Unchecked Hate Speech on my Server

Yeap. This is the kinda stuff that gets you up that punishment volcano real quick and then tossed in.

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I am sure it happens in game as well. I see pretty hostile statements being made in general and trade on guys who Still have those channels open. I am sure they are being reported.

Alright let’s cut the BS and let me tell you all the truth of the situation as it is.

When the Silence system came out, it was Blizzard’s way of encouraging the community to police itself, that if the majority of people report someone, then they will get silenced from talking.

What happens is that as people don’t want to be censored themselves, it creates a situation where nobody reports anyone, and if people are having fights and throwing insults at each other, then nobody cares everyone just ignores it.

The ONLY time on my server that someone has ever been jumped on by a lot of people is when they used the N word for black people, people will stay out of personal fights between groups, but the large majority of people are united against things like blatant racism.

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No Lizelle, let me settle this gender debate once and for all.

The correct answer is there are 42. It is always 42.

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Hahaha comedy heaven 10/10

The bar for what qualifies as “hate speech” these days is set so low that it means nothing anymore.

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I think discriminating against people of difference race and talking about how bad they are counts

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I dont think racism sexism and anti trans rhetoric is that low of a bar.

let me give you a example of american hatespeech imo…
president andrew jackson… or christopher Columbus. in terms of andrew jackson he led the trail of tears and christopher columbus who slaughtered coast to coast without any provoke.
someone calling names… heck even burning crosses aint hate speech… ethnic cleansing and truly vile words become hate speech.

Im on ED and I never see anything remotely close to ban worthy behavior in any chat channels. Fraud

How so? Blizz wouldn’t stand for any shenanigans with guild names but if you’re just making an assumption then :man_shrugging:

How do you know? This wouldn’t be hearsay would it?

If people are saying things that are reportable then report them :man_shrugging:
If enough people in chat have a problem with what they are saying then they’ll get squelched until Blizz staff looks into it.
If what they are saying isn’t bothering enough people to get squelched then well :man_shrugging: that’s your server for you.

If you want to avoid racist chat I would avoid the internet.

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Uh… ethnic cleansing is kind of several steps ahead of “hate speech”, thats full on genocide

Speech, its talking, thats why its called Hate Speech and not Hate Murder

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Oh grow up. When your argument boils down to “I’m the thought police and I know they are racists at heart!” You are acting like a child who understands nothing of the world.

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racism and sexism sure. “transphobia” eh…what even is transphobia these days anyway. could be anything.