Uncouple the Void Elf wings from the chestpiece

Yes please. I would really want the Void Elf Wings to be their own Heritage Armor Chest Effect than actually having the weird looking shirtless robe that isn’t a robe to wear it.


Pretty telling that so far basically the only responses to her that she’s ignored are people asking for proof of this mass outrage she claims exist over new customizations. :thinking:

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I’d like to see a more armored option as well…

Honestly I can say that for a few of the heritage armors as well as a less armored variant.

But this thread is about the velf heritage so I’ll keep to that.

But my Void Elf Warrior could really look much better in heritage armor with… armor.

Ironic since you’re not really participating in the debate… You’re just saying no and not for very good reasons… :man_shrugging:


I’m usually pretty positive, but I am not. I don’t see it addressing any of the issues players been complaining about since they were released.

I mean we already know for sure it addresses the eye issue.


The art team is not really responsible for those issues tbh. I agree the game is in a dead place (hell, look at my renown haha) but at least the art team is putting together some nice things.

Hopefully Blizzard doesn’t assume this is a bandaid for a bullet hole, but it’s a start.

Exactly, you shouldn’t make statements you know you can’t prove, as if they’re facts.

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prove it please.

If there was mass outrage surely there would be at least two threads you could link to? Every minor outrage these days gets a billion threads, but theres HUGE outrage over this and not any threads you can link to about it?

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You first?

I mean you claimed a thing then told us to go find the proof of that thing… what kind of logic is that?


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im noticing a trend with you in every thread you grace our presence with; its always “PROVE IT” with you.

someone talks about the game dying, “PROVE IT”

someone discusses ff14, “PROVE IT”

someone proves it, “LOL FAKE”

I dont take you seriously because your reputation precedes you.

The goal of an argument is to persuade people, and that isn’t an effective tactic.

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Hear that Fen? you have a reputation :heart:


I was hoping for this too!!!

They told me I had a reputation before.

Damn. I want a reputation.

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If i may make a correction(s): the goal of a DEBATE is to persuade people you have hope in*

I don’t have hope in people who chug copium for a living. Sorry not sorry.

when you see this child-like mentality, you dont walk in here ready to engage with people on an intellectual level; you sit back and toy with them like an ant on a stick.

Prove that players are complaining about more customization being added. Especially after Blizzard has already came out and said the Shadowlands Customizations were extremely popular.

The only complaining I see is coming from you.

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I disagree with you. I think Fen often engages on an intellectual level.