Fair enough. I don’t have a record of people or anything.
That is Ren btw. They causes so many problems here on the forums that they said they were leaving the forums only to continue posting on a new char, like no one would notice lol.
So yeah, once again… known trolls.
I’m much better with avatars than names.
Yeah but it sounded your argument right there was ‘if you hold x opinions, you aren’t a Night Elf fan’.
Night elves are a matriarchy.
We do not get to decide for other people what they are and are not fans of.
These statements are both true.
Again, it’s not about the opinions, it is about the behavior. This person has a long track record of being opposed to what Kaldorei fans want. Being the forum Sylvanas fan girl for years. Advocating for the death of Kaldorei characters. The Exoneration of Sylvanas.
Like, there is a line as to what qualifies someone as a fan. You can’t call yourself a Kaldorei fan while in the same breath supporting everything that killed the Kaldorei community.
I think it’s more of a person to person thing and people shouldn’t be painted in bold brush strokes.
I’ve talked about my feelings on Sylvanas and the burning of Teldrassil a lot. I’ve talked about my feelings on Sylvanas and her character. I’ve talked about how I feel like both instances were steeped in writers misogyny, I’ve celebrated Tyrande’s victories more over Sylvanas’s lately, and I am sure my feelings are going to flip flop based on who i think is in the wrong at that particular moment, as is my perogative when consuming any kind of fiction.
I could cheer for Sylvanas until she burnt the tree and still have hope that she gets a redemption. I can cheer for Tyrande’s revenge, until her revenge turns to murdering orc babies in cribs to cull the next generation. Honestly, I think that’s a perfectly reasonable response to the situation. treating any character like a potential Garrosh is a safe bet.
Sounds like the behavior is supporting certain opinions.
If it is about the behavior, could someone hold these opinions and be a Night Elf fan?
Could you want something contrary to some fans, be a Sylvanas fan, want some Kaldorei characters dead, and want Sylvanas exonerated, but as long as you don’t do it publicly, can you be a Night Elf fan?
Winner winner chicken dinner.
I don’t see a reason why this shouldn’t happen. Afterall Blizzard gave the undead elf skiin to both sides.
I don’t think so.
Obviously, there are different types of Night Elfs fans. People who like different aspect of Night Elves.
I happen to like the Priestess/Sentinel aspect of it. My fav char is Maiev. I like the graceful brutality. The duality of what they are and the self-realization focus evident in their faith.
Some people play Night Elf for the Druid aspect. The nature vibes, which I also like but its not my favorite.
Some people hate Maiev and love Illidan, who is a Night Elf but also the epitome of what Kaldorei society stands against. Are people who don’t otherwise like Kaldorei but love Illidan and Demon Hunters, are they Kaldorei fans, or are Demon Hunter fans a classification all on their own?
I get what you are saying. But I also think such a classification has to mean something. You can’t be a fan of something and support all the things that caused a grand exodus of of those fans from the game.
If you support the deconstruction of the Kaldorei identity. If you support the removal their defining characters and characteristics. If you support the story arches that use their pain as a plot device for a story that does not involve them in any meaningful way. Or produce any meaningful payoff.
Well, then you are not really a Kaldorei fan. You might like their aesthetic but you are supporting the things that make them -not- what they are.
Gatekeeping what is and isn’t acceptible of Night Elf fans is so 2018-2019.
You call it gatekeeping, but if someone posted from an Orc avatar decked out in a Stormwind Guard mog. Made anti-Horde posts and supported story elements that served the erasure of Horde identity, y’all would have no issues saying that wasn’t an orc fan. Even if they said they were.
But people who do the same thing for nelves? Totally legitimate Nelf fans apparently.
Sorry. No.
My general opinion is if they consider themselves a fan of X, they are. I don’t personally get a value out of trying to deny their claims.
I feel very similarly about calling someone an artist. I know a few friends that have struggled, ‘am I really one?’ I think some terms are just so loose that I leave it up to the person.
Unless I’m joking like with Erevien.
Fair enough. I don’t really hammering down on what it means is helpful, but I can empathize with the desire. It just feels like it tends to be an unnecessary thing to discredit those people.
Current worgen or former worgen? Former worgen current panda? Because that’s far more accurate and yeah, totally.
You aren’t joking with me. You always dump in the Horde community. You do nothing to make the Horde a better place. You only want to flex on the alliance supremacy bandwagon like any other male human paladin does.
Description is one thing, execution however is where it falls short.
Again not true. The Cenarian Circle Druids form an independent but equally important branch of government. It was as leader of them that Malfurion imposed the death penalty for the use of arcane magic, imprisoned his brother, and the Druids as a whole commuted the death sentence of the Highborne into exile.
On the more mundane level Druids provide for many of the basic services, growing living dwellings for housing, managing both plant and animal food sources and keeping an eye on local ecologies. In both Darkshore and Auberdine if you did a quest it was generally more often that it would be a Druid who sent you on it.
Yet despite their mutual independence of each other, both Male Druids and Female Sentinels work together as equals in mutual aid, neither actually “bossing” the other.
You and the devs can talk matriarchy until you’re both blue in the face. That repetition is not a substitute for execution, especially in the face of overwhelming data to the contrary.
I mean, I could say joking at you.
Ok, lol. I don’t think you’ve really seen me post. I’ve tried supporting the Horde for years. I don’t dump in the Horde community. I try to support what I think most of them want.
You just spam threads after you got banned about what you want.
I’ll start posting on another alt if you really think it matters.
You support the Baine way. Which means the faction does everything to appease towards the alliance leadership without having an agency on their own.
If you would you would do emojis.
I get banned because Blizzard hates criticism towards their one sided writing. But someone needs to call them out on it.
Your main is alliance that is all what matters.
They are frustrating for Kaldorei fans because ALOT of them are trolls. The Kaldorei community is, for some reason, the target for harassment for years.
it is due to a few factors. A matriarchal society of powerful warrior women is a mark of feminism at the time they were conceptualized, which makes night elves a target in the male dominated gaming industry.
The nature-focus also play’s it’s roll. People who don’t really understand the lore would associate Kaldorei with hippy conservationist and Vegans. Even Blizzard getting in on the joke with DEHTA. Yet another reason.
So when Blizzard makes a blunder with writing, such as “Hush Tyrande” and “A Little Patience” we hear about it from the WoW community at large. It is hammered, the same jokes, the same trolling, even people who are not dedicated trolls contribute with the same jokes. Unknowing that Kaldorei players have been hearing the same targeted thing for years.
The Burning of Teldrassil was a perfect storm of Harassment that even to this day has barely quelled. Ren even now serving as a prolific bully of nelf fans, running another popular Nelf fan off the forums. Drahliana is a Blood Elf main who used to write multi-para long posts about how night elves should be deleted from the game, and who now posts from a nelf avatar to spread misinformation and derail nelf threads.
That is why such a classification is necessary. And if you are not a nelf fan, you wouldn’t understand, because you don’t have the same kind of experience.
I support the end to the faction war and cooperation. That involves appeasement on both sides.
For your sake, I’ll try.
So the years of maining Horde don’t count? I have to main Horde now just to be reminded you think you’re the only true Horde fan?