Unbridled Storm Lord no Longer Spawning

I have seen Storm up a few times and I did manage to complete the BOA item and I had enough for 2 more that I couldn’t give away. RNG does suck at times, hopefully Storm will pop up at least one more for those of you still trying for it.

I just checked, my server is showing earth, fire, and water presently in Badlands, Barrens, and Un’Goro respectively and there’s a bit over 2 hours left before it changes.

Edit wrong character, I checked retail Ravenholdt server.

As the OP said, the storm lord has stopped spawning for days. We know it was available earlier in the event, but aside from a midnight showing a couple days ago, it hasn’t appeared on any server in half a week or more.

Assuming every element has an equal shot of appearing, the odds of that happening for 3 days on this cycle is roughly 0.0000002%. While yes, definitely possible… it is totally counter to human intuition or good design. And it’s negatively affecting a ton of people, so it needs to be addressed.


This is the new and improved Blizzard.

Thanks Ethanuk and Aurinaux! I didn’t realize the spawns are the same across all realms
:(. (Crixxa - old toon)

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Still no Unbridled Storm

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I only started this event today, which is certainly my mistake, but going virtually an entire day’s waking hours without spawning Storm feels too gross to just accept RNG as RNG.

I haven’t seen Storm for the past four resets. Assuming each storm location has an equal chance of spawning one of the four elements, the chance of not seeing Storm after four resets is 3%.

I’m all for this game having RNG, but for a time-limited event where players are definitely going to try to do some last-minute farming, the result is a painful, slow-burn waiting yet another three hours to find out if you’ll miss out on an heirloom. Feels like I’ve already applied a reasonable amount of effort for the reward only to not even receive it.

I’ll probably wait to see the fifth reset, but I already just feel bad about this event.


Try going about 1,500 runs just to get HH mount.

Been camping for him for the past two days. Not a single spawn. F


Now imagine you did 1,500 runs to try to get the HH mount, but the HH mount has a drop chance of 25% instead of a 0.5% chance.

And if you don’t get it within the next 3 hours, then you’ll never get it. The chances of that happening are 0.4 x 10^(-188)% but RNG is RNG.

Now imagine everyone tried to get the HH mount on the very last day of the holiday. And no one got it despite its 25% drop chance. Supposedly literally tens of thousands of attempts at this 25% chance without a single mount appearing at all. Still RNG.

Yeah… feels kind of gross.


The only acceptable fixes due to the removal of the 4th node due to glitches, is to allow the continued farming of Dimmed Primeval Air and extend the cutoff in order to create the heirloom or offer the heirloom at the heirloom vendor for some type of currency.


^ or change the hierloom to require any 3 of the 4 Dimmed Primeval items instead of requiring all 4.


And do the same for the Achievement too then :frowning:


what sucks is even if it spawns you aren’t promised a drop either which is even grosser after waiting so long for it to even spawn.


Nothing this morning still the same 3.


I don’t hold out hope they will do anything or even care.

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Well this about sucks. Since i can’t live here, I can’t be here in case this thing could have spawned sometime in a 24 hour period. I have given up hope of getting the trinket but getting the feat of strength would have been nice.

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No dice on the 4am ET spawn either. C’mon, Blizz, this is just pathetic, and does not bode well for the upcoming xpac.

Well… so much for that. I really wanted the trinket but… it’s not happening it looks like. How typical.

3 hours cycle just happened. Water, earth, and fire are up on Ravenholdt. No air.


As of 11/27/22 through 11/28/22 i have watched for 12 hours now and not once has the storm lord appeared on Stormreaver. This is a huge problem and needs to be addressed.