Undead Night Elf and Tyrande

As far as I am concerned, undead Night Elves don’t exist.

So Night Elven Death Knights don’t exist?


That’s what people keep saying about my husband because he’s trans.

Neither can Death Knights, I believe.

You are free to have your own headcanon, but the current Blizzard lore is they exist. And apparently are on both factions.


So back in the days of Vanilla when Crying Night Elf Man back in Auberdine (and no one cries better in this game than male Night Elves) asked you to put his ghost wife to rest, you said (in Darnassian I’d presume) “it’s okay man, she doesn’t exist.” ? :slight_smile:

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I cannot speak for Aki, but for myself?

I distinctly recall my nelf priestess saying “but what loot do I get, sir?”

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To be fair, ghosts are only ever considered undead because they were on the D&D cleric turn undead table. Most systems treat disembodied spirits as a different class of being than reanimated corpses.

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Current Blizzard lore also says Night Elves are Matriarchal too, but we both know what you headcanon is on that. =3


The position of Tyrande and Malfurion at the end is a callback to the classic Warcraft image of the male and female night elf standing together, with the female in front. Malfurion assumes a position as the 2nd in command–and we’ve just seen how powerful he was in the cinematic. if he’s the 2nd in command, then how powerful is Tyrande?

Because that is the night elf culture “from Warcraft 3”. -Terran Gregory

which implies it is no longer the night elf culture CURRENTLY. Your loss.


I like how you cut out the part where he says “THE MATRIARCHAL SOCIETY”

Only Zerde could literally post the Dev confirmation of Nelf Matriarchy and claim it is anything else.


it implies the NE faction identity has been somewhat diluted or unclear so he is referencing WC3 as their origin and he is trying to highlight that specifically.

Confirmation biased much?


That doesn’t change the meaning. It means it WAS matriachal in Warcraft 3 and not anymore.

Assuming that is the case, then it makes the CURRENT status of whether the night elf are or are not matriarchal anymore unclear. The fact it, Akiyass has based her entire argument that the night elves are still matriarchal on this cinematic even though everything in game shows us the night elves treat their males equally.

On that note, Terran even goes and mention that Malfurion is in a position of being “second in command” in air quotes, meaning he isn’t actually second in command per say aside from a visual stand point of " yeah Malfurion is powerful, but Tyrande is even more powerful then him".

Zerde comming in here like

We have had this discussion to the point of nauseum. You KNOW my argument is extensive. I have multiple sources and examples. I don’t need to type it all out for you just to ignore it AGAIN. You want to bury your head in the sand it is your business.

The funny thing is, outside of the Story Forums, most lore nerds and RPers that I know think nelf Matriarchy is a rather absurd thing to argue against.

It’s literally just you and a maybe 2-3 other losers on the forums who are threatened by the idea of women in leadership roles.

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Banshees and Wraiths for example are classified as undead and are part of the Forsaken though. You can be incorporeal yet very much alive, as demonstrated by the Ethereals. My understanding of ghosts is that they are merely spirits of dead individuals that are unable to leave the realm of the living for some reason, while a Banshee is really an Undead that happens to be incorporeal, and that can still be killed

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Been saying this for a long time. Now if you want to continue this you are free to use that thread.

I have already won, my guy.

Nah, you lost, big time. Your one proof that the the night elves as it currently stand remains matrichal is nothing more than a you mis interpreting an interview.

I think you are in your own echo chamber.Again, if you want to discuss this further, use the other thread and no derail this one.

Because systems of government for WoW are vague at best.
Players basically make up their own lore because Blizzard did not fill the gaps.

Tyrande is a priestess. So does that make the NEs a theocracy? Are there cardinals that elect a high priestess? Is it hereditary?

In WC3 the women were the infantry and the men the mages (druids). In wow both men and women can be druids or priests, but the infantry (sentinels) were still predominantly women.
Blizzard decided to not be too rigid in their depiction but as a result they have caused confusion and ambiguity.

You want to use that ambiguity to say “Ah ha! the Night Elves have changed!” No they haven’t, not officially and if they did Blizzard didn’t deem it important enough to let us know about it.

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See, you could say that… If I didn’t have 100 other examples to meet your mere speculation.

Take the L, buddy.