Unable To Withdraw Gold From Guild Bank

I’m a solo player with many alts and have my own guild. My characters are unable to withdraw gold from the guild bank, including my GM. Being unable to withdraw gold happened after TWW pre-patch on July 23rd.


Yup - same story Here. Posted about this days ago, and the issue has not been acknowledged at all as far as i know, until a few minutes ago in an open ticket i have with Blizz.

IMO, pretty ridiculous, as they denied it being an issue completely at first, until i made a live video of it happening (of which they didnt even view) as their very next repsonse was “this is a known issue…”

Because all of my play time at the moment is based around skilling up, i need my gold, hence, game has been unplayable for … well . its past midnight… day 5 now. heh. fun times.


Well, it’s an issue alright! I’ve now resorted to moving gold around between my characters. I have over 3 million gold in my guild bank too! I was going to use some of my saved gold to open 3 out of 5 warband bank tabs and welp we all know the warband bank isn’t working either.


Bumpies. I’m finding more posts about guild banks.

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I’m having the same problem.

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I am experiencing the same problem. I have tried to withdraw gold from my guild bank on various characters and it won’t let me sadly.

I am having the same issue with ALL of my characters. The only difference is that it’s not just me. I am the Leader of Kincado’s Legacy (a guild named after our friend who passed away-he was a major wow nerd) so all of my friends and family are in the guild so I know its not just my account that’s bugged.

@Blizzard PLEASE fix this!

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It let me move some gold yesterday from my guild bank and now none can be touched. :frowning:

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I believe the cap is determined by what gold you have on hand. I explain my theory a bit more here:


Can also confirm. Also have my own guild just for my alts. None of my characters can withdraw any gold at all, which sucks because that’s where I kept all my gold, and that’s what I’d need to buy the new Warbank Bank tabs, now that it’s been re-enabled…

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it would be a bit of BS if this is infact the case. ive been pouring all my gold into my guild bank so its out of sight and out of mind. i dont typically keep anything more than about 500g on my main and less than 50 on my alts. The other issue I have noticed is when i went to withdraw my gold from my bank, there is a double entry in the money log, the gold is still there in the guild bank, but nothing has landed on my character :confused:


Don’t try!

I just lost 100k from my personal guild bank. The withdraw didn’t show for 5 minutes from the guild bank, and then the gold disappeared. It did NOT reach my character.

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I wouldn’t worry about the money log, but yeah, I’m the same when it comes to my bank. None of my characters have more than 1000 on them at any time. And every 5000 gold my bank toon gets goes right into the bank. So I get it – it’s hard for those of us who (wisely) sock it away. I’m sure it’ll be fixed soon enough. It’s not fixed yet, though, which is a shame.

Maybe try to do some dragon racing to get a few thousand on you – that’s what I did to get my first Warband Bank tab.

wtf is this issue, same f problem here

I found an article where blizz acknowledges this issue and they’re working on it.


I’m glad Blizz has addressed the issue of being unable to withdraw gold from the guild bank.

However, there is no fix right now, which I’m disappointed by. Being a solo player with many max level alts that I play all the while over 3 million gold stuck in my giuld bank.

0 updates.


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I just realized that I can’t even access or view guild banks since the prepatch. Which… Is kind of a bummer.

I didn’t even realize the things were bugged until a friend decided to quit today and pass over his guild to one of my alts, and even after being promoted to the rank of GM (though guild ownership couldn’t be transfered) I couldn’t even access it. Weird.

Your theory is correct. I test this on 6 characters then sent all that gold to one character until I withdrew 3.5 million. I had to log off between each transaction. A /reload would not work. Good job.


Kurnlar was right it is tied to your gold on your bag. Now let’s fix it blizz

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