Undead Night Elf and Tyrande

No. Just towards the alliance. The Horde gained nothing from Bfa. Every major battle was a total loss for us. All our cool leaders are gone and our core territory is occupied by blue forces like Durotar and Silverpine.


If you actually supported the Horde you would make the argument that in order to break the alliance domination over Azeroth Stormwind needs to burn and their military dismantled.

No, I support the Alliance trying to resolve some of the animosity of the past.

I can support what I want for them without that, actually.

I’m a fan. Regardless, I said I empathize with your frustration. But I can empathize while disagreeing with where you take it from there. Being a fan clearly means something different to you. I think you could achieve the same just calling them trolls without questioning if they’re fans.

The alliance has kickstarted every war so far. First in wotlk during the undercity attack then in Stormheim during the legion invasion. Yet the Horde leaders always talk the Horde players into submission and obedience because we are not allowed to hate the other faction. The bias is obvious.

Got it. You want to give Lordaeron to the humans and Kalimdor to the night elves. In your world the Horde has no place.

If you are trolling the fan base, you are not part of the fan base.

I don’t think I’ve ever advocated for that.

Both sides need to work to make amends.

I don’t agree. A fan can troll other fans.

Nah. Someone isn’t a fan just because they say so.

You can disagree. But you are wrong objectively.

You’re entitled to your opinion but it isn’t objective.

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Read the novels. Alliance occupies half of Silverpine and has forces in Tiragarede keep. The Horde got a net loss out of the expansion.

One of the coolest additions to NE lore was in the Grimoire of the Shadowlands that made funeral and burial services in the hands of the druid branch as well. A return to the earth process which requires druids using nature magic to bury the dead and speed up the decay process by growing flowers and over the dead body. I assume the nitrogen that will come from the dead bodies fuels the growth of the trees and flora planted on them.

For Elune being the figure head of the NE religion she doesn’t actually factor into NE society’s death rituals and practicies and she’s only really a patron goddess of the warrior sect of NE society, Druds for the most part worship Cenarius, and Ursoc and Nature as a primordial force.

The Worship of Elune has also been ever evolving. Elune started out as the voice that came from the Well of Eternity, which may or may not have just been Azeroth herself. She’s now ,only in the last two expansions, been solidified as an actual cosmic diety with an actual presence beyond a figurative Godhead (but for a bit it was even thrown around by Velen that she may have been a Naaru)

So we have a lot of examples that the infrastructure of NE society is given to the Druid branch and not the Sentinels. The sentinels are just a military branch.

For a reminder, aki helped to build the kaldorei community on the server she used to play on, the kaldorei and the community is quite dear to her. Something I myself didn’t understand and grasp until I actually started listening to what she was saying.

Just so you have an idea of where she’s coming from on this.

How would reading the novels impact whether or not I’m currently advocating for something.

To get information. most of the books are being read from the alliance pov. The only odd thumb was the Thrall ones. But Blizzard has made it clear that the alliance is the protgaonist of the lore. The Horde is just a sidekick.

In this case it is.

I agree our experiences are different and that what it means to be a fan also differs. Clearly she holds the topic as more important than I do.

She’s welcome to her opinion despite trying to claim I cannot have mine (like usual).

How would a book have information on what I currently support?

i -NEVER- sent you anon hate on Tumblr, you are Paranoid.

I have -NEVER- spoken to you outside the Story Forums. If I was going to send you hate, I wouldn’t have done it anonymously. I am more than confident enough to tell you how much I loath you face to face.

But as it turns out, when I am off the forums, you don’t even enter my mind.


The fact to the matter is. The Horde was exploited beyond repair while the Alliance got huge fistbump moments. What I support is that the Horde is treated the same way the Alliance was during BFa. That means we get to raid two alliance cities and half of the alliance cast gets killed. That is only fair.

The best path forward isn’t to punish other people who what you had to go through that you didn’t enjoy. It involves finding something fun for both sides.

If someone has a bad experience, that shouldn’t be compounded with more bad experiences for other people.

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No. Equality matters. If the Horde gets treated like trash by Blizzard then the alliance should have the same experience. We lost most of our leaders and our cities were turned into raids once again. That is unfair and needs change. You alliance players want to dodge consequences for your actions.

While I don’t entirely disagree, the only people saying that are the people who haven’t been burned.

Blizzard needs to take responsibility for the garbage they have produced.

Horde had to suffer consequences. Nathanos and Rastakhan and Saurfang are dead and Sylvanas was sent to the Maw. Meanwhile Jaina is roaming free and Baine and Thrall protect her from punishment.