Undead Heritage Armor

It’s almost impossible not to mess it up unless they make a class or armor type heritage armor. All dwarf armor looks like warrior armor… all LFD looks like Paladin etc.

Same, something Lordearon themed and not SKULL BLIGHT DARK DARKNESS SKULL CHAIN EDGY that we’ve had to deal with for years.

With, or without the jar mortis?

If you mean that plague backpack, I already have it lol

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/gently taps at his own head

The one in his head…

Oh, definitely! :smiley:

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Yeah that’s the great thing about opinions, what you might think is worse could be an improvement for someone else.

Personally I’ll take the HFC LFR generic sets over any of the tier sets from HFC. Except maybe monk.

That model even looks better then the undead models ingame lol

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This has the potential to be really amazing, especially if they tie it to a reclaiming of their humanity.


Dear sir, have you ever heard of the idea of race class combination heritage armor?

Race gender is needed for goblins. Since traditional goblin female garb is slinky party dresses, slinky party dresses should be a thing for them.

If I can buy a chain mail slinky party dress in real life, my hunter should be able to wear one in game.

If they don’t have a fumigator’s mask with it, they’ve failed.

That would depend on if they’ve decided to reaccept their human heritage. Current events might bring them around, but as of the information we have now, Blizzard has stated that the Forsaken have cast off their “old lives” and don’t really hold any reverence for it. That’s one reason why the Lordaeron crest is used by the Alliance, not the Forsaken.

Even the living of Lordaeron had to practically sneak back into the ruins of Lordaeron to construct the monument to King Menethil, at their own mortal peril, because the Forsaken didn’t care about that sort of stuff anymore.

But if Blizzard does decide to go with a Lordaeron theme, I’m sure they’ll show some way in which it makes sense for the Forsaken to suddenly start caring again about that. With Calia around, they also have at least one catalyst to enact that, too.

Not crazy about the color but I love the theme.

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That’s good, the Forsaken need to leave that behind as it’s primitive and lesser.

Imo, that’s why I already consider the Darkshore armor sets our heritage armor. All three types of sets scream Forsaken and I love it.

In my eyes, we already have heritage armor and no one can tell me otherwise.

I could not agree more! I not only want this as a heritage set, but I want the mad scientist as an allied race. I think the mad scientist model is one of the best models I have ever seen blizzard do for undead.

I pretty sure their heritage armor will just be a coffin with their arms, legs, and head poking out of it.


Nice Necro btw

Awe man you got my hopes up! :sob:

Miss me some Mortis fun on GD.

The colors are off and look kind of weird.

That was 2 years ago dear, mega necro here.