Undead Heritage Armor

It’s the exact same set, except with different colors and the Helm and Shoulders have a few particles on Mythic Version, that’s it.

On the Leather set, for instance, the colors of the LFR version are better IMHO than the Mythic version, and the Shoulderpads and Helm don’t matter because what’s really good about that set is the coat lol

Yes and that would be a big break. However I really doubt their capability to just churn out civies for those races that many times over (people will think what? This feels pretty lazy why no armor?). I feel like it will just be gear that looks like it could have come WoD or BFA.

All they have to do for the Undead is this:


If you hide shoulders you’re just a regular Apothecary doing sciences because plague is lovely. If you don’t hide the Shoulderpads you’re a BATTLE SCIENCEMAN! :smiley:

And I think you are greatly underselling the art team.

Again, no matter how badly other aspects of the game fail, the art ream pulls through.

But it’s not. It has different colorations. Those colorations make it look cooler than others.

Like imagine your favorite make/model of car. Then slap on your favorite color.

Then in comparison, slap on a 1970s brown or wood panels.

It just ruins it.

Only if by ruins it you mean improves it in every way.

Won’t even be armor, you’ll just be covered in the poo water from undercity

Why would your heritage armor have a blight spreader? I kind of expect it to be more Lordaeron themed, after all that is your heritage.

but thats just your opinion bro

For the same reason why Void Elf Heritage Armor has Void Wings instead of Blood Elf things.

We are the Undead, not just the Lordaeron Humans. We like plagues and science and making Abominations.

And that is what it will be but these people want an hd version of the armor a putridice lab aid would wear.

That is not very forsaken.

I don’t feel like I can accept anything without Pig Tails and a Plague Mask.

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As I said on discord. I still want a Nathanos like coat. Gimme.


I got that reference.

Back when I was just a little forum lurker I once got in a group with Killercaitie. I was having a panic attack and trying desperately to not be terrible at WoW in front of the WoW Forum celebrity in front of me lol


Aw widdle babby Mortis on the forums.

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Gas mask with tanks on the back.


Yeah I think it’s just the green throwing me off giving me the warlock vibes. Probably cause of my warlock’s mog outfit forever was that green flame set. For some reason I think the Darkshore set only suits warlocks too though :x

I hope it won’t.

You forgetting that the heritage armor represent the faction, not the race itself.

And Worgen are Gilnean first and foremost.

Awww I want to go help the ghost pupper now.

Mortis… stop making me want to go play a Maldraxxi >_>

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