Undead Heritage Armor

I hope it will look like this:


What about rusty old Lordaeron armor?


The Forsaken heritage armor should be a twisted gothic version of the footman armor, representing both their humanity and lack their of.


Me no likey. Me wants scientist transmog. Me is smarts.


Give me alliance style warfront armor from stromgarde yo

Undead heritage will be no armor, or flesh. Full skeleton mode. :skull_and_crossbones:

I remember when they showed the concept art for the Darkshore Mail set at the same time they announced heritage armor for the classic races. Legit thought that it would be the heritage set and thought it was perfect.
Concept art

It’s the set I’ve been looking forward to the most since I mostly play Forsaken. I’m really worried that they’ll end up messing it up like the Worgen heritage set.


How did they mess up the Worgen set? It’s perfect for them.

1 - The Shoulderpads are bad. I find that the set looks infinitely better if you hide shoulders.

2 - While the set is a good representative of Gilnean culture, it doesn’t really do anything for the Worgen curse that kinda defines the Worgen Race. It’s the Worgen Heritage Armor, not the Gilnean Human Heritage Armor lol

What I would have done if I was Blizzard is: I would make a set that looks good and fancy on Human Form, but gets savagely thorn and ruined in Worgen Form. Alternatively, I would give them two separate sets, one pristine and one ruined for them to choose. (Mag’har Orcs got 3!)

Also better shoulderpads lol


This is true for literally all sets. This is not unique to the Worgen set.

Literally every line of Worgen lore since cataslcyim has been about how the curse does not define them. Why would they suddenly backtrack on that and make it all about the curse.

They are Gilneans above all. This has literally never not been the case.

I hope it looks like a play on the armor of the two guards (I am assuming that’s Falric and Marwyn) in the WC3 cinematic.


you already got undead heritage armor with the darkshore sets

I don’t. That looks terrible. 99% of the armor models in the game are absolute trash. I can’t believe people get paid to make it.

I disagree. Many shoulderpads look great. The Worgen set shoulderpads are terrible.

Not really. That’s more of Greymane’s story than the Worgen Race’s story.

But when you look at Silverpine Forest and Hillsbrad, the Bloodfang Pack of Worgen can barely be considered people.

And let’s not forget Neena:


“I lived my whole life with the curse. It’s all I know, and it’s all I still want”.

Warfront Sets aren’t Heritage Armor.

Heritage Armor is Cosmetic. Warfront Sets are armor type-specific.

Heritage Armor is exclusive to it’s Race. Warfront Armor can be used by anyone of the same faction.


well i think blizz is done with heritage armor and if you ask for it they will direct it to that

They literally said in an interview that they will keep making more.



Heritage Armor:

  • Cosmetic, the same set works for all classes.
  • Ensembles, you get the looks all at once with no need to worry about obtaining individual peices.
  • Race locked, only the race they’re for can obtain them.
  • Require exalted with your race’s home city and a short quest chain.

Darkshore sets:

  • Have separate sets for different armor classes.
  • Come piece by piece and completely at random.
  • Can be used by anyone regardless of race.
  • Require no reputation or quest chain. You just kill rares until you collect them all.

They are not remotely the same.

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after seeing the last heritage armor they released for goblins and worgen, i hope they stay away. the quality reduced overwhelmingly. definitely not up to par with void elf armor or blood elf armor or dwarf


I feel like it suits undead warlocks but that’s about it.

Doesn’t matter anyway all Blizzard gives me lately is constant disappointment :unamused:

What are you on? Those two are perfect.