Unchecked Hate Speech on my Server

Edit: Its interresting to see the varying opinions on this, its either met with similar experience and relatability, a bigger push for censorship or people crying about censorship, te same people who dare not say what their true opinion is on their topic, and calling first amendment to push their hateful narrative, please, if you have a hateful narrative, push it forward here you coward.

I can’t tell if this is exclusive to my server, but since somewhere at the end of WoD, a PvP guild established themselves as being white supremacist, and kicking anyone who they learned was hispanic/black with hardcore racist speech and rhetoric.

This is an issue EDers kind of got used to and ignored, most decent people on my server simply disable trade chat and stay away from the main perpetrators.

However in the past 2 years I would say, this behavior has become much more widespread, and attracted a whole different kind of toxicity to the server. Nowadays, trade chat is 24/7 people “Owning the libs” and screaming how transgender people are mentally ill, that sort of lovely talk.

I wouldn’t really care most times, but it has literally come to the point where I have to explain my server choice everytime I bring a friend in, coupled with some of my african american/latino friends being called the N-word and told things that I dare not repeat here in whispers and discord texts.

The report system is a bit redundant, since people rarely use it and its automated, I can’t tell if anything that can be done to solve something like that, at the end of the day I just want to play with my friends without the occasional racist/transphobic whispers and trade chat.

I can’t post screenshots or expose names due to Forum TOS, so you have to take my word for it.



All you can do. Report and /ignore.

Blizzard isn’t going to monitor your chat for you.


No I’m not goign to take your word for it, report it and move on… if enough people report them they’ll get punished.


Somehow I am doubting that a guild like this exists out in the open. Especially for an extended period of time.


People saying racial slurs, report, and ignore.

People talking smack with politics is normal. Having different opinions is normal. But not really against the rules.


I’ve said for years Emerald Dream is a cesspool

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Seriously, I picture people like you sitting in Trade chat 6 hours a day, scrolling through, looking for someone to say something offensive, so you can immediately throw “In the Arms of an Angel” on and start crying.

Report the jerk and move on with your life.


I used to think RPers were crybabies back in then day for leaving to WRA, but everyday I understand a bit more.

Ah so you ARE just trolling, C’mon at least wait until sunday for that.

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Do you know what happens when you get offended?


Now be an adult, ignore it, and move on.


As for the guild, most of this is probably happening on Discord. If this is real, Discord takes stuff like that very seriously. Report it to them, they’ll probably shut down the discord if the level of racism is as high as you claim and the people doing it will also be banned most likely.


yea dude just ignore em.
this is the internet… anonymity allows edginess. Sorry you had to see weird toxcicity

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A slow trickle of stress that eventually calcifies your brain and simulates a stream of flight or fight reactions?

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Right but I expect this from stuff like reddit or 4Chan right? You dont get stuff like that from literally any other MMO.

Before I left that server, there was/(still is?) a dude on borean tundra who would spout the most horrible race rhetoric in trade chat and never got more than a temp chat ban. Like, we’re talking legitimately calling for violence/murder against others. It’s always been bad.

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That’s a good way to encourage hatred to spread


I don’t consider it hateful, but you do. So does that mean it’s hateful or not? The problem is, it’s subjective, and no one has put forth a suggestion that fixes the issue without suppressing others. So until then, ignore it and move on.

These days most of Reddit isn’t even like that. Subreddits that get ugly are increasingly getting banned.

More on topic though, I dunno why it’s so hard for people to just be pleasant in-game. Like what kind of sad sack basementlord makes upsetting others part of their regular gameplay?


You don’t consider it hateful to be racist and spout racial supremacy?

That’s an interesting stand to take


Like what kind of sad sack basementlord makes upsetting others part of their regular gameplay?

When was the last time you took a look at twitter?