Unbridled Storm Lord no Longer Spawning

Same here. Have been checking for the past 3 days, and haven’t seen Storm Lord once. Got plenty of the other 3. This doesn’t seem random at all.


Really looking forward to an official response


Ive waited for over a week and so has my husband on his account. Were online almost 24/7 and we havent seen it! When will blizz do something about this?


Can confirm, no storms spawning (or spawning at a drastically low rate compared to the others).

Maybe the other 3 items could be altered to turn into the trinket without the storm piece? Is the event going to last any longer or is everyone just out of luck because of the bad spawn mechanics?


and again, 1am no storm spawn.


last round before midnight west coast and only fire, earth, and water. Same as it’s been all day


This is annoying… I stayed on all day today trying to get the Storm one for the achievement and in 4 consecutive resets, there is no Storm… I need to go to bed for work tomorrow nd I will not be able to get this achievement because of… bad design? Ridiculous…


Been checking all day no storm :frowning:


Nothing all day Turalyon. Just checked again at 1AM on my 60 Warlock.


Yep, definitely no storm. Bummer, maybe they’ll fix it and extend the time, give one to people or let us buy one from an NPC.

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Blizz is notoriously bad at not doing a damn thing when it comes to fomo and stuff breaking. They do not care.

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Suuuper unfair for anyone who wasn’t awake at like 1-4 AM. Waited during my free time the last several days and not a single storm event. Just earth fire and water.

Stayed up for nothing because of bad design choices.


Proudmoore hasn’t seen an air primal in 3 days either according to guildies. I waited from 8 AM to 10PM (now) and no air primal spawn.


I clearly messed up waiting until the last day to get it. Didn’t realize it was a random RNG BS rotation like the weekly world quests with Necrolords and the Stitch factory.


This is incredibly frustrating. None of the servers have any variation so there’s no server hopping to try and access a spawn somewhere else.

When the design switched from having one element specific to each of four zones to having only three zones, the elements should have been put on a cycle instead of RNG specifically because this could happen.

I am so mad I’ve wasted so much time this week logging in and checking for that air invasion every couple of hours and that I will have nothing to show for it. My time is up, I can’t stick around for the last couple spawns that might have something because I have work. The three parts I farmed are totally useless. What BS.


Last chance for Storm before I go to bed. Looks like I just won’t get it. Thanks, Blizz! I appreciate the care and attention you show to the players.


Yup, been trying the last few days to finish this. Thanks Blizz for making it possible for your customers who have spent so much money over the years to get a simple heirloom. Oh wait, never mind, You didn’t.


Still not up on Zul’jin, either. One more chance to look before servers probably go down. Hoping that they either extend the event for those of us that have had the unfortunate circumstance of not being able to get it spawn/not being around the ONE time it did spawn.

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Don’t waste your time on LFG. The spawns are the same for every server in the Americas, Asia, and Oceania


What server you’re on doesn’t matter. It’s the same on all servers. We’re all looking for Storm because Storm hasn’t spawned anywhere.