Uncouple the Void Elf wings from the chestpiece

by spamming “prove it” to every single person he disagrees with?

I guess you’re easily swooned and impressed by fallacious-tactics.

I’m sorry you’re so frustrated about this :confused:


I want a pants free option …

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well it must be true then. I’ve just … been living a lie!

I need to fix my ways

I see the light now.

This would be neat as an option. Having it be a cloak transmog is a solid suggestion.

I wish they would do more of these things for specific classes as well, like say the Fire Orbs from Legion?


What backlash?


Great so not only can you not prove your BS statement you’re also calling Blizzard liars. Keep digging that hole.


anyone who can read and doesnt live in a bubble already had it proven thanks

now take your confirmation bias and walk out with a hop-skip-and-a-jump

Citation required.

How did a thread about a simple request turn into this? I really should go to bed.

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Honestly at this point, I’m wondering if her position isnt simply ‘if Blizz says it, it is definitely 100% wrong’ and this childish way of thinking is why she knows customization is heavily unpopular: because Blizz said people like it.

If so, no wonder she cant link proof.

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That’s what you seen the most? I seen lots issues addressed on them.

It feels like an incomplete character model, stiff, ugly, nothing like the actual Nightborne you grind for.

I don’t see eyes…

I don’t see eyes again…

Sorry, not seeing eyes again.

This race is beyond ugly lmao

This one doesn’t mention eyes either…so…

I could keep going on here… a couple of people mention eyes. I am not going to dispute that. Still they have much bigger issues from the start. That just falls on deaf ears? The first one I posted about player’s feedback is how I feel about them the most. “character model, stiff, ugly” Not only that, the only armor that accommodates this weird model is the custom heritage armor.

To not derail thread I can stop ranting about actual feedback on Nightborne and address the topic on hand which is Heritage armor. I wouldn’t mind if the wings got disconnected from the chest piece for the Void Elves.

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The one right above this line literally has the eyes photoshopped to look different.

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Remove wing cosmetics from the game. They’re always gaudy trash and immediately make me think of F2P cash shop MMOs.

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link proof of what!? You are literally the most annoying troll i’ve seen on the forums.


uhhh ok that’s not really that possible to outright prove but:


you just talk just to talk. Go away lol

Her dumb trolling is at least keeping the thread bumped so theres a very slightly higher chance Blizz might actually see it, so I’m not complaining :man_shrugging:

I don’t accept the idea that they don’t have the resources to do both.


well they complain that COVID-related issues have made resources tight so, going by that, they dont.

Hm… Nothing in that thread about Nightborne or LFD options. Just someone annoyed that Void Elves learned how to dye their hair. Which has more to do with Void Elves getting Blood Elf hair colors and not specifically about additional Character Customization.

Try again.

A net positive change is a net positive change. Customization for the Nightborne fans like myself who have been begging for Nightborne to actually look like freaking Nightborne is great. Yeah the game has problems but these customization options are not negatively affecting my opinion at all. I like them and that’s all there needs to be to it. You’re the one making this into a bad thing for no reason.

Just lighten up a bit. There’s nothing wrong with being critical of Blizz especially right now, but this just isn’t a reasonable to throw a fit over.