Can not withdraw gold from guild bank

Can we get confirmation this is a known issue being worked on? A response from a Blue would be appropriate considering this is a issue that some people might be uncomfortable bringing attention to.


I cant withdraw things from the guild bank too.

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This is still a bug about 4 days later. Just submitted a ticket for it. Its so annoying.


Yeah I hope they know, I submitted a ticket but I know there’s probably a whole bunch of others they are working on too. Very frustrating. All my gold bar 1k on each toon is in my guild bank DX

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I’m having this issue as well.
I tried 100g. Didn’t work.

Then I tried 10. Worked. 15. Worked. 20, didn’t.
Tried 10 again. Then 5, then 1?

I’m not sure if there’s some invisible, arbitrary cap, but I’m the guild leader so there shouldn’t be any cap at all.


I think the issue is that you cannot withdraw more than you have on-hand. So if you have 100g on you, I don’t think you can withdraw 101g from your bank. Similarly, if you have 10,000g on you, I don’t think you can withdraw more than that amount.

Hoping it gets fixed in maintenance on Tuesday, but it feels as though this is just the source (the bank) being mistaken for the destination (your on-hand gold).


Before the Pally posted the method of depositing 1g to be able to withdraw 500g or 1000g I was on my bank and another toon and 1k gold was the max I could take out. Yesterday however I just decided to test a 10k withdraw and it was a 1 off so I don’t know the full parameters. I just hope the actually fix this for tuesday maintenance I really don’t care about the Warband bank just fix my gold withdraw and the reagent bank sort all function do that and I will be a happy chappy.

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What is working for me, flawlessly, is to draw based on the amount of gold you have on said character and logout/login. Say you have 10.000 on you: withdraw 10.000 then logout. Login and you should be able to withdraw 20.000 now. Rinse and repeat. The amount you can withdraw will naturally increase.


This worked for me. Annoying, but it worked.

What works for me after testing this a lot this morning (been very frustrated by this bug) is to use a macro to withdraw gold with one button press. If the macro appears to stop working, deposit 1g or 10g and then try again. I started with a 1k gold macro and then slowly increased it to test at 2k, 3k, and now appears to work for 10k withdrawals as well - but seems to require a deposit of (any?) amount if it “gets stuck”. Macro I used is just the simple withdraw function:

/run WithdrawGuildBankMoney(10000000);

(I believe this one is 1k - it’s in copper for the # of zeros) - so far have been able to withdraw 250k in one sitting with testing in just a minute or two! Shout out to my guild buddy who pointed me to this thread.

I didn’t have to have 250k on the character before being able to withdraw, when I started testing I had 10k on him. Someone else give a try and I hope it works for you too!


this worked for me, hope this gets a fix soon.
hyper annoying.

I tried this and it worked. Went on toon with highest gold on them then withdrew from guild bank. Logged out and back in then withdrew the new amount on toon. Annoying but a good bypass for now XD Thank you!

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They STILL haven’t fixed this. C’mon. Really?

What is going on with Guild Banks and withdrawing gold???

Come on blizzard this is such basic functionality to not work is ridiculous

I can withdraw gold on my GUILD MASTER toon but not on other toons??

I can’t even withdraw as a GM only very small increments that aren’t even consistant.


This procedure worked for me.

I cant use the guild bank, even with permission!!


Still busted here. Did the deposit 1g and with draw 5k over and over and redeposited a gold when it would stop working. Did this to buy my 3 tabs

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I am guildmaster of my guild bank and cannot even withdraw 200k to buy tabs for Warbank! BLIZZ please fix this now!


I’ve not been able to take gold out since the 23rd, I’ve tried various increments and nothing the withdraw shows in the money log but the guild bank doesn’t go down for available Gold and nothings on my character (and I’m the Guild master).

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