Undead Heritage Armor

Cause orcs are blizz’s love child.

sorry if my opinion is not shared with you

1 - Goblin Heritage Armor looks great.

2 - If they don’t do more Heritage Armor, nobody gets anything. If they do new Heritage Armor and you hate it, you get exactly as much as you would if they had done nothing, but since Aesthetics are subjective someone out there in the world will like that Armor and it will make them happy. So don’t hope “they stay away”, because nobody gains anything if they do and you don’t lose anything if they don’t.

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actually wed benefit more if they took the resources from the heritage sets and use them to make mythic and elite sets more extravagant

It suits scientists. It’s a scientist set. Science is a big thing in Forsaken culture, but there isn’t a scientist set around and definitely nothing close to one available for plate.

If that was the Heritage Set for the Undead, I wouldn’t use it on my Undead Warlock. I would use it on my Undead Death Knight.

Cause that’s defiantly what we need. Even more bells and whistles on the overdesigned eyesores.

The sets are styled around the race of soldiers that participated on that front.

And have to tried wearing arathi horde gear with other than orcs? It looks awful. Same goes for human for arathi, and night elf/forsaken for darkshore.

Also it was bfa, blizz loved piecemealing content out hence why the incremental gaining of the sets.

And even if they are to give the original race heritage sets, I seriously doubt they’ll be any unique designs beyond the warfront armor sets were.

I think if you compare the amount of people that get Elite and Mythic sets to the amount of people that have Undead, Night Elf, Orc, Human, Draenei, Troll and Panda characters, a lot more people would benefit from Heritage Armor.


everyone goes back 2-3 expansions back and farms the mythic sets for transmog though

And how many of those people do you see them wearing those sets currently. People wear them once they get them, and then jump to their most elaborate/harder to earn sets cause they want to look unique.

But the Elite set is lost forever.

And by the time most people can get a Mythic Set, Blizzard has already released cooler newer sets with more 3D bits and bobs on the newest Raids.

In contrast, Heritage Armor is available to all on day one, and better yet: It fits your character!

Look at BfA: First we get a Titan set, then a Naga Set, then a Faceless One set, despite the fact that we can’t play as Titans, Naga or Faceless Ones lol

You are right.

But they are not Heritage armor.

Yeah, you’re wrong. I plan on wearing the darkshore mail set on my nightborne Hunter and the Darkshore plate set for my Draenei paladin, because that is exactly the look I want for them, and it doesn’t look out of place.

Or, get this, they were incrementally gained because they were actual gear with stats and not a cosmetic reward for learning about your culture.

And I think you’re wrong, because despite Blizzard’s many short comings, the art team always pulls through.

bfa was also the worst expansion in terms of transmog.

class sets though when they return in shadowlands will be amazing

Newer mythic sets come out, but are they available to most people at that time?

No, hence why people are so up in arms about legion mythic raids. They are expect to have the capability to farm the raids right now to get those sets. Like denying someone a promised toy for Christmas.

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one hundred percent this

The older race sets will have a high chance of being iterative/rehashes of the warfronts. Not unless you want actual civilian gear as heritage armor.

I didn’t say newer Mythic sets lol

Castle Nathria LFR is cooler than a lot of Mythic sets, and very easy to obtain.

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easy to obtain… if you have a few spare weeks worth of running LFR not getting a single loot drop!

No it’s not, the elite and mythic sets look way better (literal shining knight or black templar). Hell this armor I’m wearing from the mythic chosen run or the nighthold mythic dk set looks way better.

Why would I not want actual civilian gear as heritage armor?

We have a million and one fancy armor pieces, the single best thing they could do with the heritage set civilian wear.

They could not to better than making the set look like normal clothes normal people would wear.