Unchecked Hate Speech on my Server

ooooh you sure showed him!!!11!

imagine calling racism and transphobia on a wide scale ā€œtrivialā€

y i k e s

Things that never happened for 1000 Alex

Oh look another one

They actually do for WoW?

I stand corrected then

Guy I reported had action taken, but they donā€™t say what they did.

I got a letter in my in game mail.

Hey thats better already then, here you have people calling others out but most people gave up trying.

No seriously man! You did it! You changed his or lulz should I just lulz say ā€˜theirā€™ (LOOOOLS) attitude completely! Now go get some Ben Shapiro quotes and DESTROY HIM.

your are literally playing a game, and until i see hordes of pvp guilds take to the streets and beat up innocent people and dropping guild standards you people are blowing this out of perspective

just ignore them if you want the easy way out, out play them if you want to show them they are wrong but stop asking authority to handle your dirty work

maybe if youā€™re in some other country but in the best country (America) there is no hate speech the Supreme Court has ruled. If you want to let your mind be shackled thatā€™s on you.

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Thatā€™s horrible that it got to that point on horde. I may keep an eye on things alliance side for a little while. The toon that Iā€™m thinking of leveling would be mostly for things like rare farming since ED isnā€™t connected to every other non-RP server unlike my current server. I can probably get by without joining a guild or interacting with the community on ED.

ā€¦thatā€™s just an automated email thatā€™s designed to make people feel better

The more you cry wolf the less people care. Its getting old

Report and move on.


You mean in the forums.

No this isnā€™t just your server, this is on EVERY server itā€™s wow wide.

Especially this year, BFA combined with corona virus lockdowns was when things really hit the fan, everyone sucks now.


Like this?

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I bet youre the kind of person to get into a fistfight, then report the person that beat you to the police.

Aw, your feelings are showing! Careful!

Also, no lol I didnā€™t report you. I was surprised your post got squelched =/

Wish this were true. Youā€™d have to be blind to not see where anonymity led to troglodytes finding each other, huddling together and finally coming out into the sunlight IRL.

Hell, Steve Bannon credits WoW as the place he realized all these wrong side of the bell curves could be organized and used as a rallying force.

There are only seventeen genders.

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