Unchecked Hate Speech on my Server

or truck guys with car manufacturers

You know, I wish that this game had a notification that gave some kind of nonspecific acknowledgement that something is being done about a report. They already have it in Overwatch, so I know Blizzard is able and occasionally willing to do it.

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Sad part is, Blizz doesn’t watch trade chat. They don’t even look into reports about it. Hell they don’t even look into reports about toxic individuals ruining keyas by leaving right after the key start.

When will people learn, as long as people are shoveling money to them, Blizzard, does, not, care.

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Heck, the cesspool known as League of Legends even lets you know when a punishment has been distributed due to a report you did

your missing a option.
option 4. they dig there heels in twice as hard… become twice as radicalized because you tossed gas on the fire.
Your best option if anything is to accept there freedom of speech and right to be wrong. as a human being.
sincerly, one gay dude with the wrong brain wave

My belief has always been that its probably not a super big return investment to hire people for that, since most people like my friends and I will brush it off, just a reminder that the world isnt quite ready yet for tolerance and acceptance, but we will keep playing, if anything we server transfer to a more peaceful server and make Blizzard more money.

Im kind of pessimistic about it but hey, nothing has changed in 4 years since their shoddy report system. In Guild Wars 2 they literally get your account BRICKED for that kind of public speech.

Do not worry my dear woke bro, blizzard is so woke that if they ever see one of these people stating their opinion in game they’ll probably permanently silence them for having an opinion.

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What opinion though? Care to tell us?

wrong ones.
thats the opinions. wrong opinions.
but we must not silence there wrong opinion… just correct if possible.

Hate Speech is a Hoax.

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Not a right winger. Just a anti libtard.

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hitler preaching about the jews could be the level needed to be declared hate speech.
something to that height… can be called hatespeech. Something that was pure vile… hate.
impossible to correct.

I’m watching trade chat on ED alliance atm just to see. ED alliance at least has others that speak out against it when someone uses hate speech. Someone did use a slur and several others are like “enjoy your ban!”. That’s just a 10 min look, so it’s possible that I’m not getting a complete picture atm. Others not tolerating it is good, but the fact that it happens at all is a problem.

They won’t.

The number of people they’d have to hire for that incredibly boring job would cost them more than its worth.

Report, ignore, move on. Or move to a smaller server. Mine doesn’t have this problem.

People report opinions they disagree with at the drop of a hat, so I find it hard to believe that no one is dropping a dime on an overtly racist guild.


Blizzard firing the support staff will only make this worse. But sadly the only option is report and ignore, like no player will have power other than that, we can’t auto ban someone even if the evidence is in the logs right in your face.


So does Blizzard.

I’ve still got the letter in my mailbox.

Wow has always been the chosen mmo for white supremacists to hang out at. It’s really sad how the highlight of their lives is talking trash about people for who they are.


what you do is create an obnoxiously diverse pvp guild and war game them on twitch and give the proceeds to charity

it isnt hard to capitalize on someone or something you disagree with, stop asking authority to handle all your trivial problems