Unable To Withdraw Gold From Guild Bank

Just Happened to me so I went to the forums, come on players have told you this for over a week blizz!

If you’re in need of your gold before a proper fix - don’t pass on Kurnlar’s advice above - it works!

I could match the gold in my bag for withdraw from my guild vault. So if you have 1,000g in your bag, you can withdraw 1000g - then you’ll have 2k and be able to withdraw 2k, then you’ll have 4k and be able to withdraw 4k - and so on… but as Dhoadm said, I did have the log off and back in between each transaction.

Definitely a huge hassle, but just wanting to verify this method did work for me just in case anyone out there is in true need of the gold from their guild bank vault.

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I am nothing if not a stubborn altoholic, so I’m going to bounce through all the realms and donate to setting this up because FTN.

I believe you’re right. It let me take gold out, 5000 at a time. Then it stopped after 4 X. Most of my alts don’t have gold. I always placed what they had in the bank. Lesson learned. Now have to wait on blizzard to fix it.

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Same problem. 2 guilds dedicated to the auction of which my charts with crafting professions done. I have millions and I can’t get gold. It seems like the banks in my country, which from time to time keep our money. A nightmare of reality transported to fantasy.
I feel like the nouveau riche who walks around with all his money in his pockets.

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Right! Still can’t withdraw the amounts I want.

Blizz, please fix this issue! It’ll be a challenge for a lot players working on crafting professions, players submitting work orders and costs associated, setting up warband tabs and the auction hall, all of which cost gold.

7 Days ago thank you Lodis

We have received several reports of this issue and can confirm it is not working as intended. Currently, we do not have a workaround or resolution that can be provided. We apologize for any inconvenience while our developers work as quickly as possible to resolve the issue.

If you discover a new issue, please submit a new [Bug report]
Note: Bugs submitted in-game do not receive a personal response. Instead, they’ll be directed to the teams responsible for addressing them

I found that you do not really need to log out.
Just take money, take an item (I took a health potion), take more money, another potion… on and on

Youi can return the potion afterwards.

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I cannot remove gold from my guild banks using the guild masters with full permissions. I will wait until it is fixed and don’t need the work around to do so.

I don’t think the war banks are working properly either for some people so will wait
until their issues are fixed as well.

Leveling alts to 70 is more important with the limited time until expansion drops

Here to bump thread as I’ve got this bug too. :frowning:

I also have the bug. I went to withdrawal money from guild bank to by a wow token cause my time ends tomm. And I cant withdrawal anything over 2k, and it stops after 3 times.

Add 1 copper then remove more gold

Here to bump, same thing.

lol I feel like I’m in a bank in a country without laws, with scams on customers.
The guild bank thing is terrible.
The worst of all? It happened in my country, and for me it is a revival of horrible times.

Can withdraw 1000g in a few lots… then it’s time-gated as well. Isn’t it just a matter of finding the code and adding back some 0s? idk…
Edit: I’ve slowly been able to increase it to 10k lots and now I’m at 100k lots… this is so stupid…

Updated - 8-13-2024 -

Yep! This remains unresolved. Send in a support ticket as I did. I just sent in a support ticket for this bug issue. This should NOT be happening in the game at all, especially for a game we pay for and support. This is just wrong and unacceptable for this to be unresolved for this long!! -

Let’s hope Blizzard fixes this issue soon! - JJ -

  • 8-13-2024 - -

I can deal with most bug issues in any game, but preventing players from accessing and withdrawing their own gold from the Guild Bank is just outrageous and wrong, especially for a game we all pay for! And since last month we have not been able to access and withdraw our own gold! This is totally messed up!

Blizzard Management and Devs needs to address and fix this major bug issue ASAP! This BS BUG is NOT acceptable! - JJ -

Something I read about that works for me - you can withdraw gold but only as much as you have on your character AND you have to deposit a little to keep it going.

So I had 100g on a character.

I withdrew 100g
deposited 1 copper
Now I have 200g . So I withdrew 200g.
deposited 1 copper
Now I have 400g. So I withdrew 400g.
deposited 1 copper
and so on.

This worked for me, at least.

THANK YOU!!! This saved me sooooo much time. I was able to get all my gold out of the guild bank. For now I’m just gonna hold onto it until the people at Blizzard do their job.