad.

The night elves are and continue to be a matriarchal society. Why are we rehashing these facts to you YET AGAIN?


Lol, he is literally Alliance Treng.


Yeah, and it’s disturbing actually how both think alike when it comes to the kaldorei

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That sounds fine with me, go ahead and convince Aki of that.

And one where Terran says “second in command” in air quotes. Implying it is nothing more than an iconography/callback to how the night elves were.

Or you know, animation, specifically the Encanto one, was design as an all ages affair. Lets be honest, if Blizzard was half as good at making a compelling narrative as Disney is, we probably wouldn’t be in this mess.

Zerde is stubborn but he is nothing like Treng/Dread. That dude is more Erevien than Zerde.

Again with the Encanto example… you know there are other games and stories out there right? And we don’t need a director coming in to clarify things on twitter or interview.

Thats. Bad.

Considering he was sure to call the Kaldorei MATRIARCHAL, perhaps the airquotes were meant to imply that his authority is nothing official, and merely an allowance from his wife.

Except that is exactly what you want. Ultimately there are alot of lore in WoW that are superflous/doesn’t really need to be explained. That if you really wanted an answer we would need them to answer on twitter/an interview.

Notice Zerde doesn’t respond to things he can’t defend against. But he will claim he “won” in another thread a few months later.

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