Uncouple the Void Elf wings from the chestpiece

The most recent preview of the Nightborne customization shows several selectable chin pieces, which used to be tied to the robe. I dont think its too much to ask to either let VEs select wings at the barber shop or mog them as a cloak the way tauren can mog their totem as a cloak.


how about we fix the games’ core issues first, then worry about this stuff



Yes I’m sorry I forgot the art team are the ones who fix every single issue the game has, how could I be so foolish.


How to say “I have zero concept of how game development works” without saying “I have zero concept of how game development works”.


Yes, I hate that chestpiece!

By that logic, you should get off the forums and go deal with the starving children in Africa.


Seriously, are you dumb? What core issues do you think the armor designers should be working on right now?

That Picard facepalm is an ideal response to yourself in this thread.


Did it ever occur to you that the people “worrying about stupid cosmetics” would not be the same people fixing the shards of domination system, legendary system, soulbind/covenant system and just overall lack of content?

Already have my priorities straight; I’m not playing the game until the systems are fixed and the game is worth playing. Making an animation separate from a chest piece is not going to hinder the fixing of the systems. Implying it would is stupid.


I am 100% for this.

Also maybe a less naked chest piece option?


Yes please, I’m not a fan of skimpy armor myself, so I would love another option.


its called effective marketing.

when you have this many people (millions) upset about the current in-game issues and leaving en masse, you don’t release COSMETIC changes. It’s done in bad taste, and makes people think they’re being ignored. We call it a “cheap win” for a reason.

as I have now said multiple times, how do you think PVPers suffering from the boosting epidemic feel when they see that? How do you think Classic players feel suffering from bots and a collapsed economy feel when they see that? How do you think anyone who is trying to make a legitimate geared alt in SL feels when they see that? How do you think anyone who has bailed on a game they’ve loved for years feels when they see that?

This is simple logic: you add the SHALLOW changes like worthless cosmetics when a game is good and in a stable sate. Otherwise, you back off.

Or, continue to cater to casuals and role-players as the game bleeds to death and FF14 soars.

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Feast thine eyes!


You’re completely missing the point. Why can’t they fix botting in Classic while also changing a chest piece? (It’s two completely separate teams working on this).

The way I take it is you want the art team literally doing nothing until every other issue with the game is fixed (which will never happen) by a completely different group of people?

You just have no grasp of the way things work lol


Well if those players also can’t seem to figure out that different departments do different things, that’s on them. It’s just a forum suggestion. Nothing says Blizz will jump to do this exact request. The request they did do recently took years for them to get around implementing.

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Not to mention, maybe these same players also love cosmetics?


In case you’re completely out of the loop, they’ve already announced they’re adding some cosmetic changes in 9.1.5


I’m all for this!

The best way to do this is probably as a barbershop option.

I also agree with a less revealing chest piece that is more than just a bra. Even a robe option would be great.

I’d also adore a new crown, something along the same lines as the wings, possibly in a design similar to this;

Or something like a crown or diadem. Their current helm feels fairly basic.


absolutely, but with regards to CURRENT released material. Those artistic resources can be spent on the next raid, zone or even on the next expansion.

I know, its a really big-brained concept for you to grasp.

The Robe option could be what I showed above… It has some skin but the bottom would be made into the robe bit and otherwise still be very covering.

Or they could…just make a full cover robe. :stuck_out_tongue: