Unchecked Hate Speech on my Server

A lot of these main perpetrators are often chat banned which is cool, but they use this to martyr themselves and bolster their followers to do the same, which is honestly really cringe.

Thats why their racist/transphobic attacks are mostly done in whispers now too, though they tempt the devil 24/7 in trade chat.

So if I don’t agree with what the OP says is hatespeech then I don’t agree with hatespeech? That’s quite implicative.

You’re being quite oppressive.

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Were they having a discussion about this? Because it is a very interesting point of discussion. The majority of Trans have Gender Dysphoria. A personality disorder, the confusion happens because the lines between a mental illness and a personality disorder are extremely blurred. Plenty of people with PsyD’s have had discussions on the topic and there is in many cases not the soundest of agreements. When it comes down to it though, the main consensus is that a mental illness is way worse than a personality disorder. A mental illness may effect your life in extreme ways. Things like Schizophrenia that can be extreme detriments to your daily life are examples of such. While personality disorders are still a big deal they don’t effect the person as much as how extreme an actual mental illness can be. Personally I agree with the assessment that Gender Dysphoria is a personality disorder and not a mental illness. But some may disagree, it’s a topic that is worth discussing.


Those were two examples, and Ive been told Reddit doesnt tolerate that anymore, which kind of validates my point.

Yea, people saying how much they hate other people because of their race is hate speech, because they hate them for no good reason

That’s why its called hate speech

You can keep trying to play the victim though, its not working but go for it

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they should, the chat is disgusting.

Yes, gender dysphoria is the main cause of transgenderism, but its said paired with stuff like “X genital means youre a X you X degenerate, server xfer like the rest of the X people loser”. You know the deal. Its never brought up for positive conversation lets just say.

You’re in a game where people get genuinely upset at the other faction. They’re already primed from a weird place of hate.

Its like sports rivalries when people actually start fighting. Take it down a notch, jeez dudes.

LMAO trueee

Is this true for both alliance and horde on ED? I see that you are horde, but I also remember some players changing factions to keep the server balanced during my time there.

I started on ED alliance in early Cata and left partway through MoP. I didn’t see any of the problematic language on ED alliance during my time there, but things can definitely change in the 7+ years after I left.

im just saying… when you have annonymite + chat room = garenteed bad vibes.
best to ignore it

Ive never really interacted with anyone on ED alliance I couldnt really tell you, but its alive and thriving on Horde.

Horde ED is literally invaded by future school shooters. Thank god for Covid for making them dodge that bullet literally.

Nah more fun to call people out on that stuff

Make them explain their racism, watch how they either quickly shift subjects or get flustered

Especially when people make offensive jokes, ask them to explain it to you and watch how uncomfortable they get


Most of the time they disguise their hate speech as “trolling” to escape confrontation, because they are cowards.

“Haha get trolled bro”

They say as their rage tears stream down their face

Yikes. That’s scary. I was thinking of leveling a toon on ED alliance with warmode off due to nostalgia because I enjoyed the ED alliance community back in the day. It sounds like it’s possible that has changed and the community could be drastically worse.

sure have fun with that… its wasted effort in fixing what there parents failed years ago… with a .01% chance of sucsess.
if you got spair time like that…

You’re upset by trolling in trade chat and then decide to describe other players like that?

My troll meter just got a blip.


If someone gets continually called out for being a jag off, there’s really only 3 outcomes

  1. They stop bringing it up
  2. They actually realize that its wrong and fix themselves (the best and rarest solution)
  3. They get mad and go somewhere else, until they run out of places that tolerate them

So yea, Ill keep making people feeling awkward by making them explain stuff, just in case it actually helps

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